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1from itertools import count
3import numpy as np
5from ase import Atoms
6from ase.calculators.calculator import all_changes
7from ase.calculators.excitation_list import Excitation, ExcitationList
8from ase.calculators.morse import MorsePotential
9from import atomic_masses
10from ase.units import Ha, invcm
12"""The H2 molecule represented by Morse-Potentials for
13gound and first 3 excited singlet states B + C(doubly degenerate)"""
15npa = np.array
16# data from:
18# X B C C
19Re = npa([0.74144, 1.2928, 1.0327, 1.0327]) # eq. bond length
20ome = npa([4401.21, 1358.09, 2443.77, 2443.77]) # vibrational frequency
21# electronic transition energy
22Etrans = npa([0, 91700.0, 100089.9, 100089.9]) * invcm
24# dissociation energy
25# GS:
26De = np.ones(4) * 36118.069 * invcm
27# B, C separated energy E(1s) - E(2p)
28De[1:] += Ha / 2 - Ha / 8
29De -= Etrans
31# Morse parameter
32m = atomic_masses[1] * 0.5 # reduced mass
33# XXX find scaling factor
34rho0 = Re * ome * invcm * np.sqrt(m / 2 / De) * 4401.21 / 284.55677429605862
37def H2Morse(state=0):
38 """Return H2 as a Morse-Potential with calculator attached."""
39 atoms = Atoms('H2', positions=np.zeros((2, 3)))
40 atoms[1].position[2] = Re[state]
41 atoms.calc = H2MorseCalculator(state=state)
42 atoms.get_potential_energy()
43 return atoms
46class H2MorseCalculator(MorsePotential):
47 """H2 ground or excited state as Morse potential"""
48 _count = count(0)
50 def __init__(self, restart=None, state=0, rng=np.random):
51 self.rng = rng
52 MorsePotential.__init__(self,
53 restart=restart,
54 epsilon=De[state],
55 r0=Re[state], rho0=rho0[state])
57 def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=['energy'],
58 system_changes=all_changes):
59 if atoms is not None:
60 assert len(atoms) == 2
61 MorsePotential.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
63 # determine 'wave functions' including
64 # Berry phase (arbitrary sign) and
65 # random orientation of wave functions perpendicular
66 # to the molecular axis
68 # molecular axis
69 vr = atoms[1].position - atoms[0].position
70 r = np.linalg.norm(vr)
71 hr = vr / r
72 # perpendicular axes
73 vrand = self.rng.random(3)
74 hx = np.cross(hr, vrand)
75 hx /= np.linalg.norm(hx)
76 hy = np.cross(hr, hx)
77 hy /= np.linalg.norm(hy)
78 wfs = [1, hr, hx, hy]
79 # Berry phase
80 berry = (-1)**self.rng.randint(0, 2, 4)
81 self.wfs = [wf * b for wf, b in zip(wfs, berry)]
83 def read(self, filename):
84 ms = self
85 with open(filename) as fd:
86 ms.wfs = [int(fd.readline().split()[0])]
87 for i in range(1, 4):
88 ms.wfs.append(
89 np.array([float(x)
90 for x in fd.readline().split()[:4]]))
91 ms.filename = filename
92 return ms
94 def write(self, filename, option=None):
95 """write calculated state to a file"""
96 with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
97 fd.write(f'{self.wfs[0]}\n')
98 for wf in self.wfs[1:]:
99 fd.write('{:g} {:g} {:g}\n'.format(*wf))
101 def overlap(self, other):
102 ov = np.zeros((4, 4))
103 ov[0, 0] = self.wfs[0] * other.wfs[0]
104 wfs = np.array(self.wfs[1:])
105 owfs = np.array(other.wfs[1:])
106 ov[1:, 1:] =, owfs.T)
107 return ov
110class H2MorseExcitedStatesCalculator():
111 """First singlet excited states of H2 from Morse potentials"""
113 def __init__(self, nstates=3):
114 """
115 Parameters
116 ----------
117 nstates: int
118 Numer of states to calculate 0 < nstates < 4, default 3
119 """
120 assert nstates > 0 and nstates < 4
121 self.nstates = nstates
123 def calculate(self, atoms):
124 """Calculate excitation spectrum
126 Parameters
127 ----------
128 atoms: Ase atoms object
129 """
130 # central me value and rise, unit Bohr
131 # from DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00584
132 mc = [0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7]
133 mr = [0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5]
135 cgs = atoms.calc
136 r = atoms.get_distance(0, 1)
137 E0 = cgs.get_potential_energy(atoms)
139 exl = H2MorseExcitedStates()
140 for i in range(1, self.nstates + 1):
141 hvec = cgs.wfs[0] * cgs.wfs[i]
142 energy = Ha * (0.5 - 1. / 8) - E0
143 calc = H2MorseCalculator(state=i)
144 calc.calculate(atoms)
145 energy += calc.get_potential_energy()
147 mur = hvec * (mc[i] + (r - Re[0]) * mr[i])
148 muv = mur
150 exl.append(H2Excitation(energy, i, mur, muv))
151 return exl
154class H2MorseExcitedStates(ExcitationList):
155 """First singlet excited states of H2"""
157 def __init__(self, nstates=3):
158 """
159 Parameters
160 ----------
161 nstates: int, 1 <= nstates <= 3
162 Number of excited states to consider, default 3
163 """
164 self.nstates = nstates
165 super().__init__()
167 def overlap(self, ov_nn, other):
168 return (ov_nn[1:len(self) + 1, 1:len(self) + 1] *
169 ov_nn[0, 0])
171 @classmethod
172 def read(cls, filename, nstates=3):
173 """Read myself from a file"""
174 exl = cls(nstates)
175 with open(filename) as fd:
176 exl.filename = filename
177 n = int(fd.readline().split()[0])
178 for i in range(min(n, exl.nstates)):
179 exl.append(H2Excitation.fromstring(fd.readline()))
180 return exl
182 def write(self, fname):
183 with open(fname, 'w') as fd:
184 fd.write(f'{len(self)}\n')
185 for ex in self:
186 fd.write(ex.outstring())
189class H2Excitation(Excitation):
190 def __eq__(self, other):
191 """Considered to be equal when their indices are equal."""
192 return self.index == other.index
194 def __hash__(self):
195 """Hash similar to __eq__"""
196 if not hasattr(self, 'hash'):
197 self.hash = hash(self.index)
198 return self.hash
201class H2MorseExcitedStatesAndCalculator(
202 H2MorseExcitedStatesCalculator, H2MorseExcitedStates):
203 """Traditional joined object for backward compatibility only"""
205 def __init__(self, calculator, nstates=3):
206 if isinstance(calculator, str):
207 exlist =, nstates)
208 else:
209 atoms = calculator.atoms
210 atoms.calc = calculator
211 excalc = H2MorseExcitedStatesCalculator(nstates)
212 exlist = excalc.calculate(atoms)
213 H2MorseExcitedStates.__init__(self, nstates=nstates)
214 for ex in exlist:
215 self.append(ex)