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1import sys 

2import threading 

3import time 

4import warnings 

5from abc import ABC, abstractmethod 


7import numpy as np 

8from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz 

9from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline 


11import ase.parallel 

12from import minimize_rotation_and_translation 

13from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator 

14from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator 

15from ase.geometry import find_mic 

16from ase.optimize import MDMin 

17from ase.optimize.ode import ode12r 

18from ase.optimize.optimize import DEFAULT_MAX_STEPS, Optimizer 

19from ase.optimize.precon import Precon, PreconImages 

20from ase.optimize.sciopt import OptimizerConvergenceError 

21from ase.utils import deprecated, lazyproperty 

22from import Optimizable 

23from ase.utils.forcecurve import fit_images 



26class Spring: 

27 def __init__(self, atoms1, atoms2, energy1, energy2, k): 

28 self.atoms1 = atoms1 

29 self.atoms2 = atoms2 

30 self.energy1 = energy1 

31 self.energy2 = energy2 

32 self.k = k 


34 def _find_mic(self): 

35 pos1 = self.atoms1.get_positions() 

36 pos2 = self.atoms2.get_positions() 

37 # XXX If we want variable cells we will need to edit this. 

38 mic, _ = find_mic(pos2 - pos1, self.atoms1.cell, self.atoms1.pbc) 

39 return mic 


41 @lazyproperty 

42 def t(self): 

43 return self._find_mic() 


45 @lazyproperty 

46 def nt(self): 

47 return np.linalg.norm(self.t) 



50class NEBState: 

51 def __init__(self, neb, images, energies): 

52 self.neb = neb 

53 self.images = images 

54 self.energies = energies 


56 def spring(self, i): 

57 return Spring(self.images[i], self.images[i + 1], 

58 self.energies[i], self.energies[i + 1], 

59 self.neb.k[i]) 


61 @lazyproperty 

62 def imax(self): 

63 return 1 + np.argsort(self.energies[1:-1])[-1] 


65 @property 

66 def emax(self): 

67 return self.energies[self.imax] 


69 @lazyproperty 

70 def eqlength(self): 

71 images = self.images 

72 beeline = (images[self.neb.nimages - 1].get_positions() - 

73 images[0].get_positions()) 

74 beelinelength = np.linalg.norm(beeline) 

75 return beelinelength / (self.neb.nimages - 1) 


77 @lazyproperty 

78 def nimages(self): 

79 return len(self.images) 


81 @property 

82 def precon(self): 

83 return self.neb.precon 



86class NEBMethod(ABC): 

87 def __init__(self, neb): 

88 self.neb = neb 


90 @abstractmethod 

91 def get_tangent(self, state, spring1, spring2, i): 

92 ... 


94 @abstractmethod 

95 def add_image_force(self, state, tangential_force, tangent, imgforce, 

96 spring1, spring2, i): 

97 ... 


99 def adjust_positions(self, positions): 

100 return positions 



103class ImprovedTangentMethod(NEBMethod): 

104 """ 

105 Tangent estimates are improved according to Eqs. 8-11 in paper I. 

106 Tangents are weighted at extrema to ensure smooth transitions between 

107 the positive and negative tangents. 

108 """ 


110 def get_tangent(self, state, spring1, spring2, i): 

111 energies = state.energies 

112 if energies[i + 1] > energies[i] > energies[i - 1]: 

113 tangent = spring2.t.copy() 

114 elif energies[i + 1] < energies[i] < energies[i - 1]: 

115 tangent = spring1.t.copy() 

116 else: 

117 deltavmax = max(abs(energies[i + 1] - energies[i]), 

118 abs(energies[i - 1] - energies[i])) 

119 deltavmin = min(abs(energies[i + 1] - energies[i]), 

120 abs(energies[i - 1] - energies[i])) 

121 if energies[i + 1] > energies[i - 1]: 

122 tangent = spring2.t * deltavmax + spring1.t * deltavmin 

123 else: 

124 tangent = spring2.t * deltavmin + spring1.t * deltavmax 

125 # Normalize the tangent vector 

126 tangent /= np.linalg.norm(tangent) 

127 return tangent 


129 def add_image_force(self, state, tangential_force, tangent, imgforce, 

130 spring1, spring2, i): 

131 imgforce -= tangential_force * tangent 

132 # Improved parallel spring force (formula 12 of paper I) 

133 imgforce += (spring2.nt * spring2.k - spring1.nt * spring1.k) * tangent 



136class ASENEBMethod(NEBMethod): 

137 """ 

138 Standard NEB implementation in ASE. The tangent of each image is 

139 estimated from the spring closest to the saddle point in each 

140 spring pair. 

141 """ 


143 def get_tangent(self, state, spring1, spring2, i): 

144 imax = self.neb.imax 

145 if i < imax: 

146 tangent = spring2.t 

147 elif i > imax: 

148 tangent = spring1.t 

149 else: 

150 tangent = spring1.t + spring2.t 

151 return tangent 


153 def add_image_force(self, state, tangential_force, tangent, imgforce, 

154 spring1, spring2, i): 

155 # Magnitude for normalizing. Ensure it is not 0 

156 tangent_mag = np.vdot(tangent, tangent) or 1 

157 factor = tangent / tangent_mag 

158 imgforce -= tangential_force * factor 

159 imgforce -= np.vdot( 

160 spring1.t * spring1.k - 

161 spring2.t * spring2.k, tangent) * factor 



164class FullSpringMethod(NEBMethod): 

165 """ 

166 Elastic band method. The full spring force is included. 

167 """ 


169 def get_tangent(self, state, spring1, spring2, i): 

170 # Tangents are bisections of spring-directions 

171 # (formula C8 of paper III) 

172 tangent = spring1.t / spring1.nt + spring2.t / spring2.nt 

173 tangent /= np.linalg.norm(tangent) 

