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1import warnings
3import numpy as np
5from ase.units import kJ
7eos_names = ['sj', 'taylor', 'murnaghan', 'birch', 'birchmurnaghan',
8 'pouriertarantola', 'vinet', 'antonschmidt', 'p3']
11def taylor(V, E0, beta, alpha, V0):
12 'Taylor Expansion up to 3rd order about V0'
14 E = E0 + beta / 2 * (V - V0)**2 / V0 + alpha / 6 * (V - V0)**3 / V0
15 return E
18def murnaghan(V, E0, B0, BP, V0):
19 'From PRB 28,5480 (1983'
21 E = E0 + B0 * V / BP * (((V0 / V)**BP) / (BP - 1) + 1) - V0 * B0 / (BP - 1)
22 return E
25def birch(V, E0, B0, BP, V0):
26 """
27 From Intermetallic compounds: Principles and Practice, Vol. I: Principles
28 Chapter 9 pages 195-210 by M. Mehl. B. Klein, D. Papaconstantopoulos
29 paper downloaded from Web
31 case where n=0
32 """
34 E = (E0 +
35 9 / 8 * B0 * V0 * ((V0 / V)**(2 / 3) - 1)**2 +
36 9 / 16 * B0 * V0 * (BP - 4) * ((V0 / V)**(2 / 3) - 1)**3)
37 return E
40def birchmurnaghan(V, E0, B0, BP, V0):
41 """
42 BirchMurnaghan equation from PRB 70, 224107
43 Eq. (3) in the paper. Note that there's a typo in the paper and it uses
44 inversed expression for eta.
45 """
47 eta = (V0 / V)**(1 / 3)
48 E = E0 + 9 * B0 * V0 / 16 * (eta**2 - 1)**2 * (
49 6 + BP * (eta**2 - 1) - 4 * eta**2)
50 return E
53def check_birchmurnaghan():
54 from sympy import Rational, diff, simplify, symbols
55 v, b, bp, v0 = symbols('v b bp v0')
56 x = (v0 / v)**Rational(2, 3)
57 e = 9 * b * v0 * (x - 1)**2 * (6 + bp * (x - 1) - 4 * x) / 16
58 print(e)
59 B = diff(e, v, 2) * v
60 BP = -v * diff(B, v) / b
61 print(simplify(B.subs(v, v0)))
62 print(simplify(BP.subs(v, v0)))
65def pouriertarantola(V, E0, B0, BP, V0):
66 'Pourier-Tarantola equation from PRB 70, 224107'
68 eta = (V / V0)**(1 / 3)
69 squiggle = -3 * np.log(eta)
71 E = E0 + B0 * V0 * squiggle**2 / 6 * (3 + squiggle * (BP - 2))
72 return E
75def vinet(V, E0, B0, BP, V0):
76 'Vinet equation from PRB 70, 224107'
78 eta = (V / V0)**(1 / 3)
80 E = (E0 + 2 * B0 * V0 / (BP - 1)**2 *
81 (2 - (5 + 3 * BP * (eta - 1) - 3 * eta) *
82 np.exp(-3 * (BP - 1) * (eta - 1) / 2)))
83 return E
86def antonschmidt(V, Einf, B, n, V0):
87 """From Intermetallics 11, 23-32 (2003)
89 Einf should be E_infinity, i.e. infinite separation, but
90 according to the paper it does not provide a good estimate
91 of the cohesive energy. They derive this equation from an
92 empirical formula for the volume dependence of pressure,
94 E(vol) = E_inf + int(P dV) from V=vol to V=infinity
96 but the equation breaks down at large volumes, so E_inf
97 is not that meaningful
99 n should be about -2 according to the paper.
101 I find this equation does not fit volumetric data as well
102 as the other equtions do.
103 """
105 E = B * V0 / (n + 1) * (V / V0)**(n + 1) * (np.log(V / V0) -
106 (1 / (n + 1))) + Einf
107 return E
110def p3(V, c0, c1, c2, c3):
111 'polynomial fit'
113 E = c0 + c1 * V + c2 * V**2 + c3 * V**3
114 return E
117def parabola(x, a, b, c):
118 """parabola polynomial function
120 this function is used to fit the data to get good guesses for
121 the equation of state fits
123 a 4th order polynomial fit to get good guesses for
124 was not a good idea because for noisy data the fit is too wiggly
125 2nd order seems to be sufficient, and guarantees a single minimum"""
127 return a + b * x + c * x**2
130class EquationOfState:
131 """Fit equation of state for bulk systems.
