Coverage for /builds/kinetik161/ase/ase/io/ 81.73%
104 statements
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1# Copyright (C) 2012, Jesper Friis, SINTEF
2# (see accompanying license files for ASE).
3"""Module to read and write atoms EON reactant.con files.
5See for a description of EON.
7import os
8from glob import glob
9from warnings import warn
11import numpy as np
13from ase.atoms import Atoms
14from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
15from ase.geometry import cell_to_cellpar, cellpar_to_cell
16from ase.utils import writer
19def read_eon(fileobj, index=-1):
20 """Reads an EON reactant.con file. If *fileobj* is the name of a
21 "states" directory created by EON, all the structures will be read."""
22 if isinstance(fileobj, str):
23 if (os.path.isdir(fileobj)):
24 return read_states(fileobj)
25 else:
26 fd = open(fileobj)
27 else:
28 fd = fileobj
30 more_images_to_read = True
31 images = []
33 first_line = fd.readline()
34 while more_images_to_read:
36 comment = first_line.strip()
37 fd.readline() # 0.0000 TIME (??)
38 cell_lengths = fd.readline().split()
39 cell_angles = fd.readline().split()
40 # Different order of angles in EON.
41 cell_angles = [cell_angles[2], cell_angles[1], cell_angles[0]]
42 cellpar = [float(x) for x in cell_lengths + cell_angles]
43 fd.readline() # 0 0 (??)
44 fd.readline() # 0 0 0 (??)
45 ntypes = int(fd.readline()) # number of atom types
46 natoms = [int(n) for n in fd.readline().split()]
47 atommasses = [float(m) for m in fd.readline().split()]
49 symbols = []
50 coords = []
51 masses = []
52 fixed = []
53 for n in range(ntypes):
54 symbol = fd.readline().strip()
55 symbols.extend([symbol] * natoms[n])
56 masses.extend([atommasses[n]] * natoms[n])
57 fd.readline() # Coordinates of Component n
58 for i in range(natoms[n]):
59 row = fd.readline().split()
60 coords.append([float(x) for x in row[:3]])
61 fixed.append(bool(int(row[3])))
63 atoms = Atoms(symbols=symbols,
64 positions=coords,
65 masses=masses,
66 cell=cellpar_to_cell(cellpar),
67 constraint=FixAtoms(mask=fixed),
68 info=dict(comment=comment))
70 images.append(atoms)
72 first_line = fd.readline()
73 if first_line == '':
74 more_images_to_read = False
76 if isinstance(fileobj, str):
77 fd.close()
79 if not index:
80 return images
81 else:
82 return images[index]
85def read_states(states_dir):
86 """Read structures stored by EON in the states directory *states_dir*."""
87 subdirs = glob(os.path.join(states_dir, '[0123456789]*'))
88 subdirs.sort(key=lambda d: int(os.path.basename(d)))
89 images = [read_eon(os.path.join(subdir, 'reactant.con'))
90 for subdir in subdirs]
91 return images
95def write_eon(fileobj, images):
96 """Writes structure to EON reactant.con file
97 Multiple snapshots are allowed."""
98 if isinstance(images, Atoms):
99 atoms = images
100 elif len(images) == 1:
101 atoms = images[0]
102 else:
103 raise ValueError('Can only write one configuration to EON '
104 'reactant.con file')
106 out = []
107 out.append('comment', 'Generated by ASE'))
108 out.append('0.0000 TIME') # ??
110 a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = cell_to_cellpar(atoms.cell)
111 out.append(f'{a:<10.6f} {b:<10.6f} {c:<10.6f}')
112 out.append(f'{gamma:<10.6f} {beta:<10.6f} {alpha:<10.6f}')
114 out.append('0 0') # ??
115 out.append('0 0 0') # ??
117 symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
118 massdict = dict(list(zip(symbols, atoms.get_masses())))
119 atomtypes = sorted(massdict.keys())
120 atommasses = [massdict[at] for at in atomtypes]
121 natoms = [symbols.count(at) for at in atomtypes]
122 ntypes = len(atomtypes)
124 out.append(str(ntypes))
125 out.append(' '.join([str(n) for n in natoms]))
126 out.append(' '.join([str(n) for n in atommasses]))
128 atom_id = 0
129 for n in range(ntypes):
130 fixed = np.array([False] * len(atoms))
131 out.append(atomtypes[n])
132 out.append('Coordinates of Component %d' % (n + 1))
133 indices = [i for i, at in enumerate(symbols) if at == atomtypes[n]]
134 a = atoms[indices]
135 coords = a.positions
136 for c in a.constraints:
137 if not isinstance(c, FixAtoms):
138 warn('Only FixAtoms constraints are supported by con files. '
139 'Dropping %r', c)
140 continue
141 if c.index.dtype.kind == 'b':
142 fixed = np.array(c.index, dtype=int)
143 else:
144 fixed = np.zeros((natoms[n], ), dtype=int)
145 for i in c.index:
146 fixed[i] = 1
147 for xyz, fix in zip(coords, fixed):
148 out.append('%22.17f %22.17f %22.17f %d %4d' %
149 (tuple(xyz) + (fix, atom_id)))
150 atom_id += 1
151 fileobj.write('\n'.join(out))
152 fileobj.write('\n')