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1import os 


3import numpy as np 


5from ase import io, units 

6from import MDLogger, VelocityVerlet 

7from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution 

8from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton 

9from ase.parallel import paropen, world 



12class MinimaHopping: 

13 """Implements the minima hopping method of global optimization outlined 

14 by S. Goedecker, J. Chem. Phys. 120: 9911 (2004). Initialize with an 

15 ASE atoms object. Optional parameters are fed through keywords. 

16 To run multiple searches in parallel, specify the minima_traj keyword, 

17 and have each run point to the same path. 

18 """ 


20 _default_settings = { 

21 'T0': 1000., # K, initial MD 'temperature' 

22 'beta1': 1.1, # temperature adjustment parameter 

23 'beta2': 1.1, # temperature adjustment parameter 

24 'beta3': 1. / 1.1, # temperature adjustment parameter 

25 'Ediff0': 0.5, # eV, initial energy acceptance threshold 

26 'alpha1': 0.98, # energy threshold adjustment parameter 

27 'alpha2': 1. / 0.98, # energy threshold adjustment parameter 

28 'mdmin': 2, # criteria to stop MD simulation (no. of minima) 

29 'logfile': 'hop.log', # text log 

30 'minima_threshold': 0.5, # A, threshold for identical configs 

31 'timestep': 1.0, # fs, timestep for MD simulations 

32 'optimizer': QuasiNewton, # local optimizer to use 

33 'minima_traj': 'minima.traj', # storage file for minima list 

34 'fmax': 0.05} # eV/A, max force for optimizations 


36 def __init__(self, atoms, **kwargs): 

37 """Initialize with an ASE atoms object and keyword arguments.""" 

38 self._atoms = atoms 

39 for key in kwargs: 

40 if key not in self._default_settings: 

41 raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown keyword: {key}') 

42 for k, v in self._default_settings.items(): 

43 setattr(self, f'_{k}', kwargs.pop(k, v)) 


45 # when a MD sim. has passed a local minimum: 

46 self._passedminimum = PassedMinimum() 


48 # Misc storage. 

49 self._previous_optimum = None 

50 self._previous_energy = None 

51 self._temperature = self._T0 

52 self._Ediff = self._Ediff0 


54 def __call__(self, totalsteps=None, maxtemp=None): 

55 """Run the minima hopping algorithm. Can specify stopping criteria 

56 with total steps allowed or maximum searching temperature allowed. 

57 If neither is specified, runs indefinitely (or until stopped by 

58 batching software).""" 

59 self._startup() 

60 while True: 

61 if (totalsteps and self._counter >= totalsteps): 

62 self._log('msg', 'Run terminated. Step #%i reached of ' 

63 '%i allowed. Increase totalsteps if resuming.' 

64 % (self._counter, totalsteps)) 

65 return 

66 if (maxtemp and self._temperature >= maxtemp): 

67 self._log('msg', 'Run terminated. Temperature is %.2f K;' 

68 ' max temperature allowed %.2f K.' 

69 % (self._temperature, maxtemp)) 

70 return 


72 self._previous_optimum = self._atoms.copy() 

73 self._previous_energy = self._atoms.get_potential_energy() 

74 self._molecular_dynamics() 

75 self._optimize() 

76 self._counter += 1 

77 self._check_results() 


79 def _startup(self): 

80 """Initiates a run, and determines if running from previous data or 

81 a fresh run.""" 


83 status = np.array(-1.) 

84 exists = self._read_minima() 

85 if world.rank == 0: 

86 if not exists: 

87 # Fresh run with new minima file. 

88 status = np.array(0.) 

89 elif not os.path.exists(self._logfile): 

90 # Fresh run with existing or shared minima file. 

91 status = np.array(1.) 

92 else: 

93 # Must be resuming from within a working directory. 

94 status = np.array(2.) 

95 world.barrier() 

96 world.broadcast(status, 0) 


98 if status == 2.: 

99 self._resume() 

100 else: 

101 self._counter = 0 

102 self._log('init') 

103 self._log('msg', 'Performing initial optimization.') 

