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1"""Storage and analysis for vibrational data"""
3import collections
4from math import pi, sin, sqrt
5from numbers import Integral, Real
6from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
8import numpy as np
11import ase.units as units
12from ase.atoms import Atoms
13from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
14from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixCartesian, constrained_indices
15from ase.spectrum.doscollection import DOSCollection
16from ase.spectrum.dosdata import RawDOSData
17from ase.utils import jsonable, lazymethod
19RealSequence4D = Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[Real]]]]
20VD = TypeVar('VD', bound='VibrationsData')
24class VibrationsData:
25 """Class for storing and analyzing vibrational data (i.e. Atoms + Hessian)
27 This class is not responsible for calculating Hessians; the Hessian should
28 be computed by a Calculator or some other algorithm. Once the
29 VibrationsData has been constructed, this class provides some common
30 processing options; frequency calculation, mode animation, DOS etc.
32 If the Atoms object is a periodic supercell, VibrationsData may be
33 converted to a PhononData using the VibrationsData.to_phonondata() method.
34 This provides access to q-point-dependent analyses such as phonon
35 dispersion plotting.
37 If the Atoms object has FixedAtoms or FixedCartesian constraints, these
38 will be respected and the Hessian should be sized accordingly.
40 Args:
41 atoms:
42 Equilibrium geometry of vibrating system. This will be stored as a
43 full copy.
45 hessian: Second-derivative in energy with respect to
46 Cartesian nuclear movements as an (N, 3, N, 3) array.
48 indices: indices of atoms which are included
49 in Hessian. Default value (None) includes all freely
50 moving atoms (i.e. not fixed ones). Leave at None if
51 constraints should be determined automatically from the
52 atoms object.
54 """
56 def __init__(self,
57 atoms: Atoms,
58 hessian: Union[RealSequence4D, np.ndarray],
59 indices: Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray] = None,
60 ) -> None:
62 if indices is None:
63 indices = np.asarray(self.indices_from_constraints(atoms),
64 dtype=int)
66 self._indices = np.array(indices, dtype=int)
68 n_atoms = self._check_dimensions(atoms, np.asarray(hessian),
69 indices=self._indices)
70 self._atoms = atoms.copy()
72 self._hessian2d = (np.asarray(hessian)
73 .reshape(3 * n_atoms, 3 * n_atoms).copy())
75 _setter_error = ("VibrationsData properties cannot be modified: construct "
76 "a new VibrationsData with consistent atoms, Hessian and "
77 "(optionally) indices/mask.")
79 @classmethod
80 def from_2d(cls, atoms: Atoms,
81 hessian_2d: Union[Sequence[Sequence[Real]], np.ndarray],
82 indices: Sequence[int] = None) -> 'VibrationsData':
83 """Instantiate VibrationsData when the Hessian is in a 3Nx3N format
85 Args:
86 atoms: Equilibrium geometry of vibrating system
88 hessian: Second-derivative in energy with respect to
89 Cartesian nuclear movements as a (3N, 3N) array.
91 indices: Indices of (non-frozen) atoms included in Hessian
93 """
94 if indices is None:
95 indices = range(len(atoms))
96 assert indices is not None # Show Mypy that indices is now a sequence
98 hessian_2d_array = np.asarray(hessian_2d)
99 n_atoms = cls._check_dimensions(atoms, hessian_2d_array,
100 indices=indices, two_d=True)
102 return cls(atoms, hessian_2d_array.reshape(n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3),
103 indices=indices)
105 @staticmethod
106 def indices_from_constraints(atoms: Atoms) -> List[int]:
107 """Indices corresponding to Atoms Constraints
109 Deduces the freely moving atoms from the constraints set on the
110 atoms object. VibrationsData only supports FixCartesian and
111 FixAtoms. All others are neglected.
113 Args:
114 atoms: Atoms object.
116 Retruns:
117 indices of free atoms.
