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1import numpy as np 

2from numpy.linalg import eigh, norm, pinv 

3from scipy.linalg import lstsq # performs better than numpy.linalg.lstsq 


5from ase import units 

6from ase.calculators.calculator import (BaseCalculator, CalculationFailed, 

7 Calculator, CalculatorSetupError, 

8 all_changes) 



11class HarmonicCalculator(BaseCalculator): 

12 """Class for calculations with a Hessian-based harmonic force field. 


14 See :class:`HarmonicForceField` and the literature. [1]_ 

15 """ 


17 implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces'] 


19 def __init__(self, harmonicforcefield): 

20 """ 

21 Parameters 

22 ---------- 

23 harmonicforcefield: :class:`HarmonicForceField` 

24 Class for calculations with a Hessian-based harmonic force field. 

25 """ 

26 super().__init__() # parameters have been passed to the force field 

27 self.harmonicforcefield = harmonicforcefield 


29 def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes): 

30 self.atoms = atoms.copy() # for caching of results 

31 energy, forces_x = self.harmonicforcefield.get_energy_forces(atoms) 

32 self.results['energy'] = energy 

33 self.results['forces'] = forces_x 



36class HarmonicForceField: 

37 def __init__(self, ref_atoms, hessian_x, ref_energy=0.0, get_q_from_x=None, 

38 get_jacobian=None, cartesian=True, variable_orientation=False, 

39 hessian_limit=0.0, constrained_q=None, rcond=1e-7, 

40 zero_thresh=0.0): 

41 """Class that represents a Hessian-based harmonic force field. 


43 Energy and forces of this force field are based on the 

44 Cartesian Hessian for a local reference configuration, i.e. if 

45 desired, on the Hessian matrix transformed to a user-defined 

46 coordinate system. The required Hessian has to be passed as 

47 an argument, e.g. predetermined numerically via central finite 

48 differences in Cartesian coordinates. Note that a potential 

49 being harmonic in Cartesian coordinates **x** is not 

50 necessarily equivalently harmonic in another coordinate system 

51 **q**, e.g. when the transformation between the coordinate 

52 systems is non-linear. By default, the force field is 

53 evaluated in Cartesian coordinates in which energy and forces 

54 are not rotationally and translationally invariant. Systems 

55 with variable orientation, require rotationally and 

56 translationally invariant calculations for which a set of 

57 appropriate coordinates has to be defined. This can be a set 

58 of (redundant) internal coordinates (bonds, angles, dihedrals, 

59 coordination numbers, ...) or any other user-defined 

60 coordinate system. 


62 Together with the :class:`HarmonicCalculator` this 

63 :class:`HarmonicForceField` can be used to compute 

64 Anharmonic Corrections to the Harmonic Approximation. [1]_ 


66 Parameters 

67 ---------- 

68 ref_atoms: :class:`~ase.Atoms` object 

69 Reference structure for which energy (``ref_energy``) and Hessian 

70 matrix in Cartesian coordinates (``hessian_x``) are provided. 


72 hessian_x: numpy array 

73 Cartesian Hessian matrix for the reference structure ``ref_atoms``. 

74 If a user-defined coordinate system is provided via 

75 ``get_q_from_x`` and ``get_jacobian``, the Cartesian Hessian matrix 

76 is transformed to the user-defined coordinate system and back to 

77 Cartesian coordinates, thereby eliminating rotational and 

78 translational traits from the Hessian. The Hessian matrix 

79 obtained after this double-transformation is then used as 

80 the reference Hessian matrix to evaluate energy and forces for 

81 ``cartesian = True``. For ``cartesian = False`` the reference 

82 Hessian matrix transformed to the user-defined coordinates is used 

83 to compute energy and forces. 


85 ref_energy: float 

86 Energy of the reference structure ``ref_atoms``, typically in `eV`. 


88 get_q_from_x: python function, default: None (Cartesian coordinates) 

89 Function that returns a vector of user-defined coordinates **q** for 

90 a given :class:`~ase.Atoms` object 'atoms'. The signature should be: 

91 :obj:`get_q_from_x(atoms)`. 


93 get_jacobian: python function, default: None (Cartesian coordinates) 

94 Function that returns the geometric Jacobian matrix of the 

95 user-defined coordinates **q** w.r.t. Cartesian coordinates **x** 

96 defined as `dq/dx` (Wilson B-matrix) for a given :class:`~ase.Atoms` 

97 object 'atoms'. The signature should be: :obj:`get_jacobian(atoms)`. 


99 cartesian: bool 

100 Set to True to evaluate energy and forces based on the reference 

101 Hessian (system harmonic in Cartesian coordinates). 

102 Set to False to evaluate energy and forces based on the reference 

103 Hessian transformed to user-defined coordinates (system harmonic in 

104 user-defined coordinates). 


