Coverage for /builds/kinetik161/ase/ase/cli/ 85.56%

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1# Note: 

2# Try to avoid module level import statements here to reduce 

3# import time during CLI execution 

4import sys 


6from ase.cli.main import CLIError 


8template_help = """ 

9Without argument, looks for ~/.ase/ Otherwise, 

10expects the comma separated list of the fields to include 

11in their left-to-right order. Optionally, specify the 

12lexicographical sort hierarchy (0 is outermost sort) and if the 

13sort should be ascending or descending (1 or -1). By default, 

14sorting is descending, which makes sense for most things except 

15index (and rank, but one can just sort by the thing which is 

16ranked to get ascending ranks). 


18* example: ase diff start.cif stop.cif --template 

19* i:0:1,el,dx,dy,dz,d,rd 


21possible fields: 


23* i: index 

24* dx,dy,dz,d: displacement/displacement components 

25* dfx,dfy,dfz,df: difference force/force components 

26* afx,afy,afz,af: average force/force components 

27* p1x,p1y,p1z,p: first image positions/position components 

28* p2x,p2y,p2z,p: second image positions/position components 

29* f1x,f1y,f1z,f: first image forces/force components 

30* f2x,f2y,f2z,f: second image forces/force components 

31* an: atomic number 

32* el: atomic element 

33* t: atom tag 

34* r<col>: the rank of that atom with respect to the column 


36It is possible to change formatters in the template file.""" 



39class CLICommand: 

40 """Print differences between atoms/calculations. 


42 Supports taking differences between different calculation runs of 

43 the same system as well as neighboring geometric images for one 

44 calculation run of a system. As part of a difference table or as a 

45 standalone display table, fields for non-difference quantities of image 1 

46 and image 2 are also provided. 


48 See the --template-help for the formatting exposed in the CLI. More 

49 customization requires changing the input arguments to the Table 

50 initialization and/or editing the templates file. 

51 """ 


53 @staticmethod 

54 def add_arguments(parser): 

55 add = parser.add_argument 

56 add('file', 

57 help="""Possible file entries are 


59 * 2 non-trajectory files: difference between them 

60 * 1 trajectory file: difference between consecutive images 

61 * 2 trajectory files: difference between corresponding image numbers 

62 * 1 trajectory file followed by hyphen-minus (ASCII 45): for display 


64 Note deltas are defined as 2 - 1. 


66 Use [FILE]@[SLICE] to select images. 

67 """, 

68 nargs='+') 

69 add('-r', 

70 '--rank-order', 

71 metavar='FIELD', 

72 nargs='?', 

73 const='d', 

74 type=str, 

75 help="""Order atoms by rank, see --template-help for possible 



78The default value, when specified, is d. When not 

79specified, ordering is the same as that provided by the 

80generator. For hierarchical sorting, see template.""") 

81 add('-c', '--calculator-outputs', action="store_true", 

82 help="display calculator outputs of forces and energy") 

83 add('--max-lines', metavar='N', type=int, 

84 help="show only so many lines (atoms) in each table " 

85 ", useful if rank ordering") 

86 add('-t', '--template', metavar='TEMPLATE', nargs='?', const='rc', 

87 help="""See --template-help for the help on this option.""") 

88 add('--template-help', help="""Prints the help for the template file. 

89 Usage `ase diff - --template-help`""", action="store_true") 

90 add('-s', '--summary-functions', metavar='SUMFUNCS', nargs='?', 

91 help="""Specify the summary functions. 

