Coverage for /builds/kinetik161/ase/ase/io/ 92.67%
191 statements
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1from itertools import islice
2from math import sqrt
3from typing import IO
5import numpy as np
7from import atomic_numbers, covalent_radii
8from import jmol_colors
9from import string2index
10from ase.utils import rotate
13class PlottingVariables:
14 # removed writer - self
15 def __init__(self, atoms, rotation='', show_unit_cell=2,
16 radii=None, bbox=None, colors=None, scale=20,
17 maxwidth=500, extra_offset=(0., 0.)):
18 self.numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
19 self.colors = colors
20 if colors is None:
21 ncolors = len(jmol_colors)
22 self.colors = jmol_colors[self.numbers.clip(max=ncolors - 1)]
24 if radii is None:
25 radii = covalent_radii[self.numbers]
26 elif isinstance(radii, float):
27 radii = covalent_radii[self.numbers] * radii
28 else:
29 radii = np.array(radii)
31 natoms = len(atoms)
33 if isinstance(rotation, str):
34 rotation = rotate(rotation)
36 cell = atoms.get_cell()
37 disp = atoms.get_celldisp().flatten()
39 if show_unit_cell > 0:
40 L, T, D = cell_to_lines(self, cell)
41 cell_vertices = np.empty((2, 2, 2, 3))
42 for c1 in range(2):
43 for c2 in range(2):
44 for c3 in range(2):
45 cell_vertices[c1, c2, c3] =[c1, c2, c3],
46 cell) + disp
47 cell_vertices.shape = (8, 3)
48 cell_vertices =, rotation)
49 else:
50 L = np.empty((0, 3))
51 T = None
52 D = None
53 cell_vertices = None
55 nlines = len(L)
57 positions = np.empty((natoms + nlines, 3))
58 R = atoms.get_positions()
59 positions[:natoms] = R
60 positions[natoms:] = L
62 r2 = radii**2
63 for n in range(nlines):
64 d = D[T[n]]
65 if ((((R - L[n] - d)**2).sum(1) < r2) &
66 (((R - L[n] + d)**2).sum(1) < r2)).any():
67 T[n] = -1
69 positions =, rotation)
70 R = positions[:natoms]
72 if bbox is None:
73 X1 = (R - radii[:, None]).min(0)
74 X2 = (R + radii[:, None]).max(0)
75 if show_unit_cell == 2:
76 X1 = np.minimum(X1, cell_vertices.min(0))
77 X2 = np.maximum(X2, cell_vertices.max(0))
78 M = (X1 + X2) / 2
79 S = 1.05 * (X2 - X1)
80 w = scale * S[0]
81 if w > maxwidth:
82 w = maxwidth
83 scale = w / S[0]
84 h = scale * S[1]
85 offset = np.array([scale * M[0] - w / 2, scale * M[1] - h / 2, 0])
86 else:
87 w = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) * scale
88 h = (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) * scale
89 offset = np.array([bbox[0], bbox[1], 0]) * scale
91 offset[0] = offset[0] - extra_offset[0]
92 offset[1] = offset[1] - extra_offset[1]
93 self.w = w + extra_offset[0]
94 self.h = h + extra_offset[1]
96 positions *= scale
97 positions -= offset
99 if nlines > 0:
100 D =, rotation)[:, :2] * scale
102 if cell_vertices is not None:
103 cell_vertices *= scale
104 cell_vertices -= offset
106 cell =, rotation)
107 cell *= scale
109 self.cell = cell
110 self.positions = positions
111 self.D = D
112 self.T = T
113 self.cell_vertices = cell_vertices
114 self.natoms = natoms
115 self.d = 2 * scale * radii
116 self.constraints = atoms.constraints
118 # extension for partial occupancies
119 self.frac_occ = False
120 self.tags = None
121 self.occs = None
123 try:
124 self.occs =['occupancy']
125 self.tags = atoms.get_tags()
126 self.frac_occ = True
127 except KeyError:
128 pass
131def cell_to_lines(writer, cell):
132 # XXX this needs to be updated for cell vectors that are zero.
133 # Cannot read the code though! (What are T and D? nn?)
