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1# flake8: noqa
2import numpy as np
3from numpy import linalg
5from ase import units
7# Three variables extracted from what used to be endless repetitions below.
8Ax = np.array([[1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
9 [0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
10 [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0],
11 [0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
12 [0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
13 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1]])
14Bx = np.array([[1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0],
15 [0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0],
16 [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1]])
17Mx = Bx
20class Morse:
21 def __init__(self, atomi, atomj, D, alpha, r0):
22 self.atomi = atomi
23 self.atomj = atomj
24 self.D = D
25 self.alpha = alpha
26 self.r0 = r0
27 self.r = None
30class Bond:
31 def __init__(self, atomi, atomj, k, b0,
32 alpha=None, rref=None):
33 self.atomi = atomi
34 self.atomj = atomj
35 self.k = k
36 self.b0 = b0
37 self.alpha = alpha
38 self.rref = rref
39 self.b = None
42class Angle:
43 def __init__(self, atomi, atomj, atomk, k, a0, cos=False,
44 alpha=None, rref=None):
45 self.atomi = atomi
46 self.atomj = atomj
47 self.atomk = atomk
48 self.k = k
49 self.a0 = a0
50 self.cos = cos
51 self.alpha = alpha
52 self.rref = rref
53 self.a = None
56class Dihedral:
57 def __init__(self, atomi, atomj, atomk, atoml, k, d0=None, n=None,
58 alpha=None, rref=None):
59 self.atomi = atomi
60 self.atomj = atomj
61 self.atomk = atomk
62 self.atoml = atoml
63 self.k = k
64 self.d0 = d0
65 self.n = n
66 self.alpha = alpha
67 self.rref = rref
68 self.d = None
71class VdW:
72 def __init__(self, atomi, atomj, epsilonij=None, sigmaij=None, rminij=None,
73 Aij=None, Bij=None, epsiloni=None, epsilonj=None,
74 sigmai=None, sigmaj=None, rmini=None, rminj=None, scale=1.0):
75 self.atomi = atomi
76 self.atomj = atomj
77 if epsilonij is not None:
78 if sigmaij is not None:
79 self.Aij = scale * 4.0 * epsilonij * sigmaij**12
80 self.Bij = scale * 4.0 * epsilonij * sigmaij**6
81 elif rminij is not None:
82 self.Aij = scale * epsilonij * rminij**12
83 self.Bij = scale * 2.0 * epsilonij * rminij**6
84 else:
85 raise NotImplementedError("not implemented combination"
86 "of vdW parameters.")
87 elif Aij is not None and Bij is not None:
88 self.Aij = scale * Aij
89 self.Bij = scale * Bij
90 elif epsiloni is not None and epsilonj is not None:
91 if sigmai is not None and sigmaj is not None:
92 self.Aij = (scale * 4.0 * np.sqrt(epsiloni * epsilonj)
93 * ((sigmai + sigmaj) / 2.0)**12)
94 self.Bij = (scale * 4.0 * np.sqrt(epsiloni * epsilonj)
95 * ((sigmai + sigmaj) / 2.0)**6)
96 elif rmini is not None and rminj is not None:
97 self.Aij = (scale * np.sqrt(epsiloni * epsilonj)
98 * ((rmini + rminj) / 2.0)**12)
99 self.Bij = (scale * 2.0 * np.sqrt(epsiloni * epsilonj)
100 * ((rmini + rminj) / 2.0)**6)
101 else:
102 raise NotImplementedError("not implemented combination"
103 "of vdW parameters.")
104 self.r = None
107class Coulomb:
108 def __init__(self, atomi, atomj, chargeij=None,
109 chargei=None, chargej=None, scale=1.0):
110 self.atomi = atomi
111 self.atomj = atomj
112 if chargeij is not None:
113 self.chargeij = (scale * chargeij * 8.9875517873681764e9
114 * units.m * units.J / units.C / units.C)
115 elif chargei is not None and chargej is not None:
116 self.chargeij = (scale * chargei * chargej * 8.9875517873681764e9
117 * units.m * units.J / units.C / units.C)
118 else:
119 raise NotImplementedError("not implemented combination"
120 "of Coulomb parameters.")
