Coverage for /builds/kinetik161/ase/ase/io/ 86.84%
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2This module contains functionality for reading and writing an ASE
3Atoms object in V_Sim 3.5+ ascii format.
7import numpy as np
9from ase.utils import reader, writer
13def read_v_sim(fd):
14 """Import V_Sim input file.
16 Reads cell, atom positions, etc. from v_sim ascii file.
17 V_sim format is specified here:
19 """
21 import re
23 from ase import Atoms, units
24 from ase.geometry import cellpar_to_cell
26 # Read comment:
27 fd.readline()
29 line = fd.readline() + ' ' + fd.readline()
30 box = line.split()
31 for i in range(len(box)):
32 box[i] = float(box[i])
34 keywords = []
35 positions = []
36 symbols = []
37 unit = 1.0
39 re_comment = re.compile(r'^\s*[#!]')
40 re_node = re.compile(r'^\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+')
42 while True:
43 line = fd.readline()
45 if line == '':
46 break # EOF
48 p = re_comment.match(line)
49 if p is not None:
50 # remove comment character at the beginning of line
51 line = line[p.end():].replace(',', ' ').lower()
52 if line[:8] == "keyword:":
53 keywords.extend(line[8:].split())
55 elif re_node.match(line):
56 unit = 1.0
57 if "reduced" not in keywords:
58 if (("bohr" in keywords) or ("bohrd0" in keywords) or
59 ("atomic" in keywords) or ("atomicd0" in keywords)):
60 unit = units.Bohr
62 fields = line.split()
63 positions.append([unit * float(fields[0]),
64 unit * float(fields[1]),
65 unit * float(fields[2])])
66 symbols.append(fields[3])
68 # create atoms object based on the information
69 if "angdeg" in keywords:
70 cell = cellpar_to_cell(box)
71 else:
72 unit = 1.0
73 if (("bohr" in keywords) or ("bohrd0" in keywords) or
74 ("atomic" in keywords) or ("atomicd0" in keywords)):
75 unit = units.Bohr
76 cell = np.zeros((3, 3))
77 cell.flat[[0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]] = box[:6]
78 cell *= unit
80 if "reduced" in keywords:
81 atoms = Atoms(cell=cell, scaled_positions=positions)
82 else:
83 atoms = Atoms(cell=cell, positions=positions)
85 if "periodic" in keywords:
86 atoms.pbc = [True, True, True]
87 elif "freebc" in keywords:
88 atoms.pbc = [False, False, False]
89 elif "surface" in keywords:
90 atoms.pbc = [True, False, True]
91 else: # default is periodic boundary conditions
92 atoms.pbc = [True, True, True]
94 atoms.set_chemical_symbols(symbols)
95 return atoms
99def write_v_sim(fd, atoms):
100 """Write V_Sim input file.
102 Writes the atom positions and unit cell.
103 V_sim format is specified here:
105 """
106 from ase.geometry import cell_to_cellpar, cellpar_to_cell
108 # Convert the lattice vectors to triangular matrix by converting
109 # to and from a set of lengths and angles
110 cell = cellpar_to_cell(cell_to_cellpar(atoms.cell))
111 dxx = cell[0, 0]
112 dyx, dyy = cell[1, 0:2]
113 dzx, dzy, dzz = cell[2, 0:3]
115 fd.write('===== v_sim input file created using the'
116 ' Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) ====\n')
117 fd.write(f'{dxx} {dyx} {dyy}\n')
118 fd.write(f'{dzx} {dzy} {dzz}\n')
120 # Use v_sim 3.5 keywords to indicate scaled positions, etc.
121 fd.write('#keyword: reduced\n')
122 fd.write('#keyword: angstroem\n')
123 if np.all(atoms.pbc):
124 fd.write('#keyword: periodic\n')
125 elif not np.any(atoms.pbc):
126 fd.write('#keyword: freeBC\n')
127 elif np.array_equiv(atoms.pbc, [True, False, True]):
128 fd.write('#keyword: surface\n')
129 else:
130 raise Exception(
131 'Only supported boundary conditions are full PBC,'
132 ' no periodic boundary, and surface which is free in y direction'
133 ' (i.e. Atoms.pbc = [True, False, True]).')
135 # Add atoms (scaled positions)
136 for position, symbol in zip(atoms.get_scaled_positions(),
137 atoms.get_chemical_symbols()):
138 fd.write('{} {} {} {}\n'.format(
139 position[0], position[1], position[2], symbol))