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1# flake8: noqa
2"""This module defines an ASE interface to deMon-nano.
4Link to the open-source DFTB code deMon-nano:
7export ASE_DEMONNANO_COMMAND="/path/to/bin/deMon.username.x"
8export DEMONNANO_BASIS_PATH="/path/to/basis/"
10The file 'deMon.inp' contains the input geometry and parameters
11The file 'deMon.out' contains the results
14import os
15import os.path as op
16# import subprocess
17import pathlib as pl
19import numpy as np
23from ase.calculators.calculator import FileIOCalculator, Parameters, ReadError
24from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree
27class DemonNanoParameters(Parameters):
28 """Parameters class for the calculator.
30 The options here are the most important ones that the user needs to be
31 aware of. Further options accepted by deMon can be set in the dictionary
32 input_arguments.
34 """
36 def __init__(
37 self,
38 label='.',
39 atoms=None,
40 command=None,
41 basis_path=None,
42 restart_path='.',
43 print_out='ASE',
44 title='deMonNano input file',
45 forces=False,
46 input_arguments=None):
47 kwargs = locals()
48 kwargs.pop('self')
49 Parameters.__init__(self, **kwargs)
52class DemonNano(FileIOCalculator):
53 """Calculator interface to the deMon-nano code. """
55 implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces']
57 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
58 """ASE interface to the deMon-nano code.
60 The deMon-nano code can be obtained from
62 The ASE_DEMONNANO_COMMAND environment variable must be set to run the executable, in bash it would be set along the lines of
63 export ASE_DEMONNANO_COMMAND="pathway-to-deMon-binary/deMon.username.x"
65 Parameters:
67 label : str
68 relative path to the run directory
69 atoms : Atoms object
70 the atoms object
71 command : str
72 Command to run deMon. If not present, the environment variable ASE_DEMONNANO_COMMAND is used
73 basis_path : str
74 Relative path to the directory containing DFTB-SCC or DFTB-0 parameters
75 If not present, the environment variable DEMONNANO_BASIS_PATH is used
76 restart_path : str
77 Relative path to the deMon restart dir
78 title : str
79 Title in the deMon input file.
80 forces : bool
81 If True a force calculation is enforced
82 print_out : str | list
83 Options for the printing in deMon
84 input_arguments : dict
85 Explicitly given input arguments. The key is the input keyword
86 and the value is either a str, a list of str (will be written on the same line as the keyword),
87 or a list of lists of str (first list is written on the first line, the others on following lines.)
88 """
90 parameters = DemonNanoParameters(**kwargs)
92 # basis path
93 basis_path = parameters['basis_path']
94 if basis_path is None:
95 basis_path = self.cfg.get('DEMONNANO_BASIS_PATH')
97 if basis_path is None:
98 mess = 'The "DEMONNANO_BASIS_PATH" environment is not defined.'
99 raise ValueError(mess)
100 else:
101 parameters['basis_path'] = basis_path
103 # Call the base class.
104 FileIOCalculator.__init__(
105 self,
106 **parameters)
108 def __getitem__(self, key):
109 """Convenience method to retrieve a parameter as
110 calculator[key] rather than calculator.parameters[key]
112 Parameters:
113 key : str, the name of the parameters to get.
114 """
115 return self.parameters[key]
117 def write_input(self, atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None):
118 """Write input (in)-file.
119 See for further details.
121 Parameters:
122 atoms : The Atoms object to write.
123 properties : The properties which should be calculated.
124 system_changes : List of properties changed since last run.
126 """
127 # Call base calculator.
128 FileIOCalculator.write_input(
129 self,
130 atoms=atoms,
131 properties=properties,
132 system_changes=system_changes)
134 if system_changes is None and properties is None:
135 return
137 filename = self.label + '/deMon.inp'
139 # Start writing the file.
140 with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
141 # write keyword argument keywords
142 value = self.parameters['title']
143 self._write_argument('TITLE', value, fd)
144 fd.write('\n')
146 # obtain forces through a single BOMD step
147 # only if forces is in properties, or if keyword forces is True
148 value = self.parameters['forces']
149 if 'forces' in properties or value:
150 self._write_argument('MDYNAMICS', 'ZERO', fd)
151 self._write_argument('MDSTEP', 'MAX=1', fd)
152 # default timestep is 0.25 fs if not enough - uncomment the line below
153 # self._write_argument('TIMESTEP', '0.1', fd)
155 # print argument, here other options could change this
156 value = self.parameters['print_out']
157 assert (isinstance(value, str))
159 if not len(value) == 0:
160 self._write_argument('PRINT', value, fd)
161 fd.write('\n')
163 # write general input arguments
164 self._write_input_arguments(fd)
166 if 'BASISPATH' not in self.parameters['input_arguments']:
167 value = self.parameters['basis_path']
168 fd.write(value)
169 fd.write('\n')
171 # write geometry
172 self._write_atomic_coordinates(fd, atoms)
174 # write xyz file for good measure.
175 + '/', self.atoms)
177 def read(self, restart_path):
178 """Read parameters from directory restart_path."""