121 self.r = None
124def get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morse):
125 i = morse.atomi
126 j = morse.atomj
128 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
129 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
131 if dij > morse.r0:
132 exp = np.exp(-morse.alpha * (dij - morse.r0))
133 eta = 1.0 - (1.0 - exp)**2
134 else:
135 eta = 1.0
137 return eta
140def get_morse_potential_value(atoms, morse):
141 i = morse.atomi
142 j = morse.atomj
144 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
145 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
147 exp = np.exp(-morse.alpha * (dij - morse.r0))
149 v = morse.D * (1.0 - exp)**2
151 morse.r = dij
153 return i, j, v
156def get_morse_potential_gradient(atoms, morse):
157 i = morse.atomi
158 j = morse.atomj
160 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
161 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
162 eij = rij / dij
164 exp = np.exp(-morse.alpha * (dij - morse.r0))
166 gr = 2.0 * morse.D * morse.alpha * exp * (1.0 - exp) * eij
168 gx =, gr)
170 morse.r = dij
172 return i, j, gx
175def get_morse_potential_hessian(atoms, morse, spectral=False):
176 i = morse.atomi
177 j = morse.atomj
179 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
180 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
181 eij = rij / dij
183 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
184 Qij = np.eye(3) - Pij
186 exp = np.exp(-morse.alpha * (dij - morse.r0))
188 Hr = (2.0 * morse.D * morse.alpha * exp * (morse.alpha * (2.0 * exp - 1.0) * Pij
189 + (1.0 - exp) / dij * Qij))
191 Hx =,, Mx))
193 if spectral:
194 eigvals, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(Hx)
195 D = np.diag(np.abs(eigvals))
196 U = eigvecs
197 Hx =,, np.transpose(U)))
199 morse.r = dij
201 return i, j, Hx
204def get_morse_potential_reduced_hessian(atoms, morse):
205 i = morse.atomi
206 j = morse.atomj
208 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
209 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
210 eij = rij / dij
212 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
214 exp = np.exp(-morse.alpha * (dij - morse.r0))
216 Hr = np.abs(2.0 * morse.D * morse.alpha**2 * exp * (2.0 * exp - 1.0)) * Pij
218 Hx =,, Mx))
220 morse.r = dij
222 return i, j, Hx
225def get_bond_potential_value(atoms, bond):
226 i = bond.atomi
227 j = bond.atomj
229 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
230 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
232 v = 0.5 * bond.k * (dij - bond.b0)**2
234 bond.b = dij
236 return i, j, v
239def get_bond_potential_gradient(atoms, bond):
240 i = bond.atomi
241 j = bond.atomj
243 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
244 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
245 eij = rij / dij
247 gr = bond.k * (dij - bond.b0) * eij
249 gx =, gr)
251 bond.b = dij
253 return i, j, gx
256def get_bond_potential_hessian(atoms, bond, morses=None, spectral=False):
257 i = bond.atomi
258 j = bond.atomj
260 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
261 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
262 eij = rij / dij
264 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
265 Qij = np.eye(3) - Pij
267 Hr = bond.k * Pij + bond.k * (dij - bond.b0) / dij * Qij
269 if bond.alpha is not None:
270 Hr *= np.exp(bond.alpha[0] * (bond.rref[0]**2 - dij**2))
272 if morses is not None:
273 for m in range(len(morses)):
274 if (morses[m].atomi == i or
275 morses[m].atomi == j):
276 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
277 elif (morses[m].atomj == i or
278 morses[m].atomj == j):