174 return tangent 


176 def add_image_force(self, state, tangential_force, tangent, imgforce, 

177 spring1, spring2, i): 

178 imgforce -= tangential_force * tangent 

179 energies = state.energies 

180 # Spring forces 

181 # Eqs. C1, C5, C6 and C7 in paper III) 

182 f1 = -(spring1.nt - 

183 state.eqlength) * spring1.t / spring1.nt * spring1.k 

184 f2 = (spring2.nt - state.eqlength) * spring2.t / spring2.nt * spring2.k 

185 if self.neb.climb and abs(i - self.neb.imax) == 1: 

186 deltavmax = max(abs(energies[i + 1] - energies[i]), 

187 abs(energies[i - 1] - energies[i])) 

188 deltavmin = min(abs(energies[i + 1] - energies[i]), 

189 abs(energies[i - 1] - energies[i])) 

190 imgforce += (f1 + f2) * deltavmin / deltavmax 

191 else: 

192 imgforce += f1 + f2 



195class BaseSplineMethod(NEBMethod): 

196 """ 

197 Base class for SplineNEB and String methods 


199 Can optionally be preconditioned, as described in the following article: 


201 S. Makri, C. Ortner and J. R. Kermode, J. Chem. Phys. 

202 150, 094109 (2019) 


204 """ 


206 def __init__(self, neb): 

207 NEBMethod.__init__(self, neb) 


209 def get_tangent(self, state, spring1, spring2, i): 

210 return state.precon.get_tangent(i) 


212 def add_image_force(self, state, tangential_force, tangent, imgforce, 

213 spring1, spring2, i): 

214 # project out tangential component (Eqs 6 and 7 in Paper IV) 

215 imgforce -= tangential_force * tangent 



218class SplineMethod(BaseSplineMethod): 

219 """ 

220 NEB using spline interpolation, plus optional preconditioning 

221 """ 


223 def add_image_force(self, state, tangential_force, tangent, imgforce, 

224 spring1, spring2, i): 

225 super().add_image_force(state, tangential_force, 

226 tangent, imgforce, spring1, spring2, i) 

227 eta = state.precon.get_spring_force(i, spring1.k, spring2.k, tangent) 

228 imgforce += eta 



231class StringMethod(BaseSplineMethod): 

232 """ 

233 String method using spline interpolation, plus optional preconditioning 

234 """ 


236 def adjust_positions(self, positions): 

237 # fit cubic spline to positions, reinterpolate to equispace images 

238 # note this uses the preconditioned distance metric. 

239 fit = self.neb.spline_fit(positions) 

240 new_s = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, self.neb.nimages) 

241 new_positions = fit.x(new_s[1:-1]).reshape(-1, 3) 

242 return new_positions 



245def get_neb_method(neb, method): 

246 if method == 'eb': 

247 return FullSpringMethod(neb) 

248 elif method == 'aseneb': 

249 return ASENEBMethod(neb) 

250 elif method == 'improvedtangent': 

251 return ImprovedTangentMethod(neb) 

252 elif method == 'spline': 

253 return SplineMethod(neb) 

254 elif method == 'string': 

255 return StringMethod(neb) 

256 else: 

257 raise ValueError(f'Bad method: {method}') 



260class NEBOptimizable(Optimizable): 

261 def __init__(self, neb): 

262 self.neb = neb 


264 def get_forces(self): 

265 return self.neb.get_forces() 


267 def get_potential_energy(self): 

268 return self.neb.get_potential_energy() 


270 def is_neb(self): 

271 return True 


273 def get_positions(self): 

274 return self.neb.get_positions() 


276 def set_positions(self, positions): 

277 self.neb.set_positions(positions) 


279 def __len__(self): 

280 return len(self.neb) 


282 def iterimages(self): 

283 return self.neb.iterimages() 



286class BaseNEB: 

287 def __init__(self, images, k=0.1, climb=False, parallel=False, 

288 remove_rotation_and_translation=False, world=None, 

289 method='aseneb', allow_shared_calculator=False, precon=None): 


291 self.images = images 

292 self.climb = climb 

293 self.parallel = parallel 

294 self.allow_shared_calculator = allow_shared_calculator 


296 for img in images: 

297 if len(img) != self.natoms: 

298 raise ValueError('Images have different numbers of atoms') 

299 if np.any(img.pbc != images[0].pbc): 

300 raise ValueError('Images have different boundary conditions') 

301 if np.any(img.get_atomic_numbers() != 

302 images[0].get_atomic_numbers()): 

303 raise ValueError('Images have atoms in different orders') 

304 # check periodic cell directions 

305 cell_ok = True 

306 for pbc, vc, vc0 in zip(img.pbc, img.cell, images[0].cell): 

307 if pbc and np.any(np.abs(vc - vc0) > 1e-8): 

308 cell_ok = False 

309 if not cell_ok: 

310 raise NotImplementedError( 

311 "Variable cell in periodic directions " 

312 "is not implemented yet for NEB") 


314 self.emax = np.nan 


316 self.remove_rotation_and_translation = remove_rotation_and_translation 


318 if method in ['aseneb', 'eb', 'improvedtangent', 'spline', 'string']: 

319 self.method = method 

320 else: 

321 raise NotImplementedError(method) 


323 if precon is not None and method not in ['spline', 'string']: 

324 raise NotImplementedError(f'no precon implemented: {method}') 

325 self.precon = precon 


327 self.neb_method = get_neb_method(self, method) 

328 if isinstance(k, (float, int)): 

329 k = [k] * (self.nimages - 1) 

330 self.k = list(k) 


332 if world is None: 

333 world = 

334 = world 


336 if parallel: 

337 if self.allow_shared_calculator: 

338 raise RuntimeError( 

339 "Cannot use shared calculators in parallel in NEB.") 