106 hessian_limit: float 

107 Reconstruct the reference Hessian matrix with a lower limit for the 

108 eigenvalues, typically in `eV/A^2`. Eigenvalues in the interval 

109 [``zero_thresh``, ``hessian_limit``] are set to ``hessian_limit`` 

110 while the eigenvectors are left untouched. 


112 variable_orientation: bool 

113 Set to True if the investigated :class:`~ase.Atoms` has got 

114 rotational degrees of freedom such that the orientation with respect 

115 to ``ref_atoms`` might be different (typically for molecules). 

116 Set to False to speed up the calculation when ``cartesian = True``. 


118 constrained_q: list 

119 A list of indices 'i' of constrained coordinates `q_i` to be 

120 projected out from the Hessian matrix 

121 (e.g. remove forces along imaginary mode of a transition state). 


123 rcond: float 

124 Cutoff for singular value decomposition in the computation of the 

125 Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse during transformation of the Hessian 

126 matrix. Equivalent to the rcond parameter in scipy.linalg.lstsq. 


128 zero_thresh: float 

129 Reconstruct the reference Hessian matrix with absolute eigenvalues 

130 below this threshold set to zero. 


132 """ 

133 self.check_input([get_q_from_x, get_jacobian], 

134 variable_orientation, cartesian) 


136 self.parameters = {'ref_atoms': ref_atoms, 

137 'ref_energy': ref_energy, 

138 'hessian_x': hessian_x, 

139 'hessian_limit': hessian_limit, 

140 'get_q_from_x': get_q_from_x, 

141 'get_jacobian': get_jacobian, 

142 'cartesian': cartesian, 

143 'variable_orientation': variable_orientation, 

144 'constrained_q': constrained_q, 

145 'rcond': rcond, 

146 'zero_thresh': zero_thresh} 


148 # set up user-defined coordinate system or Cartesian coordinates 

149 self.get_q_from_x = (self.parameters['get_q_from_x'] or 

150 (lambda atoms: atoms.get_positions())) 

151 self.get_jacobian = (self.parameters['get_jacobian'] or 

152 (lambda atoms: np.diagflat( 

153 np.ones(3 * len(atoms))))) 


155 # reference Cartesian coords. x0; reference user-defined coords. q0 

156 self.x0 = self.parameters['ref_atoms'].get_positions().ravel() 

157 self.q0 = self.get_q_from_x(self.parameters['ref_atoms']).ravel() 

158 self.setup_reference_hessians() # self._hessian_x and self._hessian_q 


160 # store number of zero eigenvalues of G-matrix for redundancy check 

161 jac0 = self.get_jacobian(self.parameters['ref_atoms']) 

162 Gmat = jac0.T @ jac0 

163 self.Gmat_eigvals, _ = eigh(Gmat) # stored for inspection purposes 

164 self.zero_eigvals = len(np.flatnonzero(np.abs(self.Gmat_eigvals) < 

165 self.parameters['zero_thresh'])) 


167 @staticmethod 

168 def check_input(coord_functions, variable_orientation, cartesian): 

169 if None in coord_functions: 

170 if not all(func is None for func in coord_functions): 

171 msg = ('A user-defined coordinate system requires both ' 

172 '`get_q_from_x` and `get_jacobian`.') 

173 raise CalculatorSetupError(msg) 

174 if variable_orientation: 

175 msg = ('The use of `variable_orientation` requires a ' 

176 'user-defined, translationally and rotationally ' 

177 'invariant coordinate system.') 

178 raise CalculatorSetupError(msg) 

179 if not cartesian: 

180 msg = ('A user-defined coordinate system is required for ' 

181 'calculations with cartesian=False.') 

182 raise CalculatorSetupError(msg) 


184 def setup_reference_hessians(self): 

185 """Prepare projector to project out constrained user-defined coordinates 

186 **q** from Hessian. Then do transformation to user-defined coordinates 

187 and back. Relevant literature: 

188 * Peng, C. et al. J. Comput. Chem. 1996, 17 (1), 49-56. 

189 * Baker, J. et al. J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 105 (1), 192–212.""" 

190 jac0 = self.get_jacobian( 

191 self.parameters['ref_atoms']) # Jacobian (dq/dx) 

192 jac0 = self.constrain_jac(jac0) # for reference Cartesian coordinates 

193 ijac0 = self.get_ijac(jac0, self.parameters['rcond']) 

194 self.transform2reference_hessians(jac0, ijac0) # perform projection 


196 def constrain_jac(self, jac): 

197 """Procedure by Peng, Ayala, Schlegel and Frisch adjusted for redundant 

198 coordinates. 