279 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
281 Hx =,, Bx))
283 if spectral:
284 eigvals, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(Hx)
285 D = np.diag(np.abs(eigvals))
286 U = eigvecs
287 Hx =,, np.transpose(U)))
289 bond.b = dij
291 return i, j, Hx
294def get_bond_potential_reduced_hessian(atoms, bond, morses=None):
295 i = bond.atomi
296 j = bond.atomj
298 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
299 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
300 eij = rij / dij
302 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
304 Hr = bond.k * Pij
306 if bond.alpha is not None:
307 Hr *= np.exp(bond.alpha[0] * (bond.rref[0]**2 - dij**2))
309 if morses is not None:
310 for m in range(len(morses)):
311 if (morses[m].atomi == i or
312 morses[m].atomi == j):
313 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
314 elif (morses[m].atomj == i or
315 morses[m].atomj == j):
316 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
318 Hx =,, Bx))
320 bond.b = dij
322 return i, j, Hx
325def get_bond_potential_reduced_hessian_test(atoms, bond):
327 i, j, v = get_bond_potential_value(atoms, bond)
328 i, j, gx = get_bond_potential_gradient(atoms, bond)
330 Hx = np.tensordot(gx, gx, axes=0) / v / 2.0
332 return i, j, Hx
335def get_angle_potential_value(atoms, angle):
337 i = angle.atomi
338 j = angle.atomj
339 k = angle.atomk
341 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
342 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
343 eij = rij / dij
344 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
345 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
346 ekj = rkj / dkj
347 eijekj =, ekj)
348 if np.abs(eijekj) > 1.0:
349 eijekj = np.sign(eijekj)
351 a = np.arccos(eijekj)
353 if angle.cos:
354 da = np.cos(a) - np.cos(angle.a0)
355 else:
356 da = a - angle.a0
357 da = da - np.around(da / np.pi) * np.pi
359 v = 0.5 * angle.k * da**2
361 angle.a = a
363 return i, j, k, v
366def get_angle_potential_gradient(atoms, angle):
367 i = angle.atomi
368 j = angle.atomj
369 k = angle.atomk
371 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
372 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
373 eij = rij / dij
374 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
375 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
376 ekj = rkj / dkj
377 eijekj =, ekj)
378 if np.abs(eijekj) > 1.0:
379 eijekj = np.sign(eijekj)
381 a = np.arccos(eijekj)
382 if angle.cos:
383 da = np.cos(a) - np.cos(angle.a0)
384 else:
385 da = a - angle.a0
386 da = da - np.around(da / np.pi) * np.pi
387 sina = np.sin(a)
389 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
390 Qij = np.eye(3) - Pij
391 Pkj = np.tensordot(ekj, ekj, axes=0)
392 Qkj = np.eye(3) - Pkj
394 gr = np.zeros(6)
395 if angle.cos:
396 gr[0:3] = angle.k * da / dij *, ekj)
397 gr[3:6] = angle.k * da / dkj *, eij)
398 elif np.abs(sina) > 0.001:
399 gr[0:3] = -angle.k * da / sina / dij *, ekj)
400 gr[3:6] = -angle.k * da / sina / dkj *, eij)
402 gx =, gr)
404 angle.a = a
406 return i, j, k, gx
409def get_angle_potential_hessian(atoms, angle, morses=None, spectral=False):
410 i = angle.atomi
411 j = angle.atomj
412 k = angle.atomk
414 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
415 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
416 dij2 = dij * dij
417 eij = rij / dij
418 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
419 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
420 dkj2 = dkj * dkj
421 ekj = rkj / dkj
422 dijdkj = dij * dkj
423 eijekj =, ekj)
424 if np.abs(eijekj) > 1.0:
425 eijekj = np.sign(eijekj)
427 a = np.arccos(eijekj)