340 self.real_forces = None # ndarray of shape (nimages, natom, 3) 

341 self.energies = None # ndarray of shape (nimages,) 

342 self.residuals = None # ndarray of shape (nimages,) 


344 def __ase_optimizable__(self): 

345 return NEBOptimizable(self) 


347 @property 

348 def natoms(self): 

349 return len(self.images[0]) 


351 @property 

352 def nimages(self): 

353 return len(self.images) 


355 @staticmethod 

356 def freeze_results_on_image(atoms: ase.Atoms, 

357 **results_to_include): 

358 atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms=atoms, **results_to_include) 


360 def interpolate(self, method='linear', mic=False, apply_constraint=None): 

361 """Interpolate the positions of the interior images between the 

362 initial state (image 0) and final state (image -1). 


364 method: str 

365 Method by which to interpolate: 'linear' or 'idpp'. 

366 linear provides a standard straight-line interpolation, while 

367 idpp uses an image-dependent pair potential. 

368 mic: bool 

369 Use the minimum-image convention when interpolating. 

370 apply_constraint: bool 

371 Controls if the constraints attached to the images 

372 are ignored or applied when setting the interpolated positions. 

373 Default value is None, in this case the resulting constrained 

374 positions (apply_constraint=True) are compared with unconstrained 

375 positions (apply_constraint=False), 

376 if the positions are not the same 

377 the user is required to specify the desired behaviour 

378 by setting up apply_constraint keyword argument to False or True. 

379 """ 

380 if self.remove_rotation_and_translation: 

381 minimize_rotation_and_translation(self.images[0], self.images[-1]) 


383 interpolate(self.images, mic, apply_constraint=apply_constraint) 


385 if method == 'idpp': 

386 idpp_interpolate(images=self, traj=None, log=None, mic=mic) 


388 @deprecated("Please use NEB's interpolate(method='idpp') method or " 

389 "directly call the idpp_interpolate function from ase.mep") 

390 def idpp_interpolate(self, traj='idpp.traj', log='idpp.log', fmax=0.1, 

391 optimizer=MDMin, mic=False, steps=100): 

392 """ 

393 .. deprecated:: 3.23.0 

394 Please use :class:`~ase.mep.NEB`'s ``interpolate(method='idpp')`` 

395 method 

396 """ 

397 idpp_interpolate(self, traj=traj, log=log, fmax=fmax, 

398 optimizer=optimizer, mic=mic, steps=steps) 


400 def get_positions(self): 

401 positions = np.empty(((self.nimages - 2) * self.natoms, 3)) 

402 n1 = 0 

403 for image in self.images[1:-1]: 

404 n2 = n1 + self.natoms 

405 positions[n1:n2] = image.get_positions() 

406 n1 = n2 

407 return positions 


409 def set_positions(self, positions, adjust_positions=True): 

410 if adjust_positions: 

411 # optional reparameterisation step: some NEB methods need to adjust 

412 # positions e.g. string method does this to equispace the images) 

413 positions = self.neb_method.adjust_positions(positions) 

414 n1 = 0 

415 for image in self.images[1:-1]: 

416 n2 = n1 + self.natoms 

417 image.set_positions(positions[n1:n2]) 

418 n1 = n2 


420 def get_forces(self): 

421 """Evaluate and return the forces.""" 

422 images = self.images 


424 if not self.allow_shared_calculator: 

425 calculators = [image.calc for image in images 

426 if image.calc is not None] 

427 if len(set(calculators)) != len(calculators): 

428 msg = ('One or more NEB images share the same calculator. ' 

429 'Each image must have its own calculator. ' 

430 'You may wish to use the ase.mep.SingleCalculatorNEB ' 

431 'class instead, although using separate calculators ' 

432 'is recommended.') 

433 raise ValueError(msg) 


435 forces = np.empty(((self.nimages - 2), self.natoms, 3)) 

436 energies = np.empty(self.nimages) 


438 if self.remove_rotation_and_translation: 

439 for i in range(1, self.nimages): 

440 minimize_rotation_and_translation(images[i - 1], images[i]) 


442 if self.method != 'aseneb': 

443 energies[0] = images[0].get_potential_energy() 

444 energies[-1] = images[-1].get_potential_energy() 


446 if not self.parallel: 

447 # Do all images - one at a time: 

448 for i in range(1, self.nimages - 1): 

449 forces[i - 1] = images[i].get_forces() 

450 energies[i] = images[i].get_potential_energy() 


452 elif == 1: 

453 def run(image, energies, forces): 

454 forces[:] = image.get_forces() 

455 energies[:] = image.get_potential_energy() 


457 threads = [threading.Thread(target=run, 

458 args=(images[i], 

459 energies[i:i + 1], 

460 forces[i - 1:i])) 

461 for i in range(1, self.nimages - 1)] 

462 for thread in threads: 

463 thread.start() 

464 for thread in threads: 

465 thread.join() 

466 else: 

467 # Parallelize over images: 

468 i = * (self.nimages - 2) // + 1 

469 try: 

470 forces[i - 1] = images[i].get_forces() 

471 energies[i] = images[i].get_potential_energy() 

472 except Exception: 

473 # Make sure other images also fail: 

474 error = 

475 raise 

476 else: 

477 error = 

478 if error: 

479 raise RuntimeError('Parallel NEB failed!') 


481 for i in range(1, self.nimages - 1): 

482 root = (i - 1) * // (self.nimages - 2) 

483[i:i + 1], root) 

484[i - 1], root) 


486 # if this is the first force call, we need to build the preconditioners 

487 if self.precon is None or isinstance(self.precon, (str, Precon, list)): 

488 self.precon = PreconImages(self.precon, images) 


490 # apply preconditioners to transform forces 

491 # for the default IdentityPrecon this does not change their values 

492 precon_forces = self.precon.apply(forces, index=slice(1, -1)) 


494 # Save for later use in iterimages: 

495 self.energies = energies 

496 self.real_forces = np.zeros((self.nimages, self.natoms, 3)) 

497 self.real_forces[1:-1] = forces 


499 state = NEBState(self, images, energies) 


501 # Can we get rid of self.energies, self.imax, self.emax etc.? 

