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1import itertools
3import numpy as np
5from ase.cell import Cell
6from ase.utils import pbc2pbc
8TOL = 1E-12
9MAX_IT = 100000 # in practice this is not exceeded
12class CycleChecker:
14 def __init__(self, d):
15 assert d in [2, 3]
17 # worst case is the hexagonal cell in 2D and the fcc cell in 3D
18 n = {2: 6, 3: 12}[d]
20 # max cycle length is total number of primtive cell descriptions
21 max_cycle_length =[n - i for i in range(d)]) *
22 self.visited = np.zeros((max_cycle_length, 3 * d), dtype=int)
24 def add_site(self, H):
25 # flatten array for simplicity
26 H = H.ravel()
28 # check if site exists
29 found = (self.visited == H).all(axis=1).any()
31 # shift all visited sites down and place current site at the top
32 self.visited = np.roll(self.visited, 1, axis=0)
33 self.visited[0] = H
34 return found
37def reduction_gauss(B, hu, hv):
38 """Calculate a Gauss-reduced lattice basis (2D reduction)."""
39 cycle_checker = CycleChecker(d=2)
40 u = hu @ B
41 v = hv @ B
43 for it in range(MAX_IT):
44 x = int(round(, v) /, u)))
45 hu, hv = hv - x * hu, hu
46 u = hu @ B
47 v = hv @ B
48 site = np.array([hu, hv])
49 if, u) >=, v) or cycle_checker.add_site(site):
50 return hv, hu
52 raise RuntimeError(f"Gaussian basis not found after {MAX_IT} iterations")
55def relevant_vectors_2D(u, v):
56 cs = np.array([e for e in itertools.product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=2)])
57 vs = cs @ [u, v]
58 indices = np.argsort(np.linalg.norm(vs, axis=1))[:7]
59 return vs[indices], cs[indices]
62def closest_vector(t0, u, v):
63 t = t0
64 a = np.zeros(2, dtype=int)
65 rs, cs = relevant_vectors_2D(u, v)
67 dprev = float("inf")
68 for it in range(MAX_IT):
69 ds = np.linalg.norm(rs + t, axis=1)
70 index = np.argmin(ds)
71 if index == 0 or ds[index] >= dprev:
72 return a
74 dprev = ds[index]
75 r = rs[index]
76 kopt = int(round(, r) /, r)))
77 a += kopt * cs[index]
78 t = t0 + a[0] * u + a[1] * v
80 raise RuntimeError(f"Closest vector not found after {MAX_IT} iterations")
83def reduction_full(B):
84 """Calculate a Minkowski-reduced lattice basis (3D reduction)."""
85 cycle_checker = CycleChecker(d=3)
86 H = np.eye(3, dtype=int)
87 norms = np.linalg.norm(B, axis=1)
89 for it in range(MAX_IT):
90 # Sort vectors by norm
91 H = H[np.argsort(norms, kind='merge')]
93 # Gauss-reduce smallest two vectors
94 hw = H[2]
95 hu, hv = reduction_gauss(B, H[0], H[1])
96 H = np.array([hu, hv, hw])
97 R = H @ B
99 # Orthogonalize vectors using Gram-Schmidt
100 u, v, _ = R
101 X = u / np.linalg.norm(u)
102 Y = v - X *, X)
103 Y /= np.linalg.norm(Y)
105 # Find closest vector to last element of R
106 pu, pv, pw = R @ np.array([X, Y]).T
107 nb = closest_vector(pw, pu, pv)
109 # Update basis
110 H[2] = [nb[0], nb[1], 1] @ H
111 R = H @ B
113 norms = np.linalg.norm(R, axis=1)
114 if norms[2] >= norms[1] or cycle_checker.add_site(H):
115 return R, H
117 raise RuntimeError(f"Reduced basis not found after {MAX_IT} iterations")
120def is_minkowski_reduced(cell, pbc=True):
121 """Tests if a cell is Minkowski-reduced.
123 Parameters:
125 cell: array
126 The lattice basis to test (in row-vector format).
127 pbc: array, optional
128 The periodic boundary conditions of the cell (Default `True`).
129 If `pbc` is provided, only periodic cell vectors are tested.
131 Returns:
133 is_reduced: bool
134 True if cell is Minkowski-reduced, False otherwise.
135 """