428 if angle.cos:
429 da = np.cos(a) - np.cos(angle.a0)
430 cosa0 = np.cos(angle.a0)
431 else:
432 da = a - angle.a0
433 da = da - np.around(da / np.pi) * np.pi
434 sina = np.sin(a)
435 cosa = np.cos(a)
436 ctga = cosa / sina
438 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
439 Qij = np.eye(3) - Pij
440 Pkj = np.tensordot(ekj, ekj, axes=0)
441 Qkj = np.eye(3) - Pkj
442 Pik = np.tensordot(eij, ekj, axes=0)
443 Pki = np.tensordot(ekj, eij, axes=0)
444 P = np.eye(3) * eijekj
446 QijPkjQij =,, Qij))
447 QijPkiQkj =,, Qkj))
448 QkjPijQkj =,, Qkj))
450 Hr = np.zeros((6, 6))
451 if angle.cos and np.abs(sina) > 0.001:
452 factor = 1.0 - 2.0 * cosa * cosa + cosa * cosa0
453 Hr[0:3, 0:3] = (angle.k * (factor * QijPkjQij / sina
454 - sina * da * (-ctga * QijPkjQij / sina +, Pki)
455 -, Pki) * 2.0 + (Pik + P))) / sina / dij2)
456 Hr[0:3, 3:6] = (angle.k * (factor * QijPkiQkj / sina
457 - sina * da * (-ctga * QijPkiQkj / sina
458 -, Qkj))) / sina / dijdkj)
459 Hr[3:6, 0:3] = Hr[0:3, 3:6].T
460 Hr[3:6, 3:6] = (angle.k * (factor * QkjPijQkj / sina
461 - sina * da * (-ctga * QkjPijQkj / sina
462 +, Pik) -
463, Pik)
464 * 2.0 + (Pki + P))) / sina / dkj2)
465 elif np.abs(sina) > 0.001:
466 Hr[0:3, 0:3] = (angle.k * (QijPkjQij / sina
467 + da * (-ctga * QijPkjQij / sina +, Pki)
468 -, Pki) * 2.0 + (Pik + P))) / sina / dij2)
469 Hr[0:3, 3:6] = (angle.k * (QijPkiQkj / sina
470 + da * (-ctga * QijPkiQkj / sina
471 -, Qkj))) / sina / dijdkj)
472 Hr[3:6, 0:3] = Hr[0:3, 3:6].T
473 Hr[3:6, 3:6] = (angle.k * (QkjPijQkj / sina
474 + da * (-ctga * QkjPijQkj / sina
475 +, Pik) -, Pik)
476 * 2.0 + (Pki + P))) / sina / dkj2)
478 if angle.alpha is not None:
479 Hr *= (np.exp(angle.alpha[0] * (angle.rref[0]**2 - dij**2))
480 * np.exp(angle.alpha[1] * (angle.rref[1]**2 - dkj**2)))
482 if morses is not None:
483 for m in range(len(morses)):
484 if (morses[m].atomi == i or
485 morses[m].atomi == j or
486 morses[m].atomi == k):
487 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
488 elif (morses[m].atomj == i or
489 morses[m].atomj == j or
490 morses[m].atomj == k):
491 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
493 Hx =,, Ax))
495 if spectral:
496 eigvals, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(Hx)
497 D = np.diag(np.abs(eigvals))
498 U = eigvecs
499 Hx =,, np.transpose(U)))
501 angle.a = a
503 return i, j, k, Hx
506def get_angle_potential_reduced_hessian(atoms, angle, morses=None):
507 i = angle.atomi
508 j = angle.atomj
509 k = angle.atomk
511 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
512 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
513 dij2 = dij * dij
514 eij = rij / dij
515 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
516 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
517 dkj2 = dkj * dkj
518 ekj = rkj / dkj
519 dijdkj = dij * dkj
520 eijekj =, ekj)
521 if np.abs(eijekj) > 1.0:
522 eijekj = np.sign(eijekj)
524 a = np.arccos(eijekj)
525 sina = np.sin(a)
526 sina2 = sina * sina
528 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
529 Qij = np.eye(3) - Pij
530 Pkj = np.tensordot(ekj, ekj, axes=0)
531 Qkj = np.eye(3) - Pkj
532 Pki = np.tensordot(ekj, eij, axes=0)
534 Hr = np.zeros((6, 6))
535 if np.abs(sina) > 0.001:
536 Hr[0:3, 0:3] =,, Qij)) / dij2
537 Hr[0:3, 3:6] =,, Qkj)) / dijdkj
538 Hr[3:6, 0:3] = Hr[0:3, 3:6].T
539 Hr[3:6, 3:6] =,, Qkj)) / dkj2
541 if angle.cos and np.abs(sina) > 0.001:
542 cosa = np.cos(a)
543 cosa0 = np.cos(angle.a0)
544 factor = np.abs(1.0 - 2.0 * cosa * cosa + cosa * cosa0)
545 Hr = Hr * factor * angle.k / sina2
546 elif np.abs(sina) > 0.001:
547 Hr = Hr * angle.k / sina2