134 nlines = 0
135 nsegments = []
136 for c in range(3):
137 d = sqrt((cell[c]**2).sum())
138 n = max(2, int(d / 0.3))
139 nsegments.append(n)
140 nlines += 4 * n
142 positions = np.empty((nlines, 3))
143 T = np.empty(nlines, int)
144 D = np.zeros((3, 3))
146 n1 = 0
147 for c in range(3):
148 n = nsegments[c]
149 dd = cell[c] / (4 * n - 2)
150 D[c] = dd
151 P = np.arange(1, 4 * n + 1, 4)[:, None] * dd
152 T[n1:] = c
153 for i, j in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
154 n2 = n1 + n
155 positions[n1:n2] = P + i * cell[c - 2] + j * cell[c - 1]
156 n1 = n2
158 return positions, T, D
161def make_patch_list(writer):
162 from matplotlib.patches import Circle, PathPatch, Wedge
163 from matplotlib.path import Path
165 indices = writer.positions[:, 2].argsort()
166 patch_list = []
167 for a in indices:
168 xy = writer.positions[a, :2]
169 if a < writer.natoms:
170 r = writer.d[a] / 2
171 if writer.frac_occ:
172 site_occ = writer.occs[str(writer.tags[a])]
173 # first an empty circle if a site is not fully occupied
174 if (np.sum([v for v in site_occ.values()])) < 1.0:
175 # fill with white
176 fill = '#ffffff'
177 patch = Circle(xy, r, facecolor=fill,
178 edgecolor='black')
179 patch_list.append(patch)
181 start = 0
182 # start with the dominant species
183 for sym, occ in sorted(site_occ.items(),
184 key=lambda x: x[1],
185 reverse=True):
186 if np.round(occ, decimals=4) == 1.0:
187 patch = Circle(xy, r, facecolor=writer.colors[a],
188 edgecolor='black')
189 patch_list.append(patch)
190 else:
191 # jmol colors for the moment
192 extent = 360. * occ
193 patch = Wedge(
194 xy, r, start, start + extent,
195 facecolor=jmol_colors[atomic_numbers[sym]],
196 edgecolor='black')
197 patch_list.append(patch)
198 start += extent
200 else:
201 if ((xy[1] + r > 0) and (xy[1] - r < writer.h) and
202 (xy[0] + r > 0) and (xy[0] - r < writer.w)):
203 patch = Circle(xy, r, facecolor=writer.colors[a],
204 edgecolor='black')
205 patch_list.append(patch)
206 else:
207 a -= writer.natoms
208 c = writer.T[a]
209 if c != -1:
210 hxy = writer.D[c]
211 patch = PathPatch(Path((xy + hxy, xy - hxy)))
212 patch_list.append(patch)
213 return patch_list
216class ImageChunk:
217 """Base Class for a file chunk which contains enough information to
218 reconstruct an atoms object."""
220 def build(self, **kwargs):
221 """Construct the atoms object from the stored information,
222 and return it"""
225class ImageIterator:
226 """Iterate over chunks, to return the corresponding Atoms objects.
227 Will only build the atoms objects which corresponds to the requested
228 indices when called.
229 Assumes ``ichunks`` is in iterator, which returns ``ImageChunk``
230 type objects. See as an example.
231 """
233 def __init__(self, ichunks):
234 self.ichunks = ichunks
236 def __call__(self, fd: IO, index=None, **kwargs):
237 if isinstance(index, str):
238 index = string2index(index)
240 if index is None or index == ':':
241 index = slice(None, None, None)
243 if not isinstance(index, (slice, str)):
244 index = slice(index, (index + 1) or None)
246 for chunk in self._getslice(fd, index):
247 yield**kwargs)
249 def _getslice(self, fd: IO, indices: slice):
250 try:
251 iterator = islice(self.ichunks(fd),
252 indices.start, indices.stop,
253 indices.step)
254 except ValueError:
255 # Negative indices. Go through the whole thing to get the length,
256 # which allows us to evaluate the slice, and then read it again
257 if not hasattr(fd, 'seekable') or not fd.seekable():
258 raise ValueError('Negative indices only supported for '
259 'seekable streams')
261 startpos = fd.tell()
262 nchunks = 0
263 for _ in self.ichunks(fd):
264 nchunks += 1
266 indices_tuple = indices.indices(nchunks)
267 iterator = islice(self.ichunks(fd), *indices_tuple)
268 return iterator
271def verify_cell_for_export(cell, check_orthorhombric=True):
272 """Function to verify if the cell size is defined and if the cell is
274 Parameters:
276 cell: cell object
277 cell to be checked.
279 check_orthorhombric: bool
280 If True, check if the cell is orthorhombric, raise an ``ValueError`` if
281 the cell is orthorhombric. If False, doesn't check if the cell is
282 orthorhombric.
284 Raise a ``ValueError`` if the cell if not suitable for export to mustem xtl
285 file or prismatic/computem xyz format:
286 - if cell is not orthorhombic (only when check_orthorhombric=True)
287 - if cell size is not defined
288 """
290 if check_orthorhombric and not cell.orthorhombic:
291 raise ValueError('To export to this format, the cell needs to be '
292 'orthorhombic.')
293 if cell.rank < 3:
294 raise ValueError('To export to this format, the cell size needs '
295 'to be set: current cell is {}.'.format(cell))
298def verify_dictionary(atoms, dictionary, dictionary_name):
299 """
300 Verify a dictionary have a key for each symbol present in the atoms object.
302 Parameters:
304 dictionary: dict
305 Dictionary to be checked.
308 dictionary_name: dict
309 Name of the dictionary to be displayed in the error message.
311 cell: cell object
312 cell to be checked.
315 Raise a ``ValueError`` if the key doesn't match the atoms present in the
316 cell.
317 """
318 # Check if we have enough key
319 for key in set(atoms.symbols):
320 if key not in dictionary:
321 raise ValueError('Missing the {} key in the `{}` dictionary.'
322 ''.format(key, dictionary_name))