119 """
120 # Only fully fixed atoms supported by VibrationsData
121 const_indices = constrained_indices(
122 atoms, only_include=(FixCartesian, FixAtoms))
123 # Invert the selection to get free atoms
124 indices = np.setdiff1d(
125 np.array(
126 range(
127 len(atoms))),
128 const_indices).astype(int)
129 return indices.tolist()
131 @staticmethod
132 def indices_from_mask(mask: Union[Sequence[bool], np.ndarray]
133 ) -> List[int]:
134 """Indices corresponding to boolean mask
136 This is provided as a convenience for instantiating VibrationsData with
137 a boolean mask. For example, if the Hessian data includes only the H
138 atoms in a structure::
140 h_mask = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() == 'H'
141 vib_data = VibrationsData(atoms, hessian,
142 VibrationsData.indices_from_mask(h_mask))
144 Take care to ensure that the length of the mask corresponds to the full
145 number of atoms; this function is only aware of the mask it has been
146 given.
148 Args:
149 mask: a sequence of True, False values
151 Returns:
152 indices of True elements
154 """
155 return np.where(mask)[0].tolist()
157 @staticmethod
158 def _check_dimensions(atoms: Atoms,
159 hessian: np.ndarray,
160 indices: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[int]],
161 two_d: bool = False) -> int:
162 """Sanity check on array shapes from input data
164 Args:
165 atoms: Structure
166 indices: Indices of atoms used in Hessian
167 hessian: Proposed Hessian array
169 Returns:
170 Number of atoms contributing to Hessian
172 Raises:
173 ValueError if Hessian dimensions are not (N, 3, N, 3)
175 """
177 n_atoms = len(atoms[indices])
179 if two_d:
180 ref_shape = [n_atoms * 3, n_atoms * 3]
181 ref_shape_txt = '{n:d}x{n:d}'.format(n=(n_atoms * 3))
183 else:
184 ref_shape = [n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3]
185 ref_shape_txt = '{n:d}x3x{n:d}x3'.format(n=n_atoms)
187 if (isinstance(hessian, np.ndarray)
188 and hessian.shape == tuple(ref_shape)):
189 return n_atoms
190 else:
191 raise ValueError("Hessian for these atoms should be a "
192 "{} numpy array.".format(ref_shape_txt))
194 def get_atoms(self) -> Atoms:
195 return self._atoms.copy()
197 def get_indices(self) -> np.ndarray:
198 return self._indices.copy()
200 def get_mask(self) -> np.ndarray:
201 """Boolean mask of atoms selected by indices"""
202 return self._mask_from_indices(self._atoms, self.get_indices())
204 @staticmethod
205 def _mask_from_indices(atoms: Atoms,
206 indices: Union[None, Sequence[int], np.ndarray]
207 ) -> np.ndarray:
208 """Boolean mask of atoms selected by indices"""
209 natoms = len(atoms)
211 # Wrap indices to allow negative values
212 indices = np.asarray(indices) % natoms
214 mask = np.full(natoms, False, dtype=bool)
215 mask[indices] = True
216 return mask
218 def get_hessian(self) -> np.ndarray:
219 """The Hessian; second derivative of energy wrt positions
221 This format is preferred for iteration over atoms and when
222 addressing specific elements of the Hessian.
224 Returns:
225 array with shape (n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3) where
227 - the first and third indices identify atoms in self.get_atoms()
229 - the second and fourth indices cover the corresponding
230 Cartesian movements in x, y, z
232 e.g. the element h[0, 2, 1, 0] gives a harmonic force exerted on
233 atoms[1] in the x-direction in response to a movement in the
234 z-direction of atoms[0]
235 """
236 n_atoms = int(self._hessian2d.shape[0] / 3)
237 return self._hessian2d.reshape(n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3).copy()
239 def get_hessian_2d(self) -> np.ndarray:
240 """Get the Hessian as a 2-D array
242 This format may be preferred for use with standard linear algebra
243 functions
245 Returns:
246 array with shape (n_atoms * 3, n_atoms * 3) where the elements are
247 ordered by atom and Cartesian direction::
249 >> [[at1x_at1x, at1x_at1y, at1x_at1z, at1x_at2x, ...],
250 >> [at1y_at1x, at1y_at1y, at1y_at1z, at1y_at2x, ...],
251 >> [at1z_at1x, at1z_at1y, at1z_at1z, at1z_at2x, ...],
252 >> [at2x_at1x, at2x_at1y, at2x_at1z, at2x_at2x, ...],
253 >> ...]