104 if status == 1.: 

105 self._log('msg', 'Using existing minima file with %i prior ' 

106 'minima: %s' % (len(self._minima), 

107 self._minima_traj)) 

108 self._optimize() 

109 self._check_results() 

110 self._counter += 1 


112 def _resume(self): 

113 """Attempt to resume a run, based on information in the log 

114 file. Note it will almost always be interrupted in the middle of 

115 either a qn or md run or when exceeding totalsteps, so it only has 

116 been tested in those cases currently.""" 

117 f = paropen(self._logfile, 'r') 

118 lines = 

119 f.close() 

120 self._log('msg', 'Attempting to resume stopped run.') 

121 self._log('msg', 'Using existing minima file with %i prior ' 

122 'minima: %s' % (len(self._minima), self._minima_traj)) 

123 mdcount, qncount = 0, 0 

124 for line in lines: 

125 if (line[:4] == 'par:') and ('Ediff' not in line): 

126 self._temperature = float(line.split()[1]) 

127 self._Ediff = float(line.split()[2]) 

128 elif line[:18] == 'msg: Optimization:': 

129 qncount = int(line[19:].split('qn')[1]) 

130 elif line[:24] == 'msg: Molecular dynamics:': 

131 mdcount = int(line[25:].split('md')[1]) 

132 self._counter = max((mdcount, qncount)) 

133 if qncount == mdcount: 

134 # Either stopped during local optimization or terminated due to 

135 # max steps. 

136 self._log('msg', 'Attempting to resume at qn%05i' % qncount) 

137 if qncount > 0: 

138 atoms ='qn%05i.traj' % (qncount - 1), index=-1) 

139 self._previous_optimum = atoms.copy() 

140 self._previous_energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() 

141 if os.path.getsize('qn%05i.traj' % qncount) > 0: 

142 atoms ='qn%05i.traj' % qncount, index=-1) 

143 else: 

144 atoms ='md%05i.traj' % qncount, index=-3) 

145 self._atoms.positions = atoms.get_positions() 

146 fmax = np.sqrt((atoms.get_forces() ** 2).sum(axis=1).max()) 

147 if fmax < self._fmax: 

148 # Stopped after a qn finished. 

149 self._log('msg', 'qn%05i fmax already less than fmax=%.3f' 

150 % (qncount, self._fmax)) 

151 self._counter += 1 

152 return 

153 self._optimize() 

154 self._counter += 1 

155 if qncount > 0: 

156 self._check_results() 

157 else: 

158 self._record_minimum() 

159 self._log('msg', 'Found a new minimum.') 

160 self._log('msg', 'Accepted new minimum.') 

161 self._log('par') 

162 elif qncount < mdcount: 

163 # Probably stopped during molecular dynamics. 

164 self._log('msg', 'Attempting to resume at md%05i.' % mdcount) 

165 atoms ='qn%05i.traj' % qncount, index=-1) 

166 self._previous_optimum = atoms.copy() 

167 self._previous_energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() 

168 self._molecular_dynamics(resume=mdcount) 

169 self._optimize() 

170 self._counter += 1 

171 self._check_results() 


173 def _check_results(self): 

174 """Adjusts parameters and positions based on outputs.""" 


176 # No prior minima found? 

177 self._read_minima() 

178 if len(self._minima) == 0: 

179 self._log('msg', 'Found a new minimum.') 

180 self._log('msg', 'Accepted new minimum.') 

181 self._record_minimum() 

182 self._log('par') 

183 return 

184 # Returned to starting position? 

185 if self._previous_optimum: 

186 compare = ComparePositions(translate=False) 

187 dmax = compare(self._atoms, self._previous_optimum) 

188 self._log('msg', 'Max distance to last minimum: %.3f A' % dmax) 

189 if dmax < self._minima_threshold: 

190 self._log('msg', 'Re-found last minimum.') 

191 self._temperature *= self._beta1 

192 self._log('par') 

193 return 

194 # In a previously found position? 

195 unique, dmax_closest = self._unique_minimum_position() 

196 self._log('msg', 'Max distance to closest minimum: %.3f A' % 

197 dmax_closest) 

198 if not unique: 

199 self._temperature *= self._beta2 

200 self._log('msg', 'Found previously found minimum.') 

201 self._log('par') 

202 if self._previous_optimum: 

203 self._log('msg', 'Restoring last minimum.') 