502 self.imax = state.imax 

503 self.emax = state.emax 


505 spring1 = state.spring(0) 


507 self.residuals = [] 

508 for i in range(1, self.nimages - 1): 

509 spring2 = state.spring(i) 

510 tangent = self.neb_method.get_tangent(state, spring1, spring2, i) 


512 # Get overlap between full PES-derived force and tangent 

513 tangential_force = np.vdot(forces[i - 1], tangent) 


515 # from now on we use the preconditioned forces (equal for precon=ID) 

516 imgforce = precon_forces[i - 1] 


518 if i == self.imax and self.climb: 

519 """The climbing image, imax, is not affected by the spring 

520 forces. This image feels the full PES-derived force, 

521 but the tangential component is inverted: 

522 see Eq. 5 in paper II.""" 

523 if self.method == 'aseneb': 

524 tangent_mag = np.vdot(tangent, tangent) # For normalizing 

525 imgforce -= 2 * tangential_force / tangent_mag * tangent 

526 else: 

527 imgforce -= 2 * tangential_force * tangent 

528 else: 

529 self.neb_method.add_image_force(state, tangential_force, 

530 tangent, imgforce, spring1, 

531 spring2, i) 

532 # compute the residual - with ID precon, this is just max force 

533 residual = self.precon.get_residual(i, imgforce) 

534 self.residuals.append(residual) 


536 spring1 = spring2 


538 return precon_forces.reshape((-1, 3)) 


540 def get_residual(self): 

541 """Return residual force along the band. 


543 Typically this the maximum force component on any image. For 

544 non-trivial preconditioners, the appropriate preconditioned norm 

545 is used to compute the residual. 

546 """ 

547 if self.residuals is None: 

548 raise RuntimeError("get_residual() called before get_forces()") 

549 return np.max(self.residuals) 


551 def get_potential_energy(self): 

552 """Return the maximum potential energy along the band.""" 

553 return self.emax 


555 def set_calculators(self, calculators): 

556 """Set new calculators to the images. 


558 Parameters 

559 ---------- 

560 calculators : Calculator / list(Calculator) 

561 calculator(s) to attach to images 

562 - single calculator, only if allow_shared_calculator=True 

563 list of calculators if length: 

564 - length nimages, set to all images 

565 - length nimages-2, set to non-end images only 

566 """ 


568 if not isinstance(calculators, list): 

569 if self.allow_shared_calculator: 

570 calculators = [calculators] * self.nimages 

571 else: 

572 raise RuntimeError("Cannot set shared calculator to NEB " 

573 "with allow_shared_calculator=False") 


575 n = len(calculators) 

576 if n == self.nimages: 

577 for i in range(self.nimages): 

578 self.images[i].calc = calculators[i] 

579 elif n == self.nimages - 2: 

580 for i in range(1, self.nimages - 1): 

581 self.images[i].calc = calculators[i - 1] 

582 else: 

583 raise RuntimeError( 

584 'len(calculators)=%d does not fit to len(images)=%d' 

585 % (n, self.nimages)) 


587 def __len__(self): 

588 # Corresponds to number of optimizable degrees of freedom, i.e. 

589 # virtual atom count for the optimization algorithm. 

590 return (self.nimages - 2) * self.natoms 


592 def iterimages(self): 

593 # Allows trajectory to convert NEB into several images 

594 for i, atoms in enumerate(self.images): 

595 if i == 0 or i == self.nimages - 1: 

596 yield atoms 

597 else: 

598 atoms = atoms.copy() 

599 self.freeze_results_on_image( 

600 atoms, energy=self.energies[i], 

601 forces=self.real_forces[i]) 


603 yield atoms 


605 def spline_fit(self, positions=None, norm='precon'): 

606 """ 

607 Fit a cubic spline to this NEB 


609 Args: 

610 norm (str, optional): Norm to use: 'precon' (default) or 'euclidean' 


612 Returns: 

613 fit: ase.precon.precon.SplineFit instance 

614 """ 

615 if norm == 'precon': 

616 if self.precon is None or isinstance(self.precon, str): 

617 self.precon = PreconImages(self.precon, self.images) 

618 precon = self.precon 

619 # if this is the first call, we need to build the preconditioners 

620 elif norm == 'euclidean': 

621 precon = PreconImages('ID', self.images) 

622 else: 

623 raise ValueError(f'unsupported norm {norm}') 

624 return precon.spline_fit(positions) 


626 def integrate_forces(self, spline_points=1000, bc_type='not-a-knot'): 

627 """Use spline fit to integrate forces along MEP to approximate 

628 energy differences using the virtual work approach. 


630 Args: 

631 spline_points (int, optional): Number of points. Defaults to 1000. 

632 bc_type (str, optional): Boundary conditions, default 'not-a-knot'. 


634 Returns: 

635 s: reaction coordinate in range [0, 1], with `spline_points` entries 

636 E: result of integrating forces, on the same grid as `s`. 

637 F: projected forces along MEP 

638 """ 

639 # note we use standard Euclidean rather than preconditioned norm 

640 # to compute the virtual work 

641 fit = self.spline_fit(norm='euclidean') 

642 forces = np.array([image.get_forces().reshape(-1) 

643 for image in self.images]) 

644 f = CubicSpline(fit.s, forces, bc_type=bc_type) 


646 s = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, spline_points, endpoint=True) 

647 dE = f(s) * fit.dx_ds(s) 

648 F = dE.sum(axis=1) 

649 E = -cumtrapz(F, s, initial=0.0) 

650 return s, E, F 



653class DyNEB(BaseNEB): 

654 def __init__(self, images, k=0.1, fmax=0.05, climb=False, parallel=False, 

655 remove_rotation_and_translation=False, world=None, 

656 dynamic_relaxation=True, scale_fmax=0., method='aseneb', 

657 allow_shared_calculator=False, precon=None): 

658 """ 

659 Subclass of NEB that allows for scaled and dynamic optimizations of 

660 images. This method, which only works in series, does not perform 

661 force calls on images that are below the convergence criterion. 