256 e.g. the element h[2, 3] gives a harmonic force exerted on
257 atoms[1] in the x-direction in response to a movement in the
258 z-direction of atoms[0]
259 """
260 return self._hessian2d.copy()
262 def todict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
263 if np.allclose(self._indices, range(len(self._atoms))):
264 indices = None
265 else:
266 indices = self.get_indices()
268 return {'atoms': self.get_atoms(),
269 'hessian': self.get_hessian(),
270 'indices': indices}
272 @classmethod
273 def fromdict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'VibrationsData':
274 # mypy is understandably suspicious of data coming from a dict that
275 # holds mixed types, but it can see if we sanity-check with 'assert'
276 assert isinstance(data['atoms'], Atoms)
277 assert isinstance(data['hessian'], (,
278 np.ndarray))
279 if data['indices'] is not None:
280 assert isinstance(data['indices'], (,
281 np.ndarray))
282 for index in data['indices']:
283 assert isinstance(index, Integral)
285 return cls(data['atoms'], data['hessian'], indices=data['indices'])
287 @lazymethod
288 def _energies_and_modes(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
289 """Diagonalise the Hessian to obtain harmonic modes
291 This method is an internal implementation of get_energies_and_modes(),
292 see the docstring of that method for more information.
294 """
295 active_atoms = self._atoms[self.get_mask()]
296 n_atoms = len(active_atoms)
297 masses = active_atoms.get_masses()
299 if not np.all(masses):
300 raise ValueError('Zero mass encountered in one or more of '
301 'the vibrated atoms. Use Atoms.set_masses()'
302 ' to set all masses to non-zero values.')
303 mass_weights = np.repeat(masses**-0.5, 3)
305 omega2, vectors = np.linalg.eigh(mass_weights
306 * self.get_hessian_2d()
307 * mass_weights[:, np.newaxis])
309 unit_conversion = units._hbar * units.m / sqrt(units._e * units._amu)
310 energies = unit_conversion * omega2.astype(complex)**0.5
312 modes = vectors.T.reshape(n_atoms * 3, n_atoms, 3)
313 modes = modes * masses[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]**-0.5
315 return (energies, modes)
317 def get_energies_and_modes(self, all_atoms: bool = False
318 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
319 """Diagonalise the Hessian to obtain harmonic modes
321 Results are cached so diagonalization will only be performed once for
322 this object instance.
324 Args:
325 all_atoms:
326 If True, return modes as (3N, [N + N_frozen], 3) array where
327 the second axis corresponds to the full list of atoms in the
328 attached atoms object. Atoms that were not included in the
329 Hessian will have displacement vectors of (0, 0, 0).
331 Returns:
332 tuple (energies, modes)
334 Energies are given in units of eV. (To convert these to frequencies
335 in cm-1, divide by ase.units.invcm.)
337 Modes are given in Cartesian coordinates as a (3N, N, 3) array
338 where indices correspond to the (mode_index, atom, direction).
340 """
342 energies, modes_from_hessian = self._energies_and_modes()
344 if all_atoms:
345 n_active_atoms = len(self.get_indices())
346 n_all_atoms = len(self._atoms)
347 modes = np.zeros((3 * n_active_atoms, n_all_atoms, 3))
348 modes[:, self.get_mask(), :] = modes_from_hessian
349 else:
350 modes = modes_from_hessian.copy()
352 return (energies.copy(), modes)
354 def get_modes(self, all_atoms: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
355 """Diagonalise the Hessian to obtain harmonic modes
357 Results are cached so diagonalization will only be performed once for
358 this object instance.
360 all_atoms:
361 If True, return modes as (3N, [N + N_frozen], 3) array where
362 the second axis corresponds to the full list of atoms in the
363 attached atoms object. Atoms that were not included in the
364 Hessian will have displacement vectors of (0, 0, 0).
366 Returns:
367 Modes in Cartesian coordinates as a (3N, N, 3) array where indices
368 correspond to the (mode_index, atom, direction).