204 self._atoms.positions = self._previous_optimum.positions 

205 return 

206 # Must have found a unique minimum. 

207 self._temperature *= self._beta3 

208 self._log('msg', 'Found a new minimum.') 

209 self._log('par') 

210 if (self._previous_energy is None or 

211 (self._atoms.get_potential_energy() < 

212 self._previous_energy + self._Ediff)): 

213 self._log('msg', 'Accepted new minimum.') 

214 self._Ediff *= self._alpha1 

215 self._log('par') 

216 self._record_minimum() 

217 else: 

218 self._log('msg', 'Rejected new minimum due to energy. ' 

219 'Restoring last minimum.') 

220 self._atoms.positions = self._previous_optimum.positions 

221 self._Ediff *= self._alpha2 

222 self._log('par') 


224 def _log(self, cat='msg', message=None): 

225 """Records the message as a line in the log file.""" 

226 if cat == 'init': 

227 if world.rank == 0: 

228 if os.path.exists(self._logfile): 

229 raise RuntimeError(f'File exists: {self._logfile}') 

230 fd = paropen(self._logfile, 'w') 

231 fd.write('par: %12s %12s %12s\n' % ('T (K)', 'Ediff (eV)', 

232 'mdmin')) 

233 fd.write('ene: %12s %12s %12s\n' % ('E_current', 'E_previous', 

234 'Difference')) 

235 fd.close() 

236 return 

237 fd = paropen(self._logfile, 'a') 

238 if cat == 'msg': 

239 line = f'msg: {message}' 

240 elif cat == 'par': 

241 line = ('par: %12.4f %12.4f %12i' % 

242 (self._temperature, self._Ediff, self._mdmin)) 

243 elif cat == 'ene': 

244 current = self._atoms.get_potential_energy() 

245 if self._previous_optimum: 

246 previous = self._previous_energy 

247 line = ('ene: %12.5f %12.5f %12.5f' % 

248 (current, previous, current - previous)) 

249 else: 

250 line = ('ene: %12.5f' % current) 

251 fd.write(line + '\n') 

252 fd.close() 


254 def _optimize(self): 

255 """Perform an optimization.""" 

256 self._atoms.set_momenta(np.zeros(self._atoms.get_momenta().shape)) 

257 with self._optimizer(self._atoms, 

258 trajectory='qn%05i.traj' % self._counter, 

259 logfile='qn%05i.log' % self._counter) as opt: 

260 self._log('msg', 'Optimization: qn%05i' % self._counter) 


262 self._log('ene') 


264 def _record_minimum(self): 

265 """Adds the current atoms configuration to the minima list.""" 

266 with io.Trajectory(self._minima_traj, 'a') as traj: 

267 traj.write(self._atoms) 

268 self._read_minima() 

269 self._log('msg', 'Recorded minima #%i.' % (len(self._minima) - 1)) 


271 def _read_minima(self): 

272 """Reads in the list of minima from the minima file.""" 

273 exists = os.path.exists(self._minima_traj) 

274 if exists: 

275 empty = os.path.getsize(self._minima_traj) == 0 

276 if not empty: 

277 with io.Trajectory(self._minima_traj, 'r') as traj: 

278 self._minima = [atoms for atoms in traj] 

279 else: 

280 self._minima = [] 

281 return True 

282 else: 

283 self._minima = [] 

284 return False 


286 def _molecular_dynamics(self, resume=None): 

287 """Performs a molecular dynamics simulation, until mdmin is 

288 exceeded. If resuming, the file number (md%05i) is expected.""" 

289 self._log('msg', 'Molecular dynamics: md%05i' % self._counter) 

290 mincount = 0 

291 energies, oldpositions = [], [] 

292 thermalized = False 

293 if resume: 

294 self._log('msg', 'Resuming MD from md%05i.traj' % resume) 

295 if os.path.getsize('md%05i.traj' % resume) == 0: 

296 self._log('msg', 'md%05i.traj is empty. Resuming from ' 

297 'qn%05i.traj.' % (resume, resume - 1)) 

298 atoms ='qn%05i.traj' % (resume - 1), index=-1) 

299 else: 

300 with io.Trajectory('md%05i.traj' % resume, 'r') as images: 

301 for atoms in images: 

