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2read and write gromacs geometry files
5import numpy as np
7from ase import units
8from ase.atoms import Atoms
9from import atomic_numbers
10from ase.utils import reader, writer
14def read_gromacs(fd):
15 """ From:
17 C format
18 "%5d%-5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4f"
19 python: starting from 0, including first excluding last
20 0:4 5:10 10:15 15:20 20:28 28:36 36:44 44:52 52:60 60:68
22 Import gromacs geometry type files (.gro).
23 Reads atom positions,
24 velocities(if present) and
25 simulation cell (if present)
26 """
28 atoms = Atoms()
29 lines = fd.readlines()
30 positions = []
31 gromacs_velocities = []
32 symbols = []
33 tags = []
34 gromacs_residuenumbers = []
35 gromacs_residuenames = []
36 gromacs_atomtypes = []
37 sym2tag = {}
38 tag = 0
39 for line in (lines[2:-1]):
40 # print(line[0:5]+':'+line[5:11]+':'+line[11:15]+':'+line[15:20])
41 # it is not a good idea to use the split method with gromacs input
42 # since the fields are defined by a fixed column number. Therefore,
43 # they may not be space between the fields
44 # inp = line.split()
46 floatvect = float(line[20:28]) * 10.0, \
47 float(line[28:36]) * 10.0, \
48 float(line[36:44]) * 10.0
49 positions.append(floatvect)
51 # read velocities
52 velocities = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
53 vx = line[44:52].strip()
54 vy = line[52:60].strip()
55 vz = line[60:68].strip()
57 for iv, vxyz in enumerate([vx, vy, vz]):
58 if len(vxyz) > 0:
59 try:
60 velocities[iv] = float(vxyz)
61 except ValueError:
62 raise ValueError("can not convert velocity to float")
63 else:
64 velocities = None
66 if velocities is not None:
67 # velocities from nm/ps to ase units
68 velocities *= units.nm / (1000.0 * units.fs)
69 gromacs_velocities.append(velocities)
71 gromacs_residuenumbers.append(int(line[0:5]))
72 gromacs_residuenames.append(line[5:11].strip())
74 symbol_read = line[11:16].strip()[0:2]
75 if symbol_read not in sym2tag.keys():
76 sym2tag[symbol_read] = tag
77 tag += 1
79 tags.append(sym2tag[symbol_read])
80 if symbol_read in atomic_numbers:
81 symbols.append(symbol_read)
82 elif symbol_read[0] in atomic_numbers:
83 symbols.append(symbol_read[0])
84 elif symbol_read[-1] in atomic_numbers:
85 symbols.append(symbol_read[-1])
86 else:
87 # not an atomic symbol
88 # if we can not determine the symbol, we use
89 # the dummy symbol X
90 symbols.append("X")
92 gromacs_atomtypes.append(line[11:16].strip())
94 line = lines[-1]
95 atoms = Atoms(symbols, positions, tags=tags)
97 if len(gromacs_velocities) == len(atoms):
98 atoms.set_velocities(gromacs_velocities)
99 elif len(gromacs_velocities) != 0:
100 raise ValueError("Some atoms velocities were not specified!")
102 if not atoms.has('residuenumbers'):
103 atoms.new_array('residuenumbers', gromacs_residuenumbers, int)
104 atoms.set_array('residuenumbers', gromacs_residuenumbers, int)
105 if not atoms.has('residuenames'):
106 atoms.new_array('residuenames', gromacs_residuenames, str)
107 atoms.set_array('residuenames', gromacs_residuenames, str)
108 if not atoms.has('atomtypes'):
109 atoms.new_array('atomtypes', gromacs_atomtypes, str)
110 atoms.set_array('atomtypes', gromacs_atomtypes, str)
112 # determine PBC and unit cell
113 atoms.pbc = False
114 inp = lines[-1].split()
115 try:
116 grocell = list(map(float, inp))
117 except ValueError:
118 return atoms
120 if len(grocell) < 3:
121 return atoms
123 cell = np.diag(grocell[:3])
125 if len(grocell) >= 9:
126 cell.flat[[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]] = grocell[3:9]
128 atoms.cell = cell * 10.
129 atoms.pbc = True
130 return atoms
134def write_gromacs(fileobj, atoms):
135 """Write gromacs geometry files (.gro).
137 Writes:
139 * atom positions,
140 * velocities (if present, otherwise 0)
141 * simulation cell (if present)
142 """
144 natoms = len(atoms)
145 try:
146 gromacs_residuenames = atoms.get_array('residuenames')
147 except KeyError:
148 gromacs_residuenames = []
149 for idum in range(natoms):
150 gromacs_residuenames.append('1DUM')
151 try:
152 gromacs_atomtypes = atoms.get_array('atomtypes')
153 except KeyError:
154 gromacs_atomtypes = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
156 try:
157 residuenumbers = atoms.get_array('residuenumbers')
158 except KeyError:
159 residuenumbers = np.ones(natoms, int)
161 pos = atoms.get_positions()
162 pos = pos / 10.0
164 vel = atoms.get_velocities()
165 if vel is None:
166 vel = pos * 0.0
167 else:
168 vel *= 1000.0 * units.fs / units.nm
170 # No "#" in the first line to prevent read error in VMD
171 fileobj.write('A Gromacs structure file written by ASE \n')
172 fileobj.write('%5d\n' % len(atoms))
173 count = 1
175 # gromacs line see
176 #
177 # (EDH: link seems broken as of 2020-02-21)
178 # 1WATER OW1 1 0.126 1.624 1.679 0.1227 -0.0580 0.0434
179 for (resnb, resname, atomtype, xyz,
180 vxyz) in zip(residuenumbers, gromacs_residuenames,
181 gromacs_atomtypes, pos, vel):
185 # >>> %5d%-5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4f <<<
186 line = ("{:>5d}{:<5s}{:>5s}{:>5d}{:>8.3f}{:>8.3f}{:>8.3f}"
187 "{:>8.4f}{:>8.4f}{:>8.4f}\n"
188 .format(resnb, resname, atomtype, count,
189 xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], vxyz[0], vxyz[1], vxyz[2]))
191 fileobj.write(line)
192 count += 1
194 # write box geometry
195 if atoms.get_pbc().any():
196 # gromacs manual ( says:
197 # v1(x) v2(y) v3(z) v1(y) v1(z) v2(x) v2(z) v3(x) v3(y)
198 #
199 # cell[i,j] is the jth Cartesian coordinate of the ith unit vector
200 # cell[0,0] cell[1,1] cell[2,2] v1(x) v2(y) v3(z) fv0[0 1 2]
201 # cell[0,1] cell[0,2] cell[1,0] v1(y) v1(z) v2(x) fv1[0 1 2]
202 # cell[1,2] cell[2,0] cell[2,1] v2(z) v3(x) v3(y) fv2[0 1 2]
203 grocell = atoms.cell.flat[[0, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]] * 0.1
204 fileobj.write(''.join([f'{x:10.5f}' for x in grocell]))
205 else:
206 # When we do not have a cell, the cell is specified as an empty line
207 fileobj.write("\n")