92 Possible values are `rmsd` and `dE`. 

93 Comma separate more than one summary function.""") 

94 add('--log-file', metavar='LOGFILE', help="print table to file") 

95 add('--as-csv', action="store_true", 

96 help="output table in csv format") 

97 add('--precision', metavar='PREC', 

98 default=2, type=int, 

99 help="precision used in both display and sorting") 


101 @staticmethod 

102 def run(args, parser): 

103 import io 


105 if args.template_help: 

106 print(template_help) 

107 return 


109 encoding = 'utf-8' 


111 if args.log_file is None: 

112 out = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding=encoding) 

113 else: 

114 out = open(args.log_file, 'w', encoding=encoding) 


116 with out: 

117 CLICommand.diff(args, out) 


119 @staticmethod 

120 def diff(args, out): 

121 from ase.cli.template import (Table, TableFormat, energy_delta, 

122 field_specs_on_conditions, rmsd, 

123 slice_split, 

124 summary_functions_on_conditions) 

125 from import read 


127 if args.template is None: 

128 field_specs = field_specs_on_conditions( 

129 args.calculator_outputs, args.rank_order) 

130 else: 

131 field_specs = args.template.split(',') 

132 if not args.calculator_outputs: 

133 for field_spec in field_specs: 

134 if 'f' in field_spec: 

135 raise CLIError( 

136 "field requiring calculation outputs " 

137 "without --calculator-outputs") 


139 if args.summary_functions is None: 

140 summary_functions = summary_functions_on_conditions( 

141 args.calculator_outputs) 

142 else: 

143 summary_functions_dct = { 

144 'rmsd': rmsd, 

145 'dE': energy_delta} 

146 summary_functions = args.summary_functions.split(',') 

147 if not args.calculator_outputs: 

148 for sf in summary_functions: 

149 if sf == 'dE': 

150 raise CLIError( 

151 "summary function requiring calculation outputs " 

152 "without --calculator-outputs") 

153 summary_functions = [summary_functions_dct[i] 

154 for i in summary_functions] 


156 have_two_files = len(args.file) == 2 

157 file1 = args.file[0] 

158 actual_filename, index = slice_split(file1) 

159 atoms1 = read(actual_filename, index) 

160 natoms1 = len(atoms1) 


162 if have_two_files: 

163 if args.file[1] == '-': 

164 atoms2 = atoms1 


166 def header_fmt(c): 

167 return f'image # {c}' 

168 else: 

169 file2 = args.file[1] 

170 actual_filename, index = slice_split(file2) 

171 atoms2 = read(actual_filename, index) 

172 natoms2 = len(atoms2) 


174 same_length = natoms1 == natoms2 

175 one_l_one = natoms1 == 1 or natoms2 == 1 


177 if not same_length and not one_l_one: 

178 raise CLIError( 

179 "Trajectory files are not the same length " 

180 "and both > 1\n{}!={}".format( 

181 natoms1, natoms2)) 

182 elif not same_length and one_l_one: 

183 print( 

184 "One file contains one image " 

185 "and the other multiple images,\n" 

186 "assuming you want to compare all images " 

187 "with one reference image") 

188 if natoms1 > natoms2: 

189 atoms2 = natoms1 * atoms2 

190 else: 

191 atoms1 = natoms2 * atoms1 


193 def header_fmt(c): 

194 return f'sys-ref image # {c}' 

195 else: 

196 def header_fmt(c): 

197 return f'sys2-sys1 image # {c}' 

198 else: 

199 atoms2 = atoms1.copy() 

200 atoms1 = atoms1[:-1] 

201 atoms2 = atoms2[1:] 

202 natoms2 = natoms1 = natoms1 - 1 


204 def header_fmt(c): 

205 return f'images {c + 1}-{c}' 


207 natoms = natoms1 # = natoms2 


209 output = '' 

210 tableformat = TableFormat(precision=args.precision, 

211 columnwidth=7 + args.precision) 


213 table = Table( 

214 field_specs, 

215 max_lines=args.max_lines, 

216 tableformat=tableformat, 

217 summary_functions=summary_functions) 


219 for counter in range(natoms): 

220 table.title = header_fmt(counter) 

221 output += table.make(atoms1[counter], 

222 atoms2[counter], csv=args.as_csv) + '\n' 

223 print(output, file=out)