180 self.set_label(restart_path)
181 rpath = pl.Path(restart_path)
183 if not (rpath / 'deMon.inp').exists():
184 raise ReadError('The restart_path file {} does not exist'
185 .format(rpath))
187 self.atoms = self.deMon_inp_to_atoms(rpath / 'deMon.inp')
189 self.read_results()
191 def _write_input_arguments(self, fd):
192 """Write directly given input-arguments."""
193 input_arguments = self.parameters['input_arguments']
195 # Early return
196 if input_arguments is None:
197 return
199 for key, value in input_arguments.items():
200 self._write_argument(key, value, fd)
202 def _write_argument(self, key, value, fd):
203 """Write an argument to file.
204 key : a string coresponding to the input keyword
205 value : the arguments, can be a string, a number or a list
206 fd : and open file
207 """
208 if key == 'BASISPATH':
209 # Write a basis path to file.
210 # Has to be in lowercase for deMon-nano to work
211 line = value.lower()
212 fd.write(line)
213 fd.write('\n')
214 elif not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
215 # for only one argument, write on same line
216 line = key.upper()
217 line += ' ' + str(value).upper()
218 fd.write(line)
219 fd.write('\n')
221 # for a list, write first argument on the first line,
222 # then the rest on new lines
223 else:
224 line = key
225 if not isinstance(value[0], (tuple, list)):
226 for i in range(len(value)):
227 line += ' ' + str(value[i].upper())
228 fd.write(line)
229 fd.write('\n')
230 else:
231 for i in range(len(value)):
232 for j in range(len(value[i])):
233 line += ' ' + str(value[i][j]).upper()
234 fd.write(line)
235 fd.write('\n')
236 line = ''
238 def _write_atomic_coordinates(self, fd, atoms):
239 """Write atomic coordinates.
240 Parameters:
241 - fd: An open file object.
242 - atoms: An atoms object.
243 """
244 # fd.write('#\n')
245 # fd.write('# Atomic coordinates\n')
246 # fd.write('#\n')
249 for sym, pos in zip(atoms.symbols, atoms.positions):
250 fd.write('{:9s} {:10.5f} {:10.5f} {:10.5f}\n'.format(sym, *pos))
252 fd.write('\n')
254# Analysis routines
255 def read_results(self):
256 """Read the results from output files."""
257 self.read_energy()
258 self.read_forces(self.atoms)
259 # self.read_eigenvalues()
261 def read_energy(self):
262 """Read energy from deMon.ase output file."""
264 epath = pl.Path(self.label)
266 if not (epath / 'deMon.ase').exists():
267 raise ReadError('The deMonNano output file for ASE {} does not exist'
268 .format(epath))
270 filename = self.label + '/deMon.ase'
272 if op.isfile(filename):
273 with open(filename) as fd:
274 lines = fd.readlines()
276 for i in range(len(lines)):
277 if lines[i].startswith(' DFTB total energy [Hartree]'):
278 self.results['energy'] = float(lines[i + 1]) * Hartree
279 break
281 def read_forces(self, atoms):
282 """Read forces from the deMon.ase file."""
284 natoms = len(atoms)
285 epath = pl.Path(self.label)
287 if not (epath / 'deMon.ase').exists():
288 raise ReadError('The deMonNano output file for ASE {} does not exist'
289 .format(epath))
291 filename = self.label + '/deMon.ase'
293 with open(filename) as fd:
294 lines = fd.readlines()
296 # find line where the forces start
297 flag_found = False
298 for i in range(len(lines)):
299 if 'DFTB gradients at 0 time step in a.u.' in lines[i]:
300 start = i + 1
301 flag_found = True
302 break
304 if flag_found:
305 self.results['forces'] = np.zeros((natoms, 3), float)
306 for i in range(natoms):
307 line = [s for s in lines[i + start].strip().split(' ')
308 if len(s) > 0]
309 f = -np.array([float(x) for x in line[1:4]])
310 # output forces in a.u.
311 # self.results['forces'][i, :] = f
312 # output forces with real dimension
313 self.results['forces'][i, :] = f * (Hartree / Bohr)
315 def deMon_inp_to_atoms(self, filename):
316 """Routine to read deMon.inp and convert it to an atoms object."""
318 read_flag = False
319 chem_symbols = []
320 xyz = []
322 with open(filename) as fd:
323 for line in fd:
324 if 'GEOMETRY' in line:
325 read_flag = True
326 if 'ANGSTROM' in line:
327 coord_units = 'Ang'
328 elif 'BOHR' in line:
329 coord_units = 'Bohr'
331 if read_flag:
332 tokens = line.split()
333 symbol = tokens[0]
334 xyz_loc = np.array(tokens[1:4]).astype(float)
335 if read_flag and tokens:
336 chem_symbols.append(symbol)
337 xyz.append(xyz_loc)
339 if coord_units == 'Bohr':
340 xyz *= Bohr
342 # set atoms object
343 atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=chem_symbols, positions=xyz)
345 return atoms