549 if angle.alpha is not None:
550 Hr *= (np.exp(angle.alpha[0] * (angle.rref[0]**2 - dij**2))
551 * np.exp(angle.alpha[1] * (angle.rref[1]**2 - dkj**2)))
553 if morses is not None:
554 for m in range(len(morses)):
555 if (morses[m].atomi == i or
556 morses[m].atomi == j or
557 morses[m].atomi == k):
558 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
559 elif (morses[m].atomj == i or
560 morses[m].atomj == j or
561 morses[m].atomj == k):
562 Hr *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
564 Hx =,, Ax))
566 angle.a = a
568 return i, j, k, Hx
571def get_angle_potential_reduced_hessian_test(atoms, angle):
572 i, j, k, v = get_angle_potential_value(atoms, angle)
573 i, j, k, gx = get_angle_potential_gradient(atoms, angle)
575 Hx = np.tensordot(gx, gx, axes=0) / v / 2.0
577 return i, j, k, Hx
580def get_dihedral_potential_value(atoms, dihedral):
581 i = dihedral.atomi
582 j = dihedral.atomj
583 k = dihedral.atomk
584 l = dihedral.atoml
586 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
587 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
588 rkl = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, l)
590 rmj = np.cross(rij, rkj)
591 dmj = linalg.norm(rmj)
592 emj = rmj / dmj
593 rnk = np.cross(rkj, rkl)
594 dnk = linalg.norm(rnk)
595 enk = rnk / dnk
596 emjenk =, enk)
597 if np.abs(emjenk) > 1.0:
598 emjenk = np.sign(emjenk)
600 d = np.sign(, np.cross(rmj, rnk))) * np.arccos(emjenk)
602 if dihedral.d0 is None:
603 v = 0.5 * dihedral.k * (1.0 - np.cos(2.0 * d))
604 else:
605 dd = d - dihedral.d0
606 dd = dd - np.around(dd / np.pi / 2.0) * np.pi * 2.0
607 if dihedral.n is None:
608 v = 0.5 * dihedral.k * dd**2
609 else:
610 v = dihedral.k * (1.0 + np.cos(dihedral.n * d - dihedral.d0))
612 dihedral.d = d
614 return i, j, k, l, v
617def get_dihedral_potential_gradient(atoms, dihedral):
618 i = dihedral.atomi
619 j = dihedral.atomj
620 k = dihedral.atomk
621 l = dihedral.atoml
623 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
624 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
625 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
626 dkj2 = dkj * dkj
627 rkl = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, l)
629 rijrkj =, rkj)
630 rkjrkl =, rkl)
632 rmj = np.cross(rij, rkj)
633 dmj = linalg.norm(rmj)
634 dmj2 = dmj * dmj
635 emj = rmj / dmj
636 rnk = np.cross(rkj, rkl)
637 dnk = linalg.norm(rnk)
638 dnk2 = dnk * dnk
639 enk = rnk / dnk
640 emjenk =, enk)
641 if np.abs(emjenk) > 1.0:
642 emjenk = np.sign(emjenk)
644 dddri = dkj / dmj2 * rmj
645 dddrl = -dkj / dnk2 * rnk
647 gx = np.zeros(12)
649 gx[0:3] = dddri
650 gx[3:6] = (rijrkj / dkj2 - 1.0) * dddri - rkjrkl / dkj2 * dddrl
651 gx[6:9] = (rkjrkl / dkj2 - 1.0) * dddrl - rijrkj / dkj2 * dddri
652 gx[9:12] = dddrl
654 d = np.sign(, np.cross(rmj, rnk))) * np.arccos(emjenk)
656 if dihedral.d0 is None:
657 gx *= dihedral.k * np.sin(2.0 * d)
658 else:
659 dd = d - dihedral.d0
660 dd = dd - np.around(dd / np.pi / 2.0) * np.pi * 2.0
661 if dihedral.n is None:
662 gx *= dihedral.k * dd
663 else:
664 gx *= -dihedral.k * dihedral.n * \
665 np.sin(dihedral.n * d - dihedral.d0)
667 dihedral.d = d
669 return i, j, k, l, gx
672def get_dihedral_potential_hessian(atoms, dihedral, morses=None,
673 spectral=False):
674 eps = 0.000001
676 i, j, k, l, g = get_dihedral_potential_gradient(atoms, dihedral)
678 Hx = np.zeros((12, 12))
680 dihedral_eps = Dihedral(dihedral.atomi, dihedral.atomj,
681 dihedral.atomk, dihedral.atoml,
682 dihedral.k, dihedral.d0, dihedral.n)
683 indx = [3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2,
684 3 * j, 3 * j + 1, 3 * j + 2,
685 3 * k, 3 * k + 1, 3 * k + 2,