662 The convergence criteria can be scaled with a displacement metric 

663 to focus the optimization on the saddle point region. 


665 'Scaled and Dynamic Optimizations of Nudged Elastic Bands', 

666 P. Lindgren, G. Kastlunger and A. A. Peterson, 

667 J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15, 11, 5787-5793 (2019). 


669 dynamic_relaxation: bool 

670 True skips images with forces below the convergence criterion. 

671 This is updated after each force call; if a previously converged 

672 image goes out of tolerance (due to spring adjustments between 

673 the image and its neighbors), it will be optimized again. 

674 False reverts to the default NEB implementation. 


676 fmax: float 

677 Must be identical to the fmax of the optimizer. 


679 scale_fmax: float 

680 Scale convergence criteria along band based on the distance between 

681 an image and the image with the highest potential energy. This 

682 keyword determines how rapidly the convergence criteria are scaled. 

683 """ 

684 super().__init__( 

685 images, k=k, climb=climb, parallel=parallel, 

686 remove_rotation_and_translation=remove_rotation_and_translation, 

687 world=world, method=method, 

688 allow_shared_calculator=allow_shared_calculator, precon=precon) 

689 self.fmax = fmax 

690 self.dynamic_relaxation = dynamic_relaxation 

691 self.scale_fmax = scale_fmax 


693 if not self.dynamic_relaxation and self.scale_fmax: 

694 msg = ('Scaled convergence criteria only implemented in series ' 

695 'with dynamic relaxation.') 

696 raise ValueError(msg) 


698 def set_positions(self, positions): 

699 if not self.dynamic_relaxation: 

700 return super().set_positions(positions) 


702 n1 = 0 

703 for i, image in enumerate(self.images[1:-1]): 

704 if self.parallel: 

705 msg = ('Dynamic relaxation does not work efficiently ' 

706 'when parallelizing over images. Try AutoNEB ' 

707 'routine for freezing images in parallel.') 

708 raise ValueError(msg) 

709 else: 

710 forces_dyn = self._fmax_all(self.images) 

711 if forces_dyn[i] < self.fmax: 

712 n1 += self.natoms 

713 else: 

714 n2 = n1 + self.natoms 

715 image.set_positions(positions[n1:n2]) 

716 n1 = n2 


718 def _fmax_all(self, images): 

719 """Store maximum force acting on each image in list. This is used in 

720 the dynamic optimization routine in the set_positions() function.""" 

721 n = self.natoms 

722 forces = self.get_forces() 

723 fmax_images = [ 

724 np.sqrt((forces[n * i:n + n * i] ** 2).sum(axis=1)).max() 

725 for i in range(self.nimages - 2)] 

726 return fmax_images 


728 def get_forces(self): 

729 forces = super().get_forces() 

730 if not self.dynamic_relaxation: 

731 return forces 


733 """Get NEB forces and scale the convergence criteria to focus 

734 optimization on saddle point region. The keyword scale_fmax 

735 determines the rate of convergence scaling.""" 

736 n = self.natoms 

737 for i in range(self.nimages - 2): 

738 n1 = n * i 

739 n2 = n1 + n 

740 force = np.sqrt((forces[n1:n2] ** 2.).sum(axis=1)).max() 

741 n_imax = (self.imax - 1) * n # Image with highest energy. 


743 positions = self.get_positions() 

744 pos_imax = positions[n_imax:n_imax + n] 


746 """Scale convergence criteria based on distance between an 

747 image and the image with the highest potential energy.""" 

748 rel_pos = np.sqrt(((positions[n1:n2] - pos_imax) ** 2).sum()) 

749 if force < self.fmax * (1 + rel_pos * self.scale_fmax): 

750 if i == self.imax - 1: 

751 # Keep forces at saddle point for the log file. 

752 pass 

753 else: 

754 # Set forces to zero before they are sent to optimizer. 

755 forces[n1:n2, :] = 0 

756 return forces 



759def _check_deprecation(keyword, kwargs): 

760 if keyword in kwargs: 

761 warnings.warn(f'Keyword {keyword} of NEB is deprecated. ' 

762 'Please use the DyNEB class instead for dynamic ' 

763 'relaxation', FutureWarning) 



766class NEB(DyNEB): 

767 def __init__(self, images, k=0.1, climb=False, parallel=False, 

768 remove_rotation_and_translation=False, world=None, 

769 method='aseneb', allow_shared_calculator=False, 

770 precon=None, **kwargs): 

771 """Nudged elastic band. 


773 Paper I: 


775 G. Henkelman and H. Jonsson, Chem. Phys, 113, 9978 (2000). 

776 :doi:`10.1063/1.1323224` 


778 Paper II: 


780 G. Henkelman, B. P. Uberuaga, and H. Jonsson, Chem. Phys, 

781 113, 9901 (2000). 

782 :doi:`10.1063/1.1329672` 


784 Paper III: 


786 E. L. Kolsbjerg, M. N. Groves, and B. Hammer, J. Chem. Phys, 

787 145, 094107 (2016) 

788 :doi:`10.1063/1.4961868` 


790 Paper IV: 


792 S. Makri, C. Ortner and J. R. Kermode, J. Chem. Phys. 

793 150, 094109 (2019) 



796 images: list of Atoms objects 

797 Images defining path from initial to final state. 

798 k: float or list of floats 

799 Spring constant(s) in eV/Ang. One number or one for each spring. 

800 climb: bool 

801 Use a climbing image (default is no climbing image). 

802 parallel: bool 

803 Distribute images over processors. 

804 remove_rotation_and_translation: bool 

805 TRUE actives NEB-TR for removing translation and 

806 rotation during NEB. By default applied non-periodic 

807 systems 

808 method: string of method 

809 Choice betweeen five methods: 


811 * aseneb: standard ase NEB implementation 

812 * improvedtangent: Paper I NEB implementation 

813 * eb: Paper III full spring force implementation 

814 * spline: Paper IV spline interpolation (supports precon) 

815 * string: Paper IV string method (supports precon) 

816 allow_shared_calculator: bool 

817 Allow images to share the same calculator between them. 

818 Incompatible with parallelisation over images. 

819 precon: string, :class:`ase.optimize.precon.Precon` instance or list of 

820 instances. If present, enable preconditioing as in Paper IV. This is 

821 possible using the 'spline' or 'string' methods only. 