302 energies.append(atoms.get_potential_energy()) 

303 oldpositions.append(atoms.positions.copy()) 

304 passedmin = self._passedminimum(energies) 

305 if passedmin: 

306 mincount += 1 

307 self._atoms.set_momenta(atoms.get_momenta()) 

308 thermalized = True 

309 self._atoms.positions = atoms.get_positions() 

310 self._log('msg', 'Starting MD with %i existing energies.' % 

311 len(energies)) 

312 if not thermalized: 

313 MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(self._atoms, 

314 temperature_K=self._temperature, 

315 force_temp=True) 

316 traj = io.Trajectory('md%05i.traj' % self._counter, 'a', 

317 self._atoms) 

318 dyn = VelocityVerlet(self._atoms, timestep=self._timestep * units.fs) 

319 log = MDLogger(dyn, self._atoms, 'md%05i.log' % self._counter, 

320 header=True, stress=False, peratom=False) 


322 with traj, dyn, log: 

323 dyn.attach(log, interval=1) 

324 dyn.attach(traj, interval=1) 

325 while mincount < self._mdmin: 


327 energies.append(self._atoms.get_potential_energy()) 

328 passedmin = self._passedminimum(energies) 

329 if passedmin: 

330 mincount += 1 

331 oldpositions.append(self._atoms.positions.copy()) 

332 # Reset atoms to minimum point. 

333 self._atoms.positions = oldpositions[passedmin[0]] 


335 def _unique_minimum_position(self): 

336 """Identifies if the current position of the atoms, which should be 

337 a local minima, has been found before.""" 

338 unique = True 

339 dmax_closest = 99999. 

340 compare = ComparePositions(translate=True) 

341 self._read_minima() 

342 for minimum in self._minima: 

343 dmax = compare(minimum, self._atoms) 

344 if dmax < self._minima_threshold: 

345 unique = False 

346 if dmax < dmax_closest: 

347 dmax_closest = dmax 

348 return unique, dmax_closest 



351class ComparePositions: 

352 """Class that compares the atomic positions between two ASE atoms 

353 objects. Returns the maximum distance that any atom has moved, assuming 

354 all atoms of the same element are indistinguishable. If translate is 

355 set to True, allows for arbitrary translations within the unit cell, 

356 as well as translations across any periodic boundary conditions. When 

357 called, returns the maximum displacement of any one atom.""" 


359 def __init__(self, translate=True): 

360 self._translate = translate 


362 def __call__(self, atoms1, atoms2): 

363 atoms1 = atoms1.copy() 

364 atoms2 = atoms2.copy() 

365 if not self._translate: 

366 dmax = self. _indistinguishable_compare(atoms1, atoms2) 

367 else: 

368 dmax = self._translated_compare(atoms1, atoms2) 

369 return dmax 


371 def _translated_compare(self, atoms1, atoms2): 

372 """Moves the atoms around and tries to pair up atoms, assuming any 

373 atoms with the same symbol are indistinguishable, and honors 

374 periodic boundary conditions (for example, so that an atom at 

375 (0.1, 0., 0.) correctly is found to be close to an atom at 

376 (7.9, 0., 0.) if the atoms are in an orthorhombic cell with 

377 x-dimension of 8. Returns dmax, the maximum distance between any 

378 two atoms in the optimal configuration.""" 

379 atoms1.set_constraint() 

380 atoms2.set_constraint() 

381 for index in range(3): 

382 assert atoms1.pbc[index] == atoms2.pbc[index] 

383 least = self._get_least_common(atoms1) 

384 indices1 = [atom.index for atom in atoms1 if atom.symbol == least[0]] 

385 indices2 = [atom.index for atom in atoms2 if atom.symbol == least[0]] 

386 # Make comparison sets from atoms2, which contain repeated atoms in 

387 # all pbc's and bring the atom listed in indices2 to (0,0,0) 

388 comparisons = [] 

389 repeat = [] 

390 for bc in atoms2.pbc: 

391 if bc: 

392 repeat.append(3) 

393 else: 

394 repeat.append(1) 

395 repeated = atoms2.repeat(repeat) 

396 moved_cell = atoms2.cell * atoms2.pbc 

397 for moved in moved_cell: 

398 repeated.translate(-moved) 

399 repeated.set_cell(atoms2.cell) 

400 for index in indices2: 

401 comparison = repeated.copy() 

402 comparison.translate(-atoms2[index].position) 

403 comparisons.append(comparison) 

404 # Bring the atom listed in indices1 to (0,0,0) [not whole list] 

405 standard = atoms1.copy() 

406 standard.translate(-atoms1[indices1[0]].position) 

407 # Compare the standard to the comparison sets. 

