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1"""This module defines an ASE interface to CRYSTAL14/CRYSTAL17
5Written by:
7 Daniele Selli,
8 Gianluca Fazio,
10The file 'fort.34' contains the input and output geometry
11and it will be updated during the crystal calculations.
12The wavefunction is stored in 'fort.20' as binary file.
14The keywords are given, for instance, as follows:
16 guess = True,
17 xc = 'PBE',
18 kpts = (2,2,2),
19 otherkeys = [ 'scfdir', 'anderson', ['maxcycles','500'],
20 ['fmixing','90']],
21 ...
24 When used for QM/MM, Crystal calculates coulomb terms
25 within all point charges. This is wrong and should be corrected by either:
27 1. Re-calculating the terms and subtracting them
28 2. Reading in the values from FORCES_CHG.DAT and subtracting
31 BOTH Options should be available, with 1 as standard, since 2 is
32 only available in a development version of CRYSTAL
36import os
38import numpy as np
40from ase.calculators.calculator import FileIOCalculator
41from import write
42from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree
45class CRYSTAL(FileIOCalculator):
46 """ A crystal calculator with ase-FileIOCalculator nomenclature
47 """
49 implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress', 'charges',
50 'dipole']
52 def __init__(self, restart=None,
53 ignore_bad_restart_file=FileIOCalculator._deprecated,
54 label='cry', atoms=None, crys_pcc=False, **kwargs):
55 """Construct a crystal calculator.
57 """
58 # default parameters
59 self.default_parameters = dict(
60 xc='HF',
61 spinpol=False,
62 oldgrid=False,
63 neigh=False,
64 coarsegrid=False,
65 guess=True,
66 kpts=None,
67 isp=1,
68 basis='custom',
69 smearing=None,
70 otherkeys=[])
72 self.pcpot = None
73 self.lines = None
74 self.atoms = None
75 self.crys_pcc = crys_pcc # True: Reads Coulomb Correction from file.
76 self.atoms_input = None
77 self.outfilename = 'cry.out'
79 FileIOCalculator.__init__(self, restart, ignore_bad_restart_file,
80 label, atoms,
81 **kwargs)
83 def write_crystal_in(self, filename):
84 """ Write the input file for the crystal calculation.
85 Geometry is taken always from the file 'fort.34'
86 """
88 # write BLOCK 1 (only SP with gradients)
89 with open(filename, 'w', encoding='latin-1') as outfile:
90 self._write_crystal_in(outfile)
92 def _write_crystal_in(self, outfile):
93 outfile.write('Single point + Gradient crystal calculation \n')
94 outfile.write('EXTERNAL \n')
95 outfile.write('NEIGHPRT \n')
96 outfile.write('0 \n')
98 if self.pcpot:
99 outfile.write('POINTCHG \n')
100 self.pcpot.write_mmcharges('POINTCHG.INP')
102 # write BLOCK 2 from file (basis sets)
103 p = self.parameters
104 if p.basis == 'custom':
105 outfile.write('END \n')
106 with open(os.path.join(, 'basis')) as basisfile:
107 basis_ = basisfile.readlines()
108 for line in basis_:
109 outfile.write(line)
110 outfile.write('99 0 \n')
111 outfile.write('END \n')
112 else:
113 outfile.write('BASISSET \n')
114 outfile.write(p.basis.upper() + '\n')
116 # write BLOCK 3 according to parameters set as input
117 # ----- write hamiltonian
119 if self.atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().any():
120 p.spinpol = True
122 if p.xc == 'HF':
123 if p.spinpol:
124 outfile.write('UHF \n')
125 else:
126 outfile.write('RHF \n')
127 elif p.xc == 'MP2':
128 outfile.write('MP2 \n')
129 outfile.write('ENDMP2 \n')
130 else:
131 outfile.write('DFT \n')
132 # Standalone keywords and LDA are given by a single string.