370 """
371 return self.get_energies_and_modes(all_atoms=all_atoms)[1]
373 def get_energies(self) -> np.ndarray:
374 """Diagonalise the Hessian to obtain eigenvalues
376 Results are cached so diagonalization will only be performed once for
377 this object instance.
379 Returns:
380 Harmonic mode energies in units of eV
382 """
383 return self.get_energies_and_modes()[0]
385 def get_frequencies(self) -> np.ndarray:
386 """Diagonalise the Hessian to obtain frequencies in cm^-1
388 Results are cached so diagonalization will only be performed once for
389 this object instance.
391 Returns:
392 Harmonic mode frequencies in units of cm^-1
394 """
396 return self.get_energies() / units.invcm
398 def get_zero_point_energy(self) -> float:
399 """Diagonalise the Hessian and sum hw/2 to obtain zero-point energy
401 Args:
402 energies:
403 Pre-computed energy eigenvalues. Use if available to avoid
404 re-calculating these from the Hessian.
406 Returns:
407 zero-point energy in eV
408 """
409 return self._calculate_zero_point_energy(self.get_energies())
411 @staticmethod
412 def _calculate_zero_point_energy(energies: Union[Sequence[complex],
413 np.ndarray]) -> float:
414 return 0.5 * np.asarray(energies).real.sum()
416 def tabulate(self, im_tol: float = 1e-8) -> str:
417 """Get a summary of the vibrational frequencies.
419 Args:
420 im_tol:
421 Tolerance for imaginary frequency in eV. If frequency has a
422 larger imaginary component than im_tol, the imaginary component
423 is shown in the summary table.
425 Returns:
426 Summary table as formatted text
427 """
429 energies = self.get_energies()
431 return ('\n'.join(self._tabulate_from_energies(energies,
432 im_tol=im_tol))
433 + '\n')
435 @classmethod
436 def _tabulate_from_energies(cls,
437 energies: Union[Sequence[complex], np.ndarray],
438 im_tol: float = 1e-8) -> List[str]:
439 summary_lines = ['---------------------',
440 ' # meV cm^-1',
441 '---------------------']
443 for n, e in enumerate(energies):
444 if abs(e.imag) > im_tol:
445 c = 'i'
446 e = e.imag
447 else:
448 c = ''
449 e = e.real
451 summary_lines.append('{index:3d} {mev:6.1f}{im:1s} {cm:7.1f}{im}'
452 .format(index=n, mev=(e * 1e3),
453 cm=(e / units.invcm), im=c))
454 summary_lines.append('---------------------')
455 summary_lines.append('Zero-point energy: {:.3f} eV'.format(
456 cls._calculate_zero_point_energy(energies=energies)))
458 return summary_lines
460 def iter_animated_mode(self, mode_index: int,
461 temperature: float = units.kB * 300,
462 frames: int = 30) -> Iterator[Atoms]:
463 """Obtain animated mode as a series of Atoms
465 Args:
466 mode_index: Selection of mode to animate
467 temperature: In energy units - use units.kB * T_IN_KELVIN
468 frames: number of image frames in animation
470 Yields:
471 Displaced atoms following vibrational mode
473 """
475 mode = (self.get_modes(all_atoms=True)[mode_index]
476 * sqrt(temperature / abs(self.get_energies()[mode_index])))
478 for phase in np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, frames, endpoint=False):
479 atoms = self.get_atoms()
480 atoms.positions += sin(phase) * mode
482 yield atoms
484 def show_as_force(self,
485 mode: int,
486 scale: float = 0.2,
487 show: bool = True) -> Atoms:
488 """Illustrate mode as "forces" on atoms
490 Args:
491 mode: mode index
492 scale: scale factor
493 show: if True, open the ASE GUI and show atoms
495 Returns:
496 Atoms with scaled forces corresponding to mode eigenvectors (using
497 attached SinglePointCalculator).