199 Peng, C. et al. J. Comput. Chem. 1996, 17 (1), 49–56. 

200 """ 

201 proj = jac @ jac.T # build non-redundant projector 

202 constrained_q = self.parameters['constrained_q'] or [] 

203 Cmat = np.zeros(proj.shape) # build projector for constraints 

204 Cmat[constrained_q, constrained_q] = 1.0 

205 proj = proj - proj @ Cmat @ pinv(Cmat @ proj @ Cmat) @ Cmat @ proj 

206 jac = pinv(jac) @ proj # come back to redundant projector 

207 return jac.T 


209 def transform2reference_hessians(self, jac0, ijac0): 

210 """Transform Cartesian Hessian matrix to user-defined coordinates 

211 and back to Cartesian coordinates. For suitable coordinate systems 

212 (e.g. internals) this removes rotational and translational degrees of 

213 freedom. Furthermore, apply the lower limit to the force constants 

214 and reconstruct Hessian matrix.""" 

215 hessian_x = self.parameters['hessian_x'] 

216 hessian_x = 0.5 * (hessian_x + hessian_x.T) # guarantee symmetry 

217 hessian_q = ijac0.T @ hessian_x @ ijac0 # forward transformation 

218 hessian_x = jac0.T @ hessian_q @ jac0 # backward transformation 

219 hessian_x = 0.5 * (hessian_x + hessian_x.T) # guarantee symmetry 

220 w, v = eigh(hessian_x) # rot. and trans. degrees of freedom are removed 

221 w[np.abs(w) < self.parameters['zero_thresh']] = 0.0 # noise-cancelling 

222 w[(0.0 < w) & # substitute small eigenvalues by lower limit 

223 (w < self.parameters['hessian_limit'])] = \ 

224 self.parameters['hessian_limit'] 

225 # reconstruct Hessian from new eigenvalues and preserved eigenvectors 

226 hessian_x = v @ np.diagflat(w) @ v.T # v.T == inv(v) due to symmetry 

227 self._hessian_x = 0.5 * (hessian_x + hessian_x.T) # guarantee symmetry 

228 self._hessian_q = ijac0.T @ self._hessian_x @ ijac0 


230 @staticmethod 

231 def get_ijac(jac, rcond): # jac is the Wilson B-matrix 

232 """Compute Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of Wilson B-matrix.""" 

233 jac_T = jac.T # btw. direct Jacobian inversion is slow, hence form Gmat 

234 Gmat = jac_T @ jac # avoid: numpy.linalg.pinv(Gmat, rcond) @ jac_T 

235 ijac = lstsq(Gmat, jac_T, rcond, lapack_driver='gelsy') 

236 return ijac[0] # [-1] would be eigenvalues of Gmat 


238 def get_energy_forces(self, atoms): 

239 """Return a tuple with energy and forces in Cartesian coordinates for 

240 a given :class:`~ase.Atoms` object.""" 

241 q = self.get_q_from_x(atoms).ravel() 


243 if self.parameters['cartesian']: 

244 x = atoms.get_positions().ravel() 

245 x0 = self.x0 

246 hessian_x = self._hessian_x 


248 if self.parameters['variable_orientation']: 

249 # determine x0 for present orientation 

250 x0 = self.back_transform(x, q, self.q0, atoms.copy()) 

251 ref_atoms = atoms.copy() 

252 ref_atoms.set_positions(x0.reshape(int(len(x0) / 3), 3)) 

253 x0 = ref_atoms.get_positions().ravel() 

254 # determine jac0 for present orientation 

255 jac0 = self.get_jacobian(ref_atoms) 

256 self.check_redundancy(jac0) # check for coordinate failure 

257 # determine hessian_x for present orientation 

258 hessian_x = jac0.T @ self._hessian_q @ jac0 


260 xdiff = x - x0 

261 forces_x = -hessian_x @ xdiff 

262 energy = -0.5 * (forces_x * xdiff).sum() 


264 else: 

265 jac = self.get_jacobian(atoms) 

266 self.check_redundancy(jac) # check for coordinate failure 

267 qdiff = q - self.q0 

268 forces_q = -self._hessian_q @ qdiff 

269 forces_x = forces_q @ jac 

270 energy = -0.5 * (forces_q * qdiff).sum() 


272 energy += self.parameters['ref_energy'] 

273 forces_x = forces_x.reshape(int(forces_x.size / 3), 3) 

274 return energy, forces_x 


276 def back_transform(self, x, q, q0, atoms_copy): 

277 """Find the right orientation in Cartesian reference coordinates.""" 

278 xk = 1 * x 

279 qk = 1 * q 

280 dq = qk - q0 

281 err = abs(dq).max() 

282 count = 0 

283 atoms_copy.set_constraint() # helpful for back-transformation 

284 while err > 1e-7: # back-transformation tolerance for convergence 

285 count += 1 

286 if count > 99: # maximum number of iterations during back-transf. 