686 3 * l, 3 * l + 1, 3 * l + 2]
687 for x in range(12):
688 a = atoms.copy()
689 positions = np.reshape(a.get_positions(), -1)
690 positions[indx[x]] += eps
691 a.set_positions(np.reshape(positions, (len(a), 3)))
692 i, j, k, l, geps = get_dihedral_potential_gradient(a, dihedral_eps)
693 for y in range(12):
694 Hx[x, y] += 0.5 * (geps[y] - g[y]) / eps
695 Hx[y, x] += 0.5 * (geps[y] - g[y]) / eps
697 if dihedral.alpha is not None:
698 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
699 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
700 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
701 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
702 rkl = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, l)
703 dkl = linalg.norm(rkl)
704 Hx *= (np.exp(dihedral.alpha[0] * (dihedral.rref[0]**2 - dij**2))
705 * np.exp(dihedral.alpha[1] * (dihedral.rref[1]**2 - dkj**2))
706 * np.exp(dihedral.alpha[2] * (dihedral.rref[2]**2 - dkl**2)))
708 if morses is not None:
709 for m in range(len(morses)):
710 if (morses[m].atomi == i or
711 morses[m].atomi == j or
712 morses[m].atomi == k or
713 morses[m].atomi == l):
714 Hx *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
715 elif (morses[m].atomj == i or
716 morses[m].atomj == j or
717 morses[m].atomj == k or
718 morses[m].atomj == l):
719 Hx *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
721 if spectral:
722 eigvals, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(Hx)
723 D = np.diag(np.abs(eigvals))
724 U = eigvecs
725 Hx =,, np.transpose(U)))
727 return i, j, k, l, Hx
730def get_dihedral_potential_reduced_hessian(atoms, dihedral, morses=None):
731 i = dihedral.atomi
732 j = dihedral.atomj
733 k = dihedral.atomk
734 l = dihedral.atoml
736 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
737 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
738 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
739 dkj2 = dkj * dkj
740 rkl = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, l)
742 rijrkj =, rkj)
743 rkjrkl =, rkl)
745 rmj = np.cross(rij, rkj)
746 dmj = linalg.norm(rmj)
747 dmj2 = dmj * dmj
748 emj = rmj / dmj
749 rnk = np.cross(rkj, rkl)
750 dnk = linalg.norm(rnk)
751 dnk2 = dnk * dnk
752 enk = rnk / dnk
753 emjenk =, enk)
754 if np.abs(emjenk) > 1.0:
755 emjenk = np.sign(emjenk)
757 d = np.sign(, np.cross(rmj, rnk))) * np.arccos(emjenk)
759 dddri = dkj / dmj2 * rmj
760 dddrl = -dkj / dnk2 * rnk
762 gx = np.zeros(12)
764 gx[0:3] = dddri
765 gx[3:6] = (rijrkj / dkj2 - 1.0) * dddri - rkjrkl / dkj2 * dddrl
766 gx[6:9] = (rkjrkl / dkj2 - 1.0) * dddrl - rijrkj / dkj2 * dddri
767 gx[9:12] = dddrl
769 if dihedral.d0 is None:
770 Hx = np.abs(2.0 * dihedral.k * np.cos(2.0 * d)) * \
771 np.tensordot(gx, gx, axes=0)
772 if dihedral.n is None:
773 Hx = dihedral.k * np.tensordot(gx, gx, axes=0)
774 else:
775 Hx = (np.abs(-dihedral.k * dihedral.n**2
776 * np.cos(dihedral.n * d - dihedral.d0)) * np.tensordot(gx, gx, axes=0))
778 if dihedral.alpha is not None:
779 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
780 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
781 rkj = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, j)
782 dkj = linalg.norm(rkj)
783 rkl = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, k, l)
784 dkl = linalg.norm(rkl)
785 Hx *= (np.exp(dihedral.alpha[0] * (dihedral.rref[0]**2 - dij**2))
786 * np.exp(dihedral.alpha[1] * (dihedral.rref[1]**2 - dkj**2))
787 * np.exp(dihedral.alpha[2] * (dihedral.rref[2]**2 - dkl**2)))
789 if morses is not None:
790 for m in range(len(morses)):
791 if (morses[m].atomi == i or
792 morses[m].atomi == j or