408 dmaxes = [] 

409 for comparison in comparisons: 

410 dmax = self._indistinguishable_compare(standard, comparison) 

411 dmaxes.append(dmax) 

412 return min(dmaxes) 


414 def _get_least_common(self, atoms): 

415 """Returns the least common element in atoms. If more than one, 

416 returns the first encountered.""" 

417 symbols = [atom.symbol for atom in atoms] 

418 least = ['', np.inf] 

419 for element in set(symbols): 

420 count = symbols.count(element) 

421 if count < least[1]: 

422 least = [element, count] 

423 return least 


425 def _indistinguishable_compare(self, atoms1, atoms2): 

426 """Finds each atom in atoms1's nearest neighbor with the same 

427 chemical symbol in atoms2. Return dmax, the farthest distance an 

428 individual atom differs by.""" 

429 atoms2 = atoms2.copy() # allow deletion 

430 atoms2.set_constraint() 

431 dmax = 0. 

432 for atom1 in atoms1: 

433 closest = [np.nan, np.inf] 

434 for index, atom2 in enumerate(atoms2): 

435 if atom2.symbol == atom1.symbol: 

436 d = np.linalg.norm(atom1.position - atom2.position) 

437 if d < closest[1]: 

438 closest = [index, d] 

439 if closest[1] > dmax: 

440 dmax = closest[1] 

441 del atoms2[closest[0]] 

442 return dmax 



445class PassedMinimum: 

446 """Simple routine to find if a minimum in the potential energy surface 

447 has been passed. In its default settings, a minimum is found if the 

448 sequence ends with two downward points followed by two upward points. 

449 Initialize with n_down and n_up, integer values of the number of up and 

450 down points. If it has successfully determined it passed a minimum, it 

451 returns the value (energy) of that minimum and the number of positions 

452 back it occurred, otherwise returns None.""" 


454 def __init__(self, n_down=2, n_up=2): 

455 self._ndown = n_down 

456 self._nup = n_up 


458 def __call__(self, energies): 

459 if len(energies) < (self._nup + self._ndown + 1): 

460 return None 

461 status = True 

462 index = -1 

463 for i_up in range(self._nup): 

464 if energies[index] < energies[index - 1]: 

465 status = False 

466 index -= 1 

467 for i_down in range(self._ndown): 

468 if energies[index] > energies[index - 1]: 

469 status = False 

470 index -= 1 

471 if status: 

472 return (-self._nup - 1), energies[-self._nup - 1] 



475class MHPlot: 

476 """Makes a plot summarizing the output of the MH algorithm from the 

477 specified rundirectory. If no rundirectory is supplied, uses the 

478 current directory.""" 


480 def __init__(self, rundirectory=None, logname='hop.log'): 

481 if not rundirectory: 

482 rundirectory = os.getcwd() 

483 self._rundirectory = rundirectory 

484 self._logname = logname 

485 self._read_log() 

486 self._fig, self._ax = self._makecanvas() 

487 self._plot_data() 


489 def get_figure(self): 

490 """Returns the matplotlib figure object.""" 

491 return self._fig 


493 def save_figure(self, filename): 

494 """Saves the file to the specified path, with any allowed 

495 matplotlib extension (e.g., .pdf, .png, etc.).""" 

496 self._fig.savefig(filename) 


498 def _read_log(self): 

499 """Reads relevant parts of the log file.""" 

