Coverage for /builds/kinetik161/ase/ase/cli/ 65.22%
69 statements
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1import argparse
2import textwrap
3from importlib import import_module
5from ase import __version__
8class CLIError(Exception):
9 """Error for CLI commands.
11 A subcommand may raise this. The message will be forwarded to
12 the error() method of the argument parser."""
15# Important: Following any change to command-line parameters, use
16# python3 -m ase.cli.completion to update autocompletion.
17commands = [
18 ('info', ''),
19 # ('show', ''),
20 ('test', 'ase.test'),
21 ('gui', ''),
22 ('db', 'ase.cli.db'),
23 ('run', ''),
24 ('band-structure', 'ase.cli.band_structure'),
25 ('build', ''),
26 ('dimensionality', 'ase.cli.dimensionality'),
27 ('eos', 'ase.eos'),
28 ('ulm', 'ase.cli.ulm'),
29 ('find', 'ase.cli.find'),
30 ('nebplot', 'ase.cli.nebplot'),
31 ('nomad-upload', 'ase.cli.nomad'),
32 ('nomad-get', 'ase.cli.nomadget'),
33 ('convert', 'ase.cli.convert'),
34 ('reciprocal', 'ase.cli.reciprocal'),
35 ('completion', 'ase.cli.completion'),
36 ('diff', 'ase.cli.diff'),
37 ('exec', 'ase.cli.exec')
41def main(prog='ase', description='ASE command line tool.',
42 version=__version__, commands=commands, hook=None, args=None):
43 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog,
44 description=description,
45 formatter_class=Formatter)
46 parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
47 version=f'%(prog)s-{version}')
48 parser.add_argument('-T', '--traceback', action='store_true')
49 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Sub-commands',
50 dest='command')
52 subparser = subparsers.add_parser('help',
53 description='Help',
54 help='Help for sub-command.')
55 subparser.add_argument('helpcommand',
56 nargs='?',
57 metavar='sub-command',
58 help='Provide help for sub-command.')
60 functions = {}
61 parsers = {}
62 for command, module_name in commands:
63 cmd = import_module(module_name).CLICommand
64 docstring = cmd.__doc__
65 if docstring is None:
66 # Backwards compatibility with GPAW
67 short = cmd.short_description
68 long = getattr(cmd, 'description', short)
69 else:
70 parts = docstring.split('\n', 1)
71 if len(parts) == 1:
72 short = docstring
73 long = docstring
74 else:
75 short, body = parts
76 long = short + '\n' + textwrap.dedent(body)
77 subparser = subparsers.add_parser(
78 command,
79 formatter_class=Formatter,
80 help=short,
81 description=long)
82 cmd.add_arguments(subparser)
83 functions[command] =
84 parsers[command] = subparser
86 if hook:
87 args = hook(parser, args)
88 else:
89 args = parser.parse_args(args)
91 if args.command == 'help':
92 if args.helpcommand is None:
93 parser.print_help()
94 else:
95 parsers[args.helpcommand].print_help()
96 elif args.command is None:
97 parser.print_usage()
98 else:
99 f = functions[args.command]
100 try:
101 if f.__code__.co_argcount == 1:
102 f(args)
103 else:
104 f(args, parsers[args.command])
105 except KeyboardInterrupt:
106 pass
107 except CLIError as x:
108 parser.error(x)
109 except Exception as x:
110 if args.traceback:
111 raise
112 else:
113 l1 = f'{x.__class__.__name__}: {x}\n'
114 l2 = ('To get a full traceback, use: {} -T {} ...'
115 .format(prog, args.command))
116 parser.error(l1 + l2)
119class Formatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
120 """Improved help formatter."""
122 def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
123 assert indent == ''
124 out = ''
125 blocks = text.split('\n\n')
126 for block in blocks:
127 if block[0] == '*':
128 # List items:
129 for item in block[2:].split('\n* '):
130 out += textwrap.fill(item,
131 width=width - 2,
132 initial_indent='* ',
133 subsequent_indent=' ') + '\n'
134 elif block[0] == ' ':
135 # Indented literal block:
136 out += block + '\n'
137 else:
138 # Block of text:
139 out += textwrap.fill(block, width=width) + '\n'
140 out += '\n'
141 return out[:-1]