287 msg = ('Back-transformation from user-defined to Cartesian ' 

288 'coordinates failed.') 

289 raise CalculationFailed(msg) 

290 jac = self.get_jacobian(atoms_copy) 

291 ijac = self.get_ijac(jac, self.parameters['rcond']) 

292 dx = ijac @ dq 

293 xk = xk - dx 

294 atoms_copy.set_positions(xk.reshape(int(len(xk) / 3), 3)) 

295 qk = self.get_q_from_x(atoms_copy).ravel() 

296 dq = qk - q0 

297 err = abs(dq).max() 

298 return xk 


300 def check_redundancy(self, jac): 

301 """Compare number of zero eigenvalues of G-matrix to initial number.""" 

302 Gmat = jac.T @ jac 

303 self.Gmat_eigvals, _ = eigh(Gmat) 

304 zero_eigvals = len(np.flatnonzero(np.abs(self.Gmat_eigvals) < 

305 self.parameters['zero_thresh'])) 

306 if zero_eigvals != self.zero_eigvals: 

307 raise CalculationFailed('Suspected coordinate failure: ' 

308 f'G-matrix has got {zero_eigvals} ' 

309 'zero eigenvalues, but had ' 

310 f'{self.zero_eigvals} during setup') 


312 @property 

313 def hessian_x(self): 

314 return self._hessian_x 


316 @property 

317 def hessian_q(self): 

318 return self._hessian_q 



321class SpringCalculator(Calculator): 

322 """ 

323 Spring calculator corresponding to independent oscillators with a fixed 

324 spring constant. 



327 Energy for an atom is given as 


329 E = k / 2 * (r - r_0)**2 


331 where k is the spring constant and, r_0 the ideal positions. 



334 Parameters 

335 ---------- 

336 ideal_positions : array 

337 array of the ideal crystal positions 

338 k : float 

339 spring constant in eV/Angstrom 

340 """ 

341 implemented_properties = ['forces', 'energy', 'free_energy'] 


343 def __init__(self, ideal_positions, k): 

344 Calculator.__init__(self) 

345 self.ideal_positions = ideal_positions.copy() 

346 self.k = k 


348 def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=['energy'], 

349 system_changes=all_changes): 

350 Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) 

351 energy, forces = self.compute_energy_and_forces(atoms) 

352 self.results['energy'], self.results['forces'] = energy, forces 


354 def compute_energy_and_forces(self, atoms): 

355 disps = atoms.positions - self.ideal_positions 

356 forces = - self.k * disps 

357 energy = sum(self.k / 2.0 * norm(disps, axis=1)**2) 

358 return energy, forces 


360 def get_free_energy(self, T, method='classical'): 

361 """Get analytic vibrational free energy for the spring system. 


363 Parameters 

364 ---------- 

365 T : float 

366 temperature (K) 

367 method : str 

368 method for free energy computation; 'classical' or 'QM'. 

369 """ 

370 F = 0.0 

371 masses, counts = np.unique(self.atoms.get_masses(), return_counts=True) 

372 for m, c in zip(masses, counts): 

373 F += c * \ 

374 SpringCalculator.compute_Einstein_solid_free_energy( 

375 self.k, m, T, method) 

376 return F 


378 @staticmethod 

379 def compute_Einstein_solid_free_energy(k, m, T, method='classical'): 

380 """ Get free energy (per atom) for an Einstein crystal. 


382 Free energy of a Einstein solid given by classical (1) or QM (2) 

383 1. F_E = 3NkbT log( hw/kbT ) 

384 2. F_E = 3NkbT log( 1-exp(hw/kbT) ) + zeropoint 


386 Parameters 

387 ----------- 

388 k : float 

389 spring constant (eV/A^2) 

390 m : float 

391 mass (grams/mole or AMU) 

392 T : float 

393 temperature (K) 

394 method : str 

395 method for free energy computation, classical or QM. 


397 Returns 

398 -------- 

399 float 

400 free energy of the Einstein crystal (eV/atom) 

401 """ 

402 assert method in ['classical', 'QM'] 


404 hbar = units._hbar * units.J # eV/s 

405 m = m / # mass kg 

406 k = k * units.m**2 / units.J # spring constant J/m2 

407 omega = np.sqrt(k / m) # angular frequency 1/s 


409 if method == 'classical': 

410 F_einstein = 3 * units.kB * T * \ 

411 np.log(hbar * omega / (units.kB * T)) 

412 elif method == 'QM': 

413 log_factor = np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-hbar * omega / (units.kB * T))) 

414 F_einstein = 3 * units.kB * T * log_factor + 1.5 * hbar * omega 


416 return F_einstein