822 Default is no preconditioning (precon=None), which is converted to 

823 a list of :class:`ase.precon.precon.IdentityPrecon` instances. 

824 """ 

825 for keyword in 'dynamic_relaxation', 'fmax', 'scale_fmax': 

826 _check_deprecation(keyword, kwargs) 

827 defaults = dict(dynamic_relaxation=False, 

828 fmax=0.05, 

829 scale_fmax=0.0) 

830 defaults.update(kwargs) 

831 # Only reason for separating BaseNEB/NEB is that we are 

832 # deprecating dynamic_relaxation. 

833 # 

834 # We can turn BaseNEB into NEB once we get rid of the 

835 # deprecated variables. 

836 # 

837 # Then we can also move DyNEB into ase.dyneb without cyclic imports. 

838 # We can do that in ase-3.22 or 3.23. 

839 super().__init__( 

840 images, k=k, climb=climb, parallel=parallel, 

841 remove_rotation_and_translation=remove_rotation_and_translation, 

842 world=world, method=method, 

843 allow_shared_calculator=allow_shared_calculator, 

844 precon=precon, 

845 **defaults) 



848class NEBOptimizer(Optimizer): 

849 """ 

850 This optimizer applies an adaptive ODE solver to a NEB 


852 Details of the adaptive ODE solver are described in paper IV 

853 """ 


855 def __init__(self, 

856 neb, 

857 restart=None, logfile='-', trajectory=None, 

858 master=None, 

859 append_trajectory=False, 

860 method='ODE', 

861 alpha=0.01, 

862 verbose=0, 

863 rtol=0.1, 

864 C1=1e-2, 

865 C2=2.0): 


867 super().__init__(atoms=neb, restart=restart, 

868 logfile=logfile, trajectory=trajectory, 

869 master=master, 

870 append_trajectory=append_trajectory) 

871 self.neb = neb 


873 method = method.lower() 

874 methods = ['ode', 'static', 'krylov'] 

875 if method not in methods: 

876 raise ValueError(f'method must be one of {methods}') 

877 self.method = method 


879 self.alpha = alpha 

880 self.verbose = verbose 

881 self.rtol = rtol 

882 self.C1 = C1 

883 self.C2 = C2 


885 def force_function(self, X): 

886 positions = X.reshape((self.neb.nimages - 2) * 

887 self.neb.natoms, 3) 

888 self.neb.set_positions(positions) 

889 forces = self.neb.get_forces().reshape(-1) 

890 return forces 


892 def get_residual(self, F=None, X=None): 

893 return self.neb.get_residual() 


895 def log(self): 

896 fmax = self.get_residual() 

897 T = time.localtime() 

898 if self.logfile is not None: 

899 name = f'{self.__class__.__name__}[{self.method}]' 

900 if self.nsteps == 0: 

901 args = (" " * len(name), "Step", "Time", "fmax") 

902 msg = "%s %4s %8s %12s\n" % args 

903 self.logfile.write(msg) 


905 args = (name, self.nsteps, T[3], T[4], T[5], fmax) 

906 msg = "%s: %3d %02d:%02d:%02d %12.4f\n" % args 

907 self.logfile.write(msg) 

908 self.logfile.flush() 


910 def callback(self, X, F=None): 

911 self.log() 

912 self.call_observers() 

913 self.nsteps += 1 


915 def run_ode(self, fmax): 

916 try: 

917 ode12r(self.force_function, 

918 self.neb.get_positions().reshape(-1), 

919 fmax=fmax, 

920 rtol=self.rtol, 

921 C1=self.C1, 

922 C2=self.C2, 

923 steps=self.max_steps, 

924 verbose=self.verbose, 

925 callback=self.callback, 

926 residual=self.get_residual) 

927 return True 

928 except OptimizerConvergenceError: 

929 return False 


931 def run_static(self, fmax): 

932 X = self.neb.get_positions().reshape(-1) 

933 for step in range(self.max_steps): 

934 F = self.force_function(X) 

935 if self.neb.get_residual() <= fmax: 

936 return True 

937 X += self.alpha * F 

938 self.callback(X) 

939 return False 


941 def run(self, fmax=0.05, steps=DEFAULT_MAX_STEPS, method=None): 

942 """ 

943 Optimize images to obtain the minimum energy path 


945 Parameters 

946 ---------- 

947 fmax - desired force tolerance 

948 steps - maximum number of steps 

949 """ 

950 self.max_steps = steps 

951 if method is None: 

952 method = self.method 

953 if method == 'ode': 

954 return self.run_ode(fmax) 

955 elif method == 'static': 

956 return self.run_static(fmax) 

957 else: 

958 raise ValueError(f'unknown method: {self.method}') 



961class IDPP(Calculator): 

962 """Image dependent pair potential. 