133 The following equation is used::
135 sjeos (default)
136 A third order inverse polynomial fit 10.1103/PhysRevB.67.026103
138 ::
140 2 3 -1/3
141 E(V) = c + c t + c t + c t , t = V
142 0 1 2 3
144 taylor
145 A third order Taylor series expansion about the minimum volume
147 murnaghan
148 PRB 28, 5480 (1983)
150 birch
151 Intermetallic compounds: Principles and Practice,
152 Vol I: Principles. pages 195-210
154 birchmurnaghan
155 PRB 70, 224107
157 pouriertarantola
158 PRB 70, 224107
160 vinet
161 PRB 70, 224107
163 antonschmidt
164 Intermetallics 11, 23-32 (2003)
166 p3
167 A third order polynomial fit
169 Use::
171 eos = EquationOfState(volumes, energies, eos='murnaghan')
172 v0, e0, B =
173 eos.plot(show=True)
175 """
177 def __init__(self, volumes, energies, eos='sj'):
178 self.v = np.array(volumes)
179 self.e = np.array(energies)
181 if eos == 'sjeos':
182 eos = 'sj'
183 self.eos_string = eos
184 self.v0 = None
186 def fit(self, warn=True):
187 """Calculate volume, energy, and bulk modulus.
189 Returns the optimal volume, the minimum energy, and the bulk
190 modulus. Notice that the ASE units for the bulk modulus is
191 eV/Angstrom^3 - to get the value in GPa, do this::
193 v0, e0, B =
194 print(B / kJ * 1.0e24, 'GPa')
196 """
197 from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
199 if self.eos_string == 'sj':
200 return self.fit_sjeos()
202 self.func = globals()[self.eos_string]
204 p0 = [min(self.e), 1, 1]
205 popt, pcov = curve_fit(parabola, self.v, self.e, p0)
207 parabola_parameters = popt
208 # Here I just make sure the minimum is bracketed by the volumes
209 # this if for the solver
210 minvol = min(self.v)
211 maxvol = max(self.v)
213 # the minimum of the parabola is at dE/dV = 0, or 2 * c V +b =0
214 c = parabola_parameters[2]
215 b = parabola_parameters[1]
216 a = parabola_parameters[0]
217 parabola_vmin = -b / 2 / c
219 # evaluate the parabola at the minimum to estimate the groundstate
220 # energy
221 E0 = parabola(parabola_vmin, a, b, c)
222 # estimate the bulk modulus from Vo * E''. E'' = 2 * c
223 B0 = 2 * c * parabola_vmin
225 if self.eos_string == 'antonschmidt':
226 BP = -2
227 else:
228 BP = 4
230 initial_guess = [E0, B0, BP, parabola_vmin]
232 # now fit the equation of state
233 p0 = initial_guess
234 popt, pcov = curve_fit(self.func, self.v, self.e, p0)
236 self.eos_parameters = popt
238 if self.eos_string == 'p3':
239 c0, c1, c2, c3 = self.eos_parameters
240 # find minimum E in E = c0 + c1 * V + c2 * V**2 + c3 * V**3
241 # dE/dV = c1+ 2 * c2 * V + 3 * c3 * V**2 = 0
242 # solve by quadratic formula with the positive root
244 a = 3 * c3
245 b = 2 * c2
246 c = c1
248 self.v0 = (-b + np.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
249 self.e0 = p3(self.v0, c0, c1, c2, c3)
250 self.B = (2 * c2 + 6 * c3 * self.v0) * self.v0
251 else:
252 self.v0 = self.eos_parameters[3]
253 self.e0 = self.eos_parameters[0]
254 self.B = self.eos_parameters[1]
256 if warn and not (minvol < self.v0 < maxvol):
257 warnings.warn(
258 'The minimum volume of your fit is not in '
259 'your volumes. You may not have a minimum in your dataset!')
261 return self.v0, self.e0, self.B
263 def getplotdata(self):
264 if self.v0 is None:
267 x = np.linspace(min(self.v), max(self.v), 100)
268 if self.eos_string == 'sj':
269 y = self.fit0(x**-(1 / 3))
270 else:
271 y = self.func(x, *self.eos_parameters)
273 return self.eos_string, self.e0, self.v0, self.B, x, y, self.v, self.e
275 def plot(self, filename=None, show=False, ax=None):
276 """Plot fitted energy curve.
278 Uses Matplotlib to plot the energy curve. Use *show=True* to
279 show the figure and *filename='abc.png'* or
280 *filename='abc.eps'* to save the figure to a file."""
282 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
284 plotdata = self.getplotdata()
286 ax = plot(*plotdata, ax=ax)
288 if show:
290 if filename is not None:
291 fig = ax.get_figure()
292 fig.savefig(filename)
293 return ax
295 def fit_sjeos(self):
296 """Calculate volume, energy, and bulk modulus.
298 Returns the optimal volume, the minimum energy, and the bulk
299 modulus. Notice that the ASE units for the bulk modulus is
300 eV/Angstrom^3 - to get the value in GPa, do this::
302 v0, e0, B =
303 print(B / kJ * 1.0e24, 'GPa')
305 """
307 fit0 = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(self.v**-(1 / 3), self.e, 3))
308 fit1 = np.polyder(fit0, 1)
309 fit2 = np.polyder(fit1, 1)
311 self.v0 = None
312 for t in np.roots(fit1):
313 if isinstance(t, float) and t > 0 and fit2(t) > 0:
314 self.v0 = t**-3
315 break
317 if self.v0 is None:
318 raise ValueError('No minimum!')