133 if isinstance(p.xc, str):
135 'PBE': 'PBEXC'}.get(p.xc, p.xc)
136 outfile.write(xc.upper() + '\n')
137 # Custom xc functional are given by a tuple of string
138 else:
139 x, c = p.xc
140 outfile.write('EXCHANGE \n')
141 outfile.write(x + ' \n')
142 outfile.write('CORRELAT \n')
143 outfile.write(c + ' \n')
144 if p.spinpol:
145 outfile.write('SPIN \n')
146 if p.oldgrid:
147 outfile.write('OLDGRID \n')
148 if p.coarsegrid:
149 outfile.write('RADIAL\n')
150 outfile.write('1\n')
151 outfile.write('4.0\n')
152 outfile.write('20\n')
153 outfile.write('ANGULAR\n')
154 outfile.write('5\n')
155 outfile.write('0.1667 0.5 0.9 3.05 9999.0\n')
156 outfile.write('2 6 8 13 8\n')
157 outfile.write('END \n')
158 # When guess=True, wf is read.
159 if p.guess:
160 # wf will be always there after 2nd step.
161 if os.path.isfile('fort.20'):
162 outfile.write('GUESSP \n')
163 elif os.path.isfile('fort.9'):
164 outfile.write('GUESSP \n')
165 os.system('cp fort.9 fort.20')
167 # smearing
168 if p.smearing is not None:
169 if p.smearing[0] != 'Fermi-Dirac':
170 raise ValueError('Only Fermi-Dirac smearing is allowed.')
171 else:
172 outfile.write('SMEAR \n')
173 outfile.write(str(p.smearing[1] / Hartree) + ' \n')
175 # ----- write other CRYSTAL keywords
176 # ----- in the list otherkey = ['ANDERSON', ...] .
178 for keyword in p.otherkeys:
179 if isinstance(keyword, str):
180 outfile.write(keyword.upper() + '\n')
181 else:
182 for key in keyword:
183 outfile.write(key.upper() + '\n')
185 ispbc = self.atoms.get_pbc()
186 self.kpts = p.kpts
188 # if it is periodic, gamma is the default.
189 if any(ispbc):
190 if self.kpts is None:
191 self.kpts = (1, 1, 1)
192 else:
193 self.kpts = None
195 # explicit lists of K-points, shifted Monkhorst-
196 # Pack net and k-point density definition are
197 # not allowed.
198 if self.kpts is not None:
199 if isinstance(self.kpts, float):
200 raise ValueError('K-point density definition not allowed.')
201 if isinstance(self.kpts, list):
202 raise ValueError('Explicit K-points definition not allowed.')
203 if isinstance(self.kpts[-1], str):
204 raise ValueError('Shifted Monkhorst-Pack not allowed.')
205 outfile.write('SHRINK \n')
206 # isp is by default 1, 2 is suggested for metals.
207 outfile.write('0 ' + str(p.isp * max(self.kpts)) + ' \n')
208 if ispbc[2]:
209 outfile.write(str(self.kpts[0])
210 + ' ' + str(self.kpts[1])
211 + ' ' + str(self.kpts[2]) + ' \n')
212 elif ispbc[1]:
213 outfile.write(str(self.kpts[0])
214 + ' ' + str(self.kpts[1])
215 + ' 1 \n')
216 elif ispbc[0]:
217 outfile.write(str(self.kpts[0])
218 + ' 1 1 \n')
220 # GRADCAL command performs a single
221 # point and prints out the forces
222 # also on the charges
223 outfile.write('GRADCAL \n')
224 outfile.write('END \n')
226 def write_input(self, atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None):
227 FileIOCalculator.write_input(
228 self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
229 self.write_crystal_in(os.path.join(, 'INPUT'))
230 write(os.path.join(, 'fort.34'), atoms)
231 # self.atoms is none until results are read out,
232 # then it is set to the ones at writing input
233 self.atoms_input = atoms
234 self.atoms = None
236 def read_results(self):
237 """ all results are read from OUTPUT file
238 It will be destroyed after it is read to avoid
239 reading it once again after some runtime error """
241 with open(os.path.join(, 'OUTPUT'),
242 encoding='latin-1') as myfile:
243 self.lines = myfile.readlines()
245 self.atoms = self.atoms_input
246 # Energy line index
247 estring1 = 'SCF ENDED'
248 estring2 = 'TOTAL ENERGY + DISP'
249 for iline, line in enumerate(self.lines):
250 if line.find(estring1) >= 0:
251 index_energy = iline
252 pos_en = 8
253 break
254 else:
255 raise RuntimeError('Problem in reading energy')
256 # Check if there is dispersion corrected
257 # energy value.