964 See: 

965 Improved initial guess for minimum energy path calculations. 

966 Søren Smidstrup, Andreas Pedersen, Kurt Stokbro and Hannes Jónsson 

967 Chem. Phys. 140, 214106 (2014) 

968 """ 


970 implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces'] 


972 def __init__(self, target, mic): 

973 Calculator.__init__(self) 

974 = target 

975 self.mic = mic 


977 def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes): 

978 Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) 


980 P = atoms.get_positions() 

981 d = [] 

982 D = [] 

983 for p in P: 

984 Di = P - p 

985 if self.mic: 

986 Di, di = find_mic(Di, atoms.get_cell(), atoms.get_pbc()) 

987 else: 

988 di = np.sqrt((Di ** 2).sum(1)) 

989 d.append(di) 

990 D.append(Di) 

991 d = np.array(d) 

992 D = np.array(D) 


994 dd = d - 

995 d.ravel()[::len(d) + 1] = 1 # avoid dividing by zero 

996 d4 = d ** 4 

997 e = 0.5 * (dd ** 2 / d4).sum() 

998 f = -2 * ((dd * (1 - 2 * dd / d) / d ** 5)[..., np.newaxis] * D).sum( 

999 0) 

1000 self.results = {'energy': e, 'forces': f} 



1003@deprecated("SingleCalculatorNEB is deprecated. " 

1004 "Please use NEB(allow_shared_calculator=True) instead.") 

1005class SingleCalculatorNEB(NEB): 

1006 """ 

1007 .. deprecated:: 3.23.0 

1008 Please use ``NEB(allow_shared_calculator=True)`` instead 

1009 """ 

1010 def __init__(self, images, *args, **kwargs): 

1011 kwargs["allow_shared_calculator"] = True 

1012 super().__init__(images, *args, **kwargs) 



1015def interpolate(images, mic=False, interpolate_cell=False, 

1016 use_scaled_coord=False, apply_constraint=None): 

1017 """Given a list of images, linearly interpolate the positions of the 

1018 interior images. 


1020 mic: bool 

1021 Map movement into the unit cell by using the minimum image convention. 

1022 interpolate_cell: bool 

1023 Interpolate the three cell vectors linearly just like the atomic 

1024 positions. Not implemented for NEB calculations! 

1025 use_scaled_coord: bool 

1026 Use scaled/internal/fractional coordinates instead of real ones for the 

1027 interpolation. Not implemented for NEB calculations! 

1028 apply_constraint: bool 

1029 Controls if the constraints attached to the images 

1030 are ignored or applied when setting the interpolated positions. 

1031 Default value is None, in this case the resulting constrained positions 

1032 (apply_constraint=True) are compared with unconstrained positions 

1033 (apply_constraint=False), if the positions are not the same 

1034 the user is required to specify the desired behaviour 

1035 by setting up apply_constraint keyword argument to False or True. 

1036 """ 

1037 if use_scaled_coord: 

1038 pos1 = images[0].get_scaled_positions(wrap=mic) 

1039 pos2 = images[-1].get_scaled_positions(wrap=mic) 

1040 else: 

1041 pos1 = images[0].get_positions() 

1042 pos2 = images[-1].get_positions() 

1043 d = pos2 - pos1 

1044 if not use_scaled_coord and mic: 

1045 d = find_mic(d, images[0].get_cell(), images[0].pbc)[0] 

1046 d /= (len(images) - 1.0) 

1047 if interpolate_cell: 

1048 cell1 = images[0].get_cell() 

1049 cell2 = images[-1].get_cell() 

1050 cell_diff = cell2 - cell1 

1051 cell_diff /= (len(images) - 1.0) 

1052 for i in range(1, len(images) - 1): 

1053 # first the new cell, otherwise scaled positions are wrong 

1054 if interpolate_cell: 

1055 images[i].set_cell(cell1 + i * cell_diff) 

1056 new_pos = pos1 + i * d 

1057 if use_scaled_coord: 

1058 images[i].set_scaled_positions(new_pos) 

1059 else: 

1060 if apply_constraint is None: 

1061 unconstrained_image = images[i].copy() 

1062 unconstrained_image.set_positions(new_pos, 

1063 apply_constraint=False) 

1064 images[i].set_positions(new_pos, apply_constraint=True) 

1065 try: 

1066 np.testing.assert_allclose(unconstrained_image.positions, 

1067 images[i].positions) 

1068 except AssertionError: 

1069 raise RuntimeError(f"Constraint(s) in image number {i} \n" 

1070 "affect the interpolation results.\n" 

1071 "Please specify if you want to \n" 

1072 "apply or ignore the constraints \n" 

1073 "during the interpolation \n" 

1074 "with apply_constraint argument.") 

1075 else: 

1076 images[i].set_positions(new_pos, 

1077 apply_constraint=apply_constraint) 



1080def idpp_interpolate(images, traj='idpp.traj', log='idpp.log', fmax=0.1, 

1081 optimizer=MDMin, mic=False, steps=100): 

1082 """Interpolate using the IDPP method. 'images' can either be a plain 

1083 list of images or an NEB object (containing a list of images).""" 

1084 if hasattr(images, 'interpolate'): 

1085 neb = images 

1086 else: 

1087 neb = NEB(images) 


1089 d1 = neb.images[0].get_all_distances(mic=mic) 

1090 d2 = neb.images[-1].get_all_distances(mic=mic) 

1091 d = (d2 - d1) / (neb.nimages - 1) 

1092 real_calcs = [] 

1093 for i, image in enumerate(neb.images): 

1094 real_calcs.append(image.calc) 

1095 image.calc = IDPP(d1 + i * d, mic=mic) 


1097 with optimizer(neb, trajectory=traj, logfile=log) as opt: 

1098, steps=steps) 


1100 for image, calc in zip(neb.images, real_calcs): 

1101 image.calc = calc 



1104class NEBTools: 

1105 """Class to make many of the common tools for NEB analysis available to 

1106 the user. Useful for scripting the output of many jobs. Initialize with 

1107 list of images which make up one or more band of the NEB relaxation.""" 


1109 def __init__(self, images): 

1110 self.images = images 


1112 @deprecated('NEBTools.get_fit() is deprecated. ' 

1113 'Please use ase.utils.forcecurve.fit_images(images).') 