500 data = [] # format: [energy, status, temperature, ediff] 


502 with open(os.path.join(self._rundirectory, self._logname)) as fd: 

503 lines = 


505 step_almost_over = False 

506 step_over = False 

507 for line in lines: 

508 if line.startswith('msg: Molecular dynamics:'): 

509 status = 'performing MD' 

510 elif line.startswith('msg: Optimization:'): 

511 status = 'performing QN' 

512 elif line.startswith('ene:'): 

513 status = 'local optimum reached' 

514 energy = floatornan(line.split()[1]) 

515 elif line.startswith('msg: Accepted new minimum.'): 

516 status = 'accepted' 

517 step_almost_over = True 

518 elif line.startswith('msg: Found previously found minimum.'): 

519 status = 'previously found minimum' 

520 step_almost_over = True 

521 elif line.startswith('msg: Re-found last minimum.'): 

522 status = 'previous minimum' 

523 step_almost_over = True 

524 elif line.startswith('msg: Rejected new minimum'): 

525 status = 'rejected' 

526 step_almost_over = True 

527 elif line.startswith('par: '): 

528 temperature = floatornan(line.split()[1]) 

529 ediff = floatornan(line.split()[2]) 

530 if step_almost_over: 

531 step_over = True 

532 step_almost_over = False 

533 if step_over: 

534 data.append([energy, status, temperature, ediff]) 

535 step_over = False 

536 if data[-1][1] != status: 

537 data.append([np.nan, status, temperature, ediff]) 

538 self._data = data 


540 def _makecanvas(self): 

541 from matplotlib import pyplot 

542 from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter 

543 fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(6., 8.)) 

544 lm, rm, bm, tm = 0.22, 0.02, 0.05, 0.04 

545 vg1 = 0.01 # between adjacent energy plots 

546 vg2 = 0.03 # between different types of plots 

547 ratio = 2. # size of an energy plot to a parameter plot 

548 figwidth = 1. - lm - rm 

549 totalfigheight = 1. - bm - tm - vg1 - 2. * vg2 

550 parfigheight = totalfigheight / (2. * ratio + 2) 

551 epotheight = ratio * parfigheight 

552 ax1 = fig.add_axes((lm, bm, figwidth, epotheight)) 

553 ax2 = fig.add_axes((lm, bm + epotheight + vg1, 

554 figwidth, epotheight)) 

555 for ax in [ax1, ax2]: 

556 ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) 

557 ediffax = fig.add_axes((lm, bm + 2. * epotheight + vg1 + vg2, 

558 figwidth, parfigheight)) 

559 tempax = fig.add_axes((lm, (bm + 2 * epotheight + vg1 + 2 * vg2 + 

560 parfigheight), figwidth, parfigheight)) 

561 for ax in [ax2, tempax, ediffax]: 

562 ax.set_xticklabels([]) 

563 ax1.set_xlabel('step') 

564 tempax.set_ylabel('$T$, K') 

565 ediffax.set_ylabel(r'$E_\mathrm{diff}$, eV') 

566 for ax in [ax1, ax2]: 

567 ax.set_ylabel(r'$E_\mathrm{pot}$, eV') 

568 ax = CombinedAxis(ax1, ax2, tempax, ediffax) 

569 self._set_zoomed_range(ax) 

570 ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) 

571 ax2.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) 

572 return fig, ax 


574 def _set_zoomed_range(self, ax): 

575 """Try to intelligently set the range for the zoomed-in part of the 

576 graph.""" 

577 energies = [line[0] for line in self._data 

578 if not np.isnan(line[0])] 

579 dr = max(energies) - min(energies) 

580 if dr == 0.: 

581 dr = 1. 

582 ax.set_ax1_range((min(energies) - 0.2 * dr, 

583 max(energies) + 0.2 * dr)) 


585 def _plot_data(self): 

586 for step, line in enumerate(self._data): 

587 self._plot_energy(step, line) 

588 self._plot_qn(step, line) 

589 self._plot_md(step, line) 

590 self._plot_parameters() 

591 self._ax.set_xlim(self._ax.ax1.get_xlim()) 


593 def _plot_energy(self, step, line): 

594 """Plots energy and annotation for acceptance.""" 

595 energy, status = line[0], line[1] 

596 if np.isnan(energy): 

597 return 

598 self._ax.plot([step, step + 0.5], [energy] * 2, '-', 

599 color='k', linewidth=2.) 