137 """These conditions are due to Minkowski, but a nice description in English
138 can be found in the thesis of Carine Jaber: "Algorithmic approaches to
139 Siegel's fundamental domain",
140 This is also good background reading for Minkowski reduction.
142 0D and 1D cells are trivially reduced. For 2D cells, the conditions which
143 an already-reduced basis fulfil are:
144 |b1| ≤ |b2|
145 |b2| ≤ |b1 - b2|
146 |b2| ≤ |b1 + b2|
148 For 3D cells, the conditions which an already-reduced basis fulfil are:
149 |b1| ≤ |b2| ≤ |b3|
151 |b1 + b2| ≥ |b2|
152 |b1 + b3| ≥ |b3|
153 |b2 + b3| ≥ |b3|
154 |b1 - b2| ≥ |b2|
155 |b1 - b3| ≥ |b3|
156 |b2 - b3| ≥ |b3|
157 |b1 + b2 + b3| ≥ |b3|
158 |b1 - b2 + b3| ≥ |b3|
159 |b1 + b2 - b3| ≥ |b3|
160 |b1 - b2 - b3| ≥ |b3|
161 """
162 pbc = pbc2pbc(pbc)
163 dim = pbc.sum()
164 if dim <= 1:
165 return True
167 if dim == 2:
168 # reorder cell vectors to [shortest, longest, aperiodic]
169 cell = cell.copy()
170 cell[np.argmin(pbc)] = 0
171 norms = np.linalg.norm(cell, axis=1)
172 cell = cell[np.argsort(norms)[[1, 2, 0]]]
174 A = [[0, 1, 0],
175 [1, -1, 0],
176 [1, 1, 0]]
177 lhs = np.linalg.norm(A @ cell, axis=1)
178 norms = np.linalg.norm(cell, axis=1)
179 rhs = norms[[0, 1, 1]]
180 else:
181 A = [[0, 1, 0],
182 [0, 0, 1],
183 [1, 1, 0],
184 [1, 0, 1],
185 [0, 1, 1],
186 [1, -1, 0],
187 [1, 0, -1],
188 [0, 1, -1],
189 [1, 1, 1],
190 [1, -1, 1],
191 [1, 1, -1],
192 [1, -1, -1]]
193 lhs = np.linalg.norm(A @ cell, axis=1)
194 norms = np.linalg.norm(cell, axis=1)
195 rhs = norms[[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]
196 return (lhs >= rhs - TOL).all()
199def minkowski_reduce(cell, pbc=True):
200 """Calculate a Minkowski-reduced lattice basis. The reduced basis
201 has the shortest possible vector lengths and has
202 norm(a) <= norm(b) <= norm(c).
204 Implements the method described in:
206 Low-dimensional Lattice Basis Reduction Revisited
207 Nguyen, Phong Q. and Stehlé, Damien,
208 ACM Trans. Algorithms 5(4) 46:1--46:48, 2009
209 :doi:`10.1145/1597036.1597050`
211 Parameters:
213 cell: array
214 The lattice basis to reduce (in row-vector format).
215 pbc: array, optional
216 The periodic boundary conditions of the cell (Default `True`).
217 If `pbc` is provided, only periodic cell vectors are reduced.
219 Returns:
221 rcell: array
222 The reduced lattice basis.
223 op: array
224 The unimodular matrix transformation (rcell = op @ cell).
225 """
226 cell = Cell(cell)
227 pbc = pbc2pbc(pbc)
228 dim = pbc.sum()
229 op = np.eye(3, dtype=int)
230 if is_minkowski_reduced(cell, pbc):
231 return cell, op
233 if dim == 2:
234 # permute cell so that first two vectors are the periodic ones
235 perm = np.argsort(pbc, kind='merge')[::-1] # stable sort
236 pcell = cell[perm][:, perm]
238 # perform gauss reduction
239 norms = np.linalg.norm(pcell, axis=1)
240 norms[2] = float("inf")
241 indices = np.argsort(norms)
242 op = op[indices]
243 hu, hv = reduction_gauss(pcell, op[0], op[1])
244 op[0] = hu
245 op[1] = hv
247 # undo above permutation
248 invperm = np.argsort(perm)
249 op = op[invperm][:, invperm]
251 # maintain cell handedness
252 index = np.argmin(pbc)
253 normal = np.cross(cell[index - 2], cell[index - 1])
254 normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)
256 _cell = cell.copy()
257 _cell[index] = normal
258 _rcell = op @ cell
259 _rcell[index] = normal
260 if _cell.handedness != Cell(_rcell).handedness:
261 op[index - 1] *= -1
263 elif dim == 3:
264 _, op = reduction_full(cell)
265 # maintain cell handedness
266 if cell.handedness != Cell(op @ cell).handedness:
267 op = -op
269 norms1 = np.sort(np.linalg.norm(cell, axis=1))
270 norms2 = np.sort(np.linalg.norm(op @ cell, axis=1))
271 if (norms2 > norms1 + TOL).any():
272 raise RuntimeError("Minkowski reduction failed")
273 return op @ cell, op