320 self.e0 = fit0(t)
321 self.B = t**5 * fit2(t) / 9
322 self.fit0 = fit0
324 return self.v0, self.e0, self.B
327def plot(eos_string, e0, v0, B, x, y, v, e, ax=None):
328 if ax is None:
329 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
330 ax = plt.gca()
332 ax.plot(x, y, ls='-', color='C3') # By default red line
333 ax.plot(v, e, ls='', marker='o', mec='C0',
334 mfc='C0') # By default blue marker
336 try:
337 ax.set_xlabel('volume [Å$^3$]')
338 ax.set_ylabel('energy [eV]')
339 ax.set_title('%s: E: %.3f eV, V: %.3f Å$^3$, B: %.3f GPa' %
340 (eos_string, e0, v0,
341 B / kJ * 1.e24))
343 except ImportError: # XXX what would cause this error? LaTeX?
344 import warnings
345 warnings.warn('Could not use LaTeX formatting')
346 ax.set_xlabel('volume [L(length)^3]')
347 ax.set_ylabel('energy [E(energy)]')
348 ax.set_title('%s: E: %.3f E, V: %.3f L^3, B: %.3e E/L^3' %
349 (eos_string, e0, v0, B))
351 return ax
354def calculate_eos(atoms, npoints=5, eps=0.04, trajectory=None, callback=None):
355 """Calculate equation-of-state.
357 atoms: Atoms object
358 System to calculate EOS for. Must have a calculator attached.
359 npoints: int
360 Number of points.
361 eps: float
362 Variation in volume from v0*(1-eps) to v0*(1+eps).
363 trajectory: Trjectory object or str
364 Write configurations to a trajectory file.
365 callback: function
366 Called after every energy calculation.
368 >>> from import bulk
369 >>> from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
370 >>> from ase.eos import calculate_eos
372 >>> a = bulk('Cu', 'fcc', a=3.6)
373 >>> a.calc = EMT()
374 >>> eos = calculate_eos(a, trajectory='Cu.traj')
375 >>> v, e, B =
376 >>> a = (4 * v)**(1 / 3.0)
377 >>> print('{0:.6f}'.format(a))
378 3.589825
379 """
381 # Save original positions and cell:
382 p0 = atoms.get_positions()
383 c0 = atoms.get_cell()
385 if isinstance(trajectory, str):
386 from import Trajectory
387 trajectory = Trajectory(trajectory, 'w', atoms)
389 if trajectory is not None:
390 trajectory.set_description({'type': 'eos',
391 'npoints': npoints,
392 'eps': eps})
394 try:
395 energies = []
396 volumes = []
397 for x in np.linspace(1 - eps, 1 + eps, npoints)**(1 / 3):
398 atoms.set_cell(x * c0, scale_atoms=True)
399 volumes.append(atoms.get_volume())
400 energies.append(atoms.get_potential_energy())
401 if callback:
402 callback()
403 if trajectory is not None:
404 trajectory.write()
405 return EquationOfState(volumes, energies)
406 finally:
407 atoms.cell = c0
408 atoms.positions = p0
409 if trajectory is not None:
410 trajectory.close()
413class CLICommand:
414 """Calculate EOS from one or more trajectory files.
416 See for
417 more information.
418 """
420 @staticmethod
421 def add_arguments(parser):
422 parser.add_argument('trajectories', nargs='+', metavar='trajectory')
423 parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot', action='store_true',
424 help='Plot EOS fit. Default behaviour is '
425 'to write results of fit.')
426 parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', default='sj',
427 help='Type of fit. Must be one of {}.'
428 .format(', '.join(eos_names)))
430 @staticmethod
431 def run(args):
432 from import read
434 if not args.plot:
435 print('# filename '
436 'points volume energy bulk modulus')
437 print('# '
438 ' [Ang^3] [eV] [GPa]')
439 for name in args.trajectories:
440 if name == '-':
441 # Special case - used by ASE's GUI:
442 import pickle
443 import sys
444 v, e = pickle.load(sys.stdin.buffer)
445 else:
446 if '@' in name:
447 index = None
448 else:
449 index = ':'
450 images = read(name, index=index)
451 v = [atoms.get_volume() for atoms in images]
452 e = [atoms.get_potential_energy() for atoms in images]
453 eos = EquationOfState(v, e, args.type)
454 if args.plot:
455 eos.plot()
456 else:
457 try:
458 v0, e0, B =
459 except ValueError as ex:
460 print('{:30}{:2} {}'
461 .format(name, len(v), ex.message))
462 else:
463 print('{:30}{:2} {:10.3f}{:10.3f}{:14.3f}'
464 .format(name, len(v), v0, e0, B / kJ * 1.0e24))