600 if status == 'accepted': 

601 self._ax.text(step + 0.51, energy, r'$\checkmark$') 

602 elif status == 'rejected': 

603 self._ax.text(step + 0.51, energy, r'$\Uparrow$', color='red') 

604 elif status == 'previously found minimum': 

605 self._ax.text(step + 0.51, energy, r'$\hookleftarrow$', 

606 color='red', va='center') 

607 elif status == 'previous minimum': 

608 self._ax.text(step + 0.51, energy, r'$\leftarrow$', 

609 color='red', va='center') 


611 def _plot_md(self, step, line): 

612 """Adds a curved plot of molecular dynamics trajectory.""" 

613 if step == 0: 

614 return 

615 energies = [self._data[step - 1][0]] 

616 file = os.path.join(self._rundirectory, 'md%05i.traj' % step) 

617 with io.Trajectory(file, 'r') as traj: 

618 for atoms in traj: 

619 energies.append(atoms.get_potential_energy()) 

620 xi = step - 1 + .5 

621 if len(energies) > 2: 

622 xf = xi + (step + 0.25 - xi) * len(energies) / (len(energies) - 2.) 

623 else: 

624 xf = step 

625 if xf > (step + .75): 

626 xf = step 

627 self._ax.plot(np.linspace(xi, xf, num=len(energies)), energies, 

628 '-k') 


630 def _plot_qn(self, index, line): 

631 """Plots a dashed vertical line for the optimization.""" 

632 if line[1] == 'performing MD': 

633 return 

634 file = os.path.join(self._rundirectory, 'qn%05i.traj' % index) 

635 if os.path.getsize(file) == 0: 

636 return 

637 with io.Trajectory(file, 'r') as traj: 

638 energies = [traj[0].get_potential_energy(), 

639 traj[-1].get_potential_energy()] 

640 if index > 0: 

641 file = os.path.join(self._rundirectory, 'md%05i.traj' % index) 

642 atoms =, index=-3) 

643 energies[0] = atoms.get_potential_energy() 

644 self._ax.plot([index + 0.25] * 2, energies, ':k') 


646 def _plot_parameters(self): 

647 """Adds a plot of temperature and Ediff to the plot.""" 

648 steps, Ts, ediffs = [], [], [] 

649 for step, line in enumerate(self._data): 

650 steps.extend([step + 0.5, step + 1.5]) 

651 Ts.extend([line[2]] * 2) 

652 ediffs.extend([line[3]] * 2) 

653 self._ax.tempax.plot(steps, Ts) 

654 self._ax.ediffax.plot(steps, ediffs) 


656 for ax in [self._ax.tempax, self._ax.ediffax]: 

657 ylim = ax.get_ylim() 

658 yrange = ylim[1] - ylim[0] 

659 ax.set_ylim((ylim[0] - 0.1 * yrange, ylim[1] + 0.1 * yrange)) 



662def floatornan(value): 

663 """Converts the argument into a float if possible, np.nan if not.""" 

664 try: 

665 output = float(value) 

666 except ValueError: 

667 output = np.nan 

668 return output 



671class CombinedAxis: 

672 """Helper class for MHPlot to plot on split y axis and adjust limits 

673 simultaneously.""" 


675 def __init__(self, ax1, ax2, tempax, ediffax): 

676 self.ax1 = ax1 

677 self.ax2 = ax2 

678 self.tempax = tempax 

679 self.ediffax = ediffax 

680 self._ymax = -np.inf 


682 def set_ax1_range(self, ylim): 

683 self._ax1_ylim = ylim 

684 self.ax1.set_ylim(ylim) 


686 def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): 

687 self.ax1.plot(*args, **kwargs) 

688 self.ax2.plot(*args, **kwargs) 

689 # Re-adjust yrange 

690 for yvalue in args[1]: 

691 if yvalue > self._ymax: 

692 self._ymax = yvalue 

693 self.ax1.set_ylim(self._ax1_ylim) 

694 self.ax2.set_ylim((self._ax1_ylim[1], self._ymax)) 


696 def set_xlim(self, *args): 

697 self.ax1.set_xlim(*args) 

698 self.ax2.set_xlim(*args) 

699 self.tempax.set_xlim(*args) 

700 self.ediffax.set_xlim(*args) 


702 def text(self, *args, **kwargs): 

703 y = args[1] 

704 if y < self._ax1_ylim[1]: 

705 ax = self.ax1 

706 else: 

707 ax = self.ax2 

708 ax.text(*args, **kwargs)