499 """
501 atoms = self.get_atoms()
502 mode = self.get_modes(all_atoms=True)[mode] * len(atoms) * 3 * scale
503 atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, forces=mode)
504 if show:
505 atoms.edit()
507 return atoms
509 def write_jmol(self,
510 filename: str = '',
511 ir_intensities: Union[Sequence[float], np.ndarray] = None
512 ) -> None:
513 """Writes file for viewing of the modes with jmol.
515 This is an extended XYZ file with eigenvectors given as extra columns
516 and metadata given in the label/comment line for each image. The format
517 is not quite human-friendly, but has the advantage that it can be
518 imported back into ASE with
520 Args:
521 filename: Path for output file
522 ir_intensities: If available, IR intensities can be included in the
523 header lines. This does not affect the visualisation, but may
524 be convenient when comparing to experimental data.
525 """
527 all_images = list(self._get_jmol_images(atoms=self.get_atoms(),
528 energies=self.get_energies(),
529 modes=self.get_modes(
530 all_atoms=True),
531 ir_intensities=ir_intensities))
532, all_images, format='extxyz')
534 @staticmethod
535 def _get_jmol_images(atoms: Atoms,
536 energies: np.ndarray,
537 modes: np.ndarray,
538 ir_intensities:
539 Union[Sequence[float], np.ndarray] = None
540 ) -> Iterator[Atoms]:
541 """Get vibrational modes as a series of Atoms with attached data
543 For each image (Atoms object):
545 - eigenvalues are attached to image.arrays['mode']
546 - "mode#" and "frequency_cm-1" are set in
547 - "IR_intensity" is set if provided in ir_intensities
548 - "masses" is removed
550 This is intended to set up the object for JMOL-compatible export using
554 Args:
555 atoms: The base atoms object; all images have the same positions
556 energies: Complex vibrational energies in eV
557 modes: Eigenvectors array corresponding to atoms and energies. This
558 should cover the full set of atoms (i.e. modes =
559 vib.get_modes(all_atoms=True)).
560 ir_intensities: If available, IR intensities can be included in the
561 header lines. This does not affect the visualisation, but may
562 be convenient when comparing to experimental data.
563 Returns:
564 Iterator of Atoms objects
566 """
567 for i, (energy, mode) in enumerate(zip(energies, modes)):
568 # write imaginary frequencies as negative numbers
569 if energy.imag > energy.real:
570 energy = float(-energy.imag)
571 else:
572 energy = energy.real
574 image = atoms.copy()
575{'mode#': str(i),
576 'frequency_cm-1': energy / units.invcm,
577 })
578 image.arrays['mode'] = mode
580 # Custom masses are quite useful in vibration analysis, but will
581 # show up in the xyz file unless we remove them
582 if image.has('masses'):
583 del image.arrays['masses']
585 if ir_intensities is not None:
586['IR_intensity'] = float(ir_intensities[i])
588 yield image
590 def get_dos(self) -> RawDOSData:
591 """Total phonon DOS"""
592 energies = self.get_energies()
593 return RawDOSData(energies, np.ones_like(energies))
595 def get_pdos(self) -> DOSCollection:
596 """Phonon DOS, including atomic contributions"""
597 energies = self.get_energies()
598 masses = self._atoms[self.get_mask()].get_masses()
600 # Get weights as N_moving_atoms x N_modes array
601 vectors = self.get_modes() / masses[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]**-0.5
602 all_weights = (np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=-1)**2).T
604 mask = self.get_mask()
605 all_info = [{'index': i, 'symbol': a.symbol}
606 for i, a in enumerate(self._atoms) if mask[i]]
608 return DOSCollection([RawDOSData(energies, weights, info=info)
609 for weights, info in zip(all_weights, all_info)])
611 def with_new_masses(self: VD, masses: Union[Sequence[float], np.ndarray]
612 ) -> VD:
613 """Get a copy of vibrations with modified masses and the same Hessian
615 Args:
616 masses:
617 New sequence of masses corresponding to the atom order in
618 self.get_atoms()
619 Returns:
620 A copy of the data with new masses for the same Hessian
621 """
623 new_atoms = self.get_atoms()
624 new_atoms.set_masses(masses)
625 return self.__class__(new_atoms, self.get_hessian(),
626 indices=self.get_indices())