793 morses[m].atomi == k or
794 morses[m].atomi == l):
795 Hx *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
796 elif (morses[m].atomj == i or
797 morses[m].atomj == j or
798 morses[m].atomj == k or
799 morses[m].atomj == l):
800 Hx *= get_morse_potential_eta(atoms, morses[m])
802 dihedral.d = d
804 return i, j, k, l, Hx
807def get_dihedral_potential_reduced_hessian_test(atoms, dihedral):
808 i, j, k, l, gx = get_dihedral_potential_gradient(atoms, dihedral)
810 if dihedral.n is None:
811 i, j, k, l, v = get_dihedral_potential_value(atoms, dihedral)
812 Hx = np.tensordot(gx, gx, axes=0) / v / 2.0
813 else:
814 arg = dihedral.n * dihedral.d - dihedral.d0
815 Hx = (np.tensordot(gx, gx, axes=0) / dihedral.k / np.sin(arg) / np.sin(arg)
816 * np.cos(arg))
818 return i, j, k, l, Hx
821def get_vdw_potential_value(atoms, vdw):
822 i = vdw.atomi
823 j = vdw.atomj
825 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
826 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
828 v = vdw.Aij / dij**12 - vdw.Bij / dij**6
830 vdw.r = dij
832 return i, j, v
835def get_vdw_potential_gradient(atoms, vdw):
836 i = vdw.atomi
837 j = vdw.atomj
839 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
840 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
841 eij = rij / dij
843 gr = (-12.0 * vdw.Aij / dij**13 + 6.0 * vdw.Bij / dij**7) * eij
845 gx =, gr)
847 vdw.r = dij
849 return i, j, gx
852def get_vdw_potential_hessian(atoms, vdw, spectral=False):
853 i = vdw.atomi
854 j = vdw.atomj
856 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
857 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
858 eij = rij / dij
860 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
861 Qij = np.eye(3) - Pij
863 Hr = ((156.0 * vdw.Aij / dij**14 - 42.0 * vdw.Bij / dij**8) * Pij
864 + (-12.0 * vdw.Aij / dij**13 + 6.0 * vdw.Bij / dij**7) / dij * Qij)
866 Hx =,, Bx))
868 if spectral:
869 eigvals, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(Hx)
870 D = np.diag(np.abs(eigvals))
871 U = eigvecs
872 Hx =,, np.transpose(U)))
874 vdw.r = dij
876 return i, j, Hx
879def get_coulomb_potential_value(atoms, coulomb):
880 i = coulomb.atomi
881 j = coulomb.atomj
883 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
884 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
886 v = coulomb.chargeij / dij
888 coulomb.r = dij
890 return i, j, v
893def get_coulomb_potential_gradient(atoms, coulomb):
894 i = coulomb.atomi
895 j = coulomb.atomj
897 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
898 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
899 eij = rij / dij
901 gr = -coulomb.chargeij / dij / dij * eij
903 gx =, gr)
905 coulomb.r = dij
907 return i, j, gx
910def get_coulomb_potential_hessian(atoms, coulomb, spectral=False):
911 i = coulomb.atomi
912 j = coulomb.atomj
914 rij = rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j)
915 dij = linalg.norm(rij)
916 eij = rij / dij
918 Pij = np.tensordot(eij, eij, axes=0)
919 Qij = np.eye(3) - Pij
921 Hr = (2.0 * coulomb.chargeij / dij**3) * Pij + \
922 (-coulomb.chargeij / dij / dij) / dij * Qij
924 Hx =,, Bx))
926 if spectral:
927 eigvals, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(Hx)
928 D = np.diag(np.abs(eigvals))
929 U = eigvecs
930 Hx =,, np.transpose(U)))
932 coulomb.r = dij
934 return i, j, Hx
937def rel_pos_pbc(atoms, i, j):
938 """
939 Return difference between two atomic positions,
940 correcting for jumps across PBC
941 """
942 d = atoms.get_positions()[i, :] - atoms.get_positions()[j, :]
943 g = linalg.inv(atoms.get_cell().T)
944 f = np.floor(, d.T) + 0.5)
945 d -=, f).T
946 return d