258 for iline, line in enumerate(self.lines):
259 if line.find(estring2) >= 0:
260 index_energy = iline
261 pos_en = 5
263 # If there's a point charge potential (QM/MM), read corrections
264 e_coul = 0
265 if self.pcpot:
266 if self.crys_pcc:
267 self.pcpot.read_pc_corrections()
268 # also pass on to pcpot that it should read in from file
269 self.pcpot.crys_pcc = True
270 else:
271 self.pcpot.manual_pc_correct()
272 e_coul, f_coul = self.pcpot.coulomb_corrections
274 energy = float(self.lines[index_energy].split()[pos_en]) * Hartree
275 energy -= e_coul # e_coul already in eV.
277 self.results['energy'] = energy
278 # Force line indexes
279 fstring = 'CARTESIAN FORCES'
280 gradients = []
281 for iline, line in enumerate(self.lines):
282 if line.find(fstring) >= 0:
283 index_force_begin = iline + 2
284 break
285 else:
286 raise RuntimeError('Problem in reading forces')
287 for j in range(index_force_begin, index_force_begin + len(self.atoms)):
288 word = self.lines[j].split()
289 # If GHOST atoms give problems, have a close look at this
290 if len(word) == 5:
291 gradients.append([float(word[k + 2]) for k in range(0, 3)])
292 elif len(word) == 4:
293 gradients.append([float(word[k + 1]) for k in range(0, 3)])
294 else:
295 raise RuntimeError('Problem in reading forces')
297 forces = np.array(gradients) * Hartree / Bohr
299 self.results['forces'] = forces
301 # stress stuff begins
302 sstring = 'STRESS TENSOR, IN'
303 have_stress = False
304 stress = []
305 for iline, line in enumerate(self.lines):
306 if sstring in line:
307 have_stress = True
308 start = iline + 4
309 end = start + 3
310 for i in range(start, end):
311 cell = [float(x) for x in self.lines[i].split()]
312 stress.append(cell)
313 if have_stress:
314 stress = -np.array(stress) * Hartree / Bohr**3
315 self.results['stress'] = stress
317 # stress stuff ends
319 # Get partial charges on atoms.
320 # In case we cannot find charges
321 # they are set to None
322 qm_charges = []
324 # ----- this for cycle finds the last entry of the
325 # ----- string search, which corresponds
326 # ----- to the charges at the end of the SCF.
327 for n, line in enumerate(self.lines):
328 if 'TOTAL ATOMIC CHARGE' in line:
329 chargestart = n + 1
330 lines1 = self.lines[chargestart:(chargestart
331 + (len(self.atoms) - 1) // 6 + 1)]
332 atomnum = self.atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
333 words = []
334 for line in lines1:
335 for el in line.split():
336 words.append(float(el))
337 i = 0
338 for atn in atomnum:
339 qm_charges.append(-words[i] + atn)
340 i = i + 1
341 charges = np.array(qm_charges)
342 self.results['charges'] = charges
344 # Read dipole moment.
345 dipole = np.zeros([1, 3])
346 for n, line in enumerate(self.lines):
347 if 'DIPOLE MOMENT ALONG' in line:
348 dipolestart = n + 2
349 dipole = np.array([float(f) for f in
350 self.lines[dipolestart].split()[2:5]])
351 break
352 # debye to e*Ang
353 self.results['dipole'] = dipole * 0.2081943482534
355 def embed(self, mmcharges=None, directory='./'):
356 """Embed atoms in point-charges (mmcharges)
357 """
358 self.pcpot = PointChargePotential(mmcharges,
359 return self.pcpot
362class PointChargePotential:
363 def __init__(self, mmcharges, directory='./'):
364 """Point-charge potential for CRYSTAL.