1114 def get_fit(self): 

1115 """ 

1116 .. deprecated:: 3.23.0 

1117 Please use ``ase.utils.forcecurve.fit_images(images)`` 

1118 """ 

1119 return fit_images(self.images) 


1121 def get_barrier(self, fit=True, raw=False): 

1122 """Returns the barrier estimate from the NEB, along with the 

1123 Delta E of the elementary reaction. If fit=True, the barrier is 

1124 estimated based on the interpolated fit to the images; if 

1125 fit=False, the barrier is taken as the maximum-energy image 

1126 without interpolation. Set raw=True to get the raw energy of the 

1127 transition state instead of the forward barrier.""" 

1128 forcefit = fit_images(self.images) 

1129 energies = forcefit.energies 

1130 fit_energies = forcefit.fit_energies 

1131 dE = energies[-1] - energies[0] 

1132 if fit: 

1133 barrier = max(fit_energies) 

1134 else: 

1135 barrier = max(energies) 

1136 if raw: 

1137 barrier += self.images[0].get_potential_energy() 

1138 return barrier, dE 


1140 def get_fmax(self, **kwargs): 

1141 """Returns fmax, as used by optimizers with NEB.""" 

1142 neb = NEB(self.images, **kwargs) 

1143 forces = neb.get_forces() 

1144 return np.sqrt((forces ** 2).sum(axis=1).max()) 


1146 def plot_band(self, ax=None): 

1147 """Plots the NEB band on matplotlib axes object 'ax'. If ax=None 

1148 returns a new figure object.""" 

1149 forcefit = fit_images(self.images) 

1150 ax = forcefit.plot(ax=ax) 

1151 return ax.figure 


1153 def plot_bands(self, constant_x=False, constant_y=False, 

1154 nimages=None, label='nebplots'): 

1155 """Given a trajectory containing many steps of a NEB, makes 

1156 plots of each band in the series in a single PDF. 


1158 constant_x: bool 

1159 Use the same x limits on all plots. 

1160 constant_y: bool 

1161 Use the same y limits on all plots. 

1162 nimages: int 

1163 Number of images per band. Guessed if not supplied. 

1164 label: str 

1165 Name for the output file. .pdf will be appended. 

1166 """ 

1167 from matplotlib import pyplot 

1168 from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages 

1169 if nimages is None: 

1170 nimages = self._guess_nimages() 

1171 nebsteps = len(self.images) // nimages 

1172 if constant_x or constant_y: 

1173 sys.stdout.write('Scaling axes.\n') 

1174 sys.stdout.flush() 

1175 # Plot all to one plot, then pull its x and y range. 

1176 fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() 

1177 for index in range(nebsteps): 

1178 images = self.images[index * nimages:(index + 1) * nimages] 

1179 NEBTools(images).plot_band(ax=ax) 

1180 xlim = ax.get_xlim() 

1181 ylim = ax.get_ylim() 

1182 pyplot.close(fig) # Reference counting "bug" in pyplot. 

1183 with PdfPages(label + '.pdf') as pdf: 

1184 for index in range(nebsteps): 

1185 sys.stdout.write('\rProcessing band {:10d} / {:10d}' 

1186 .format(index, nebsteps)) 

1187 sys.stdout.flush() 

1188 fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() 

1189 images = self.images[index * nimages:(index + 1) * nimages] 

1190 NEBTools(images).plot_band(ax=ax) 

1191 if constant_x: 

1192 ax.set_xlim(xlim) 

1193 if constant_y: 

1194 ax.set_ylim(ylim) 

1195 pdf.savefig(fig) 

1196 pyplot.close(fig) # Reference counting "bug" in pyplot. 

1197 sys.stdout.write('\n') 


1199 def _guess_nimages(self): 

1200 """Attempts to guess the number of images per band from 

1201 a trajectory, based solely on the repetition of the 

1202 potential energy of images. This should also work for symmetric 

1203 cases.""" 

1204 e_first = self.images[0].get_potential_energy() 

1205 nimages = None 

1206 for index, image in enumerate(self.images[1:], start=1): 

1207 e = image.get_potential_energy() 

1208 if e == e_first: 

1209 # Need to check for symmetric case when e_first = e_last. 

1210 try: 

1211 e_next = self.images[index + 1].get_potential_energy() 

1212 except IndexError: 

1213 pass 

1214 else: 

1215 if e_next == e_first: 

1216 nimages = index + 1 # Symmetric 

1217 break 

1218 nimages = index # Normal 

1219 break 

1220 if nimages is None: 

1221 sys.stdout.write('Appears to be only one band in the images.\n') 

1222 return len(self.images) 

1223 # Sanity check that the energies of the last images line up too. 

1224 e_last = self.images[nimages - 1].get_potential_energy() 

1225 e_nextlast = self.images[2 * nimages - 1].get_potential_energy() 

1226 if not (e_last == e_nextlast): 

1227 raise RuntimeError('Could not guess number of images per band.') 

1228 sys.stdout.write('Number of images per band guessed to be {:d}.\n' 

1229 .format(nimages)) 

1230 return nimages 



1233class NEBtools(NEBTools): 

1234 @deprecated('NEBtools has been renamed; please use NEBTools.') 

1235 def __init__(self, images): 

1236 """ 

1237 .. deprecated:: 3.23.0 

1238 Please use :class:`~ase.mep.NEBTools`. 

1239 """ 

1240 NEBTools.__init__(self, images) 



1243@deprecated('Please use NEBTools.plot_band_from_fit.') 

1244def plot_band_from_fit(s, E, Sfit, Efit, lines, ax=None): 

1245 """ 

1246 .. deprecated:: 3.23.0 

1247 Please use :meth:`NEBTools.plot_band_from_fit`. 

1248 """ 

1249 NEBTools.plot_band_from_fit(s, E, Sfit, Efit, lines, ax=None)