365 """
366 self.mmcharges = mmcharges
367 = directory
368 self.mmpositions = None
369 self.mmforces = None
370 self.coulomb_corrections = None
371 self.crys_pcc = False
373 def set_positions(self, mmpositions):
374 self.mmpositions = mmpositions
376 def set_charges(self, mmcharges):
377 self.mmcharges = mmcharges
379 def write_mmcharges(self, filename):
380 """ mok all
381 write external charges as monopoles for CRYSTAL.
383 """
384 if self.mmcharges is None:
385 print("CRYSTAL: Warning: not writing external charges ")
386 return
387 with open(os.path.join(, filename), 'w') as charge_file:
388 charge_file.write(str(len(self.mmcharges)) + ' \n')
389 for [pos, charge] in zip(self.mmpositions, self.mmcharges):
390 [x, y, z] = pos
391 charge_file.write('%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f \n'
392 % (x, y, z, charge))
394 def get_forces(self, calc, get_forces=True):
395 """ returns forces on point charges if the flag get_forces=True """
396 if get_forces:
397 return self.read_forces_on_pointcharges()
398 else:
399 return np.zeros_like(self.mmpositions)
401 def read_forces_on_pointcharges(self):
402 """Read Forces from CRYSTAL output file (OUTPUT)."""
403 with open(os.path.join(, 'OUTPUT')) as infile:
404 lines = infile.readlines()
406 print('PCPOT crys_pcc: ' + str(self.crys_pcc))
407 # read in force and energy Coulomb corrections
408 if self.crys_pcc:
409 self.read_pc_corrections()
410 else:
411 self.manual_pc_correct()
412 e_coul, f_coul = self.coulomb_corrections
414 external_forces = []
415 for n, line in enumerate(lines):
416 if ('RESULTANT FORCE' in line):
417 chargeend = n - 1
418 break
419 else:
420 raise RuntimeError(
421 'Problem in reading forces on MM external-charges')
422 lines1 = lines[(chargeend - len(self.mmcharges)):chargeend]
423 for line in lines1:
424 external_forces.append(
425 [float(i) for i in line.split()[2:]])
427 f = np.array(external_forces) - f_coul
428 f *= (Hartree / Bohr)
430 return f
432 def read_pc_corrections(self):
433 ''' Crystal calculates Coulomb forces and energies between all
434 point charges, and adds that to the QM subsystem. That needs
435 to be subtracted again.
436 This will be standard in future CRYSTAL versions .'''
438 with open(os.path.join(,
439 'FORCES_CHG.DAT')) as infile:
440 lines = infile.readlines()
442 e = [float(x.split()[-1])
443 for x in lines if 'SELF-INTERACTION ENERGY(AU)' in x][0]
445 e *= Hartree
447 f_lines = [s for s in lines if '199' in s]
448 assert len(f_lines) == len(self.mmcharges), \
449 'Mismatch in number of point charges from FORCES_CHG.dat'
451 pc_forces = np.zeros((len(self.mmcharges), 3))
452 for i, l in enumerate(f_lines):
453 first = l.split(str(i + 1) + ' 199 ')
454 assert len(first) == 2, 'Problem reading FORCES_CHG.dat'
455 f = first[-1].split()
456 pc_forces[i] = [float(x) for x in f]
458 self.coulomb_corrections = (e, pc_forces)
460 def manual_pc_correct(self):
461 ''' For current versions of CRYSTAL14/17, manual Coulomb correction '''
463 R = self.mmpositions / Bohr
464 charges = self.mmcharges
466 forces = np.zeros_like(R)
467 energy = 0.0
469 for m in range(len(charges)):
470 D = R[m + 1:] - R[m]
471 d2 = (D**2).sum(1)
472 d = d2**0.5
474 e_c = charges[m + 1:] * charges[m] / d
476 energy += np.sum(e_c)
478 F = (e_c / d2)[:, None] * D
480 forces[m] -= F.sum(0)
481 forces[m + 1:] += F
483 energy *= Hartree
485 self.coulomb